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Notifying your employer(s) about taking leave
If you know you will be applying for Paid Family and Medical Leave, you must provide written notice to
your employer(s) at least 30 days in advance. If the reason you need leave was not foreseeable, notify your
employer(s) as soon as possible. You do not have to provide details about why you are taking Paid Family
and Medical Leave.
Examples that count as written notice:
Letter (typed or handwritten)
Text message
When you apply for benefits, Paid Family and Medical Leave will send a notice to your employer(s) that
lists the type of leave you’re applying for (medical or family), the dates you expect to be on leave and the
date you gave your employer(s) notice of your plan to take leave.
The Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefit Guide provides information on how to apply for benefits
and submit weekly claims. It also explains your rights and responsibilities under the law. Download the
guide at
What to include in your notice to your employer(s)
Date of notice
Type of leave you will be taking: family leave, medical leave or a combination of both.
Your anticipated start and end date of your leave or the expected duration of leave, if available.
Please keep a copy for your records.
Sample notice to your employer(s):
This is to notify you that I plan to take __(TYPE OF LEAVE: MEDICAL LEAVE/ FAMILY LEAVE/
COMBINATION OF BOTH)__ starting ____(DATE)____.
I expect to be gone for __ (NUMBER OF DAYS/WEEKS)__ and hope to return _____(DATE)_______.
[Add additional details (such as the days you will be out, etc.)]