Special Publication 800-113
Guide to SSL VPNs
Recommendations of the National Institute
of Standards and Technology
Sheila Frankel
Paul Hoffman
Angela Orebaugh
Richard Park
Guide to SSL VPNs
Recommendations of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology
Sheila Frankel
Paul Hoffman
Angela Orebaugh
Richard Park
NIST Special Publication 800-113
Computer Security Division
Information Technology Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930
July 2008
U.S. Department of Commerce
Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology
James M. Turner, Deputy Director
Reports on Computer Systems Technology
The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) promotes the U.S. economy and public welfare by providing technical leadership for the nation’s
measurement and standards infrastructure. ITL develops tests, test methods, reference data, proof of
concept implementations, and technical analysis to advance the development and productive use of
information technology. ITL’s responsibilities include the development of technical, physical,
administrative, and management standards and guidelines for the cost-effective security and privacy of
sensitive unclassified information in Federal computer systems. This Special Publication 800-series
reports on ITL’s research, guidance, and outreach efforts in computer security and its collaborative
activities with industry, government, and academic organizations.
Certain commercial entities, equipment, or materials may be identified in this
document in order to describe an experimental procedure or concept adequately.
Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor is it intended to imply that the
entities, materials, or equipment are necessarily the best available for the purpose.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-113
Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Spec. Publ. 800-113, 87 pages (July 2008)
The authors, Sheila Frankel of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Paul Hoffman
of the Virtual Private Network Consortium (VPNC), and Angela Orebaugh and Richard Park of Booz
Allen Hamilton, wish to thank their colleagues who reviewed drafts of this document and contributed to
its technical content, especially Elaine Barker, Jim St. Pierre and Tim Polk of NIST. The authors would
like to acknowledge Tim Grance and Karen Scarfone of NIST for their keen and insightful assistance
throughout the development of the document. The authors particularly want to thank Guy Snyder, Darren
Hartman and Thang Phan of ICSA Labs for their careful review and valuable contributions to improving
the quality of this publication. The authors would also like to express their thanks to Mike Hillhouse of
Juniper Networks and Mahesh Jethanandani of Cisco for their worthwhile comments and suggestions.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary..............................................................................................................ES-1
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Authority...................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Purpose and Scope .................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Audience..................................................................................................................1-1
1.4 Document Structure.................................................................................................1-1
2. Network and Transport Layer Security..........................................................................2-1
2.1 The Need for Network and Transport Layer Security...............................................2-1
2.2 Virtual Private Networking (VPN).............................................................................2-4
2.2.1 SSL Portal VPNs ..........................................................................................2-5
2.2.2 SSL Tunnel VPNs.........................................................................................2-5
2.2.3 Administering SSL VPNs..............................................................................2-5
2.3 Summary..................................................................................................................2-6
3. SSL VPN Fundamentals ..................................................................................................3-1
3.1 SSL VPN Architecture..............................................................................................3-1
3.2 SSL VPN Functions .................................................................................................3-2
3.3 SSL VPN Features and Security Services...............................................................3-3
3.3.1 Manageability ...............................................................................................3-4
3.3.2 High Availability and Scalability....................................................................3-4
3.3.3 Portal Customization ....................................................................................3-5
3.3.4 Authentication...............................................................................................3-5
3.3.5 Encryption and Integrity Protection...............................................................3-6
3.3.6 Access Control .............................................................................................3-6
3.3.7 Endpoint Security Controls...........................................................................3-8
3.3.8 Intrusion Prevention......................................................................................3-9
3.4 SSL Protocol Basics ................................................................................................3-9
3.4.1 Versions of SSL and TLS .............................................................................3-9
3.4.2 Cryptography Used in SSL Sessions .........................................................3-10
3.4.3 Authentication Used for Identifying SSL Servers........................................3-10
3.5 SSL VPN Challenges.............................................................................................3-11
3.6 Summary................................................................................................................3-12
4. SSL VPN Planning and Implementation.........................................................................4-1
4.1 Identify Requirements..............................................................................................4-1
4.2 SSL VPNs and FIPS 140-2 Approval.......................................................................4-2
4.2.1 Versions of SSL............................................................................................4-3
4.2.2 Key Establishment Used by SSL..................................................................4-3
4.2.3 Hash Functions Used by SSL.......................................................................4-4
4.2.4 SSL Encryption.............................................................................................4-4
4.2.5 Certificates Used During SSL Negotiations..................................................4-4
4.3 Design the Solution..................................................................................................4-5
4.3.1 Design the Access Control Policy.................................................................4-6
4.3.2 Design the Endpoint Security Policy.............................................................4-9
4.3.3 Select the Authentication Methods.............................................................4-11
4.3.4 Design the Architecture ..............................................................................4-12
4.3.5 Cryptography Policy and FIPS Compliance ...............................................4-23
4.3.6 Other Design Decisions..............................................................................4-23
4.3.7 Summary of Design Decisions ...................................................................4-24
4.4 Implement and Test Prototype...............................................................................4-25
4.4.1 Application and Client Interoperability ........................................................4-27
4.5 Deploy the Solution................................................................................................4-28
4.6 Manage the Solution..............................................................................................4-29
4.7 Summary................................................................................................................4-30
5. SSL VPN Recommended Practices................................................................................5-1
6. Alternatives to SSL VPNs................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Data Link Layer VPN Protocols ...............................................................................6-1
6.2 Network Layer VPN Protocols .................................................................................6-2
6.3 Application Layer “VPNs”.........................................................................................6-3
6.4 Summary..................................................................................................................6-3
7. Case Study........................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Identifying Needs and Evaluating Options...............................................................7-1
7.2 Designing the Solution.............................................................................................7-2
7.2.1 Access Control Policy...................................................................................7-2
7.2.2 Endpoint Security Policy...............................................................................7-3
7.2.3 Authentication Scheme.................................................................................7-4
7.2.4 Architecture Design ......................................................................................7-4
7.2.5 Selection of Hardware Configuration............................................................7-4
7.2.6 Device Placement and Firewall Configuration..............................................7-5
7.2.7 Routing Policy...............................................................................................7-5
7.2.8 High Availability ............................................................................................7-5
7.2.9 Management.................................................................................................7-5
7.2.10 Client Software Selection .............................................................................7-6
7.2.11 Portal Design................................................................................................7-6
7.2.12 Encryption Scheme ......................................................................................7-6
7.3 Implementing a Prototype........................................................................................7-6
7.3.1 Example configuration steps ........................................................................7-6
7.4 Deploying and Managing the Solution .....................................................................7-8
7.5 Summary..................................................................................................................7-8
List of Appendices
Appendix A— Glossary..........................................................................................................A-1
Appendix B— Acronyms........................................................................................................B-1
List of Figures
Figure 2-1. TCP/IP Layers .........................................................................................................2-1
Figure 3-1. SSL VPN Architecture .............................................................................................3-2
Figure 4-1. Firewall with SSL VPN Functionality .....................................................................4-14
Figure 4-2. SSL VPN Device in Internal Network ....................................................................4-15
Figure 4-3. SSL VPN Device in DMZ Network.........................................................................4-16
Figure 4-4. SSL VPN Device with Two Interfaces ...................................................................4-17
Figure 4-5. Routing Problem with SSL VPN Traffic .................................................................4-20
Figure 4-6. Example Portal Interface .......................................................................................4-23
List of Tables
Table 3-1. Access Control Examples.........................................................................................3-7
Table 3-2. Access Control Examples with Endpoint Security Controls......................................3-8
Table 4-1. Sample Access Control Policy..................................................................................4-9
Table 4-2. Sample Authentication Methods Table...................................................................4-12
Table 4-3. Design Decisions Checklist ....................................................................................4-24
Table 5-1. SSL VPN Life Cycle Phase Recommendations........................................................5-1
Table 6-1. Comparison of SSL and Alternatives........................................................................6-4
Table 6-2. IP Protocols and TCP/UDP Port Numbers for VPN Protocols..................................6-5
Table 7-1. Organization’s Access Control Policy.......................................................................7-3
Table 7-2. Organization’s Authentication Methods ....................................................................7-4
Executive Summary
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) virtual private networks (VPN) provide secure remote access to an
organization’s resources. A VPN is a virtual network, built on top of existing physical networks, that can
provide a secure communications mechanism for data and other information transmitted between two
endpoints. Because a VPN can be used over existing networks such as the Internet, it can facilitate the
secure transfer of sensitive data across public networks. An SSL VPN consists of one or more VPN
devices to which users connect using their Web browsers. The traffic between the Web browser and the
SSL VPN device is encrypted with the SSL protocol or its successor, the Transport Layer Security (TLS)
protocol. This type of VPN may be referred to as either an SSL VPN or a TLS VPN. This guide uses the
term SSL VPN. SSL VPNs provide remote users with access to Web applications and client/server
applications, and connectivity to internal networks. Despite the popularity of SSL VPNs, they are not
intended to replace Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) VPNs.
The two VPN technologies are
complementary and address separate network architectures and business needs. SSL VPNs offer
versatility and ease of use because they use the SSL protocol, which is included with all standard Web
browsers, so the client usually does not require configuration by the user. SSL VPNs offer granular
control for a range of users on a variety of computers, accessing resources from many locations. There
are two primary types of SSL VPNs:
SSL Portal VPNs. This type of SSL VPN allows a user to use a single standard SSL connection to a
Web site to securely access multiple network services. The site accessed is typically called a portal
because it is a single page that leads to many other resources. The remote user accesses the SSL VPN
gateway using any modern Web browser, identifies himself or herself to the gateway using an
authentication method supported by the gateway, and is then presented with a Web page that acts as
the portal to the other services.
SSL Tunnel VPNs. This type of SSL VPN allows a user to use a typical Web browser to securely
access multiple network services, including applications and protocols that are not web-based,
through a tunnel that is running under SSL. SSL tunnel VPNs require that the Web browser be able
to handle active content, which allows them to provide functionality that is not accessible to SSL
portal VPNs. Examples of active content include Java, JavaScript, Active X, or Flash applications or
This publication discusses the fundamental technologies and features of SSL VPNs. It describes SSL and
how it fits within the context of layered network security. It presents a phased approach to SSL VPN
planning and implementation that can help in achieving successful SSL VPN deployments. It also
compares the SSL VPN technology with IPsec VPNs and other VPN solutions. This information is
particularly valuable for helping organizations to determine how best to deploy SSL VPNs within their
specific network environments.
Implementing the following recommendations should assist in facilitating more efficient and effective
SSL VPN use for Federal departments and agencies.
Federal agencies deploying SSL VPNs must configure them to only allow FIPS-compliant
cryptographic algorithms, cipher suites, and versions of SSL.
Some organizations, such as Federal agencies, have strict requirements for encryption and integrity
protection. SSL VPNs should support the required algorithms for symmetric encryption, key exchange,
and hash functions. For government agencies, traffic that requires protection must employ Federal
Detailed information on the IPsec components may be found in NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-77, Guide to IPsec
VPNs, available from
Information Processing Standard (FIPS)-compliant cryptographic algorithms and modules. Many of the
cryptographic algorithms used in some SSL cipher suites are not FIPS-approved, and therefore are not
allowed for use in SSL VPNs that are to be used in applications that must conform to FIPS 140-2. This
means that to be run in FIPS-compliant mode, an SSL VPN gateway must only allow cipher suites that
are allowed by FIPS 140-2.
Some of the cryptographic requirements, including allowable hash functions and certificate key lengths,
will change at the end of 2010. Therefore, Federal agencies who want to provide SSL VPN services after
2010 must ensure that their systems are upgradeable to the new FIPS-compliant cipher suites and key
lengths before the end of 2010, and that their SSL VPN vendors guarantee that such upgrades will be
available early enough for testing and deployment in the field.
Organizations planning SSL VPN deployments should identify and define requirements, and
evaluate several products to determine their fit into the organization.
SSL VPN products vary in functionality, including protocol and application support. They also vary in
breadth, depth, and completeness of features and security services. Some recommendations and
considerations include the following:
SSL VPN manageability features such as status reporting, logging, and auditing should provide
adequate capabilities for the organization to effectively operate and manage the SSL VPN and to
extract detailed usage information.
The SSL VPN high availability and scalability features should support the organization’s
requirements for failover, load balancing and throughput. State and information sharing is
recommended to keep the failover process transparent to the user.
SSL VPN portal customization should allow the organization to control the look and feel of the portal
and to customize the portal to support various devices such as personal digital assistants (PDA) and
smart phones.
SSL VPN authentication should provide the necessary support for the organization’s current and
future authentication methods and leverage existing authentication databases. SSL VPN
authentication should also be tested to ensure interoperability with existing authentication methods.
The strongest possible cryptographic algorithms and key lengths that are considered secure for current
practice should be used for encryption and integrity protection unless they are incompatible with
interoperability, performance and export constraints.
SSL VPNs should be evaluated to ensure they provide the level of granularity needed for access
controls. Access controls should be capable of applying permissions to users, groups, and resources,
as well as integrating with endpoint security controls.
Implementation of endpoint security controls is often the most diverse service amongst SSL VPN
products. Endpoint security should be evaluated to ensure it provides the necessary host integrity
checking and security protection mechanisms required for the organization.
Not all SSL VPNs have integrated intrusion prevention capabilities. Those that do should be
evaluated to ensure they do not introduce an unacceptable amount of latency into the network traffic.
Organizations should use a phased approach to SSL VPN planning and implementation.
A successful SSL VPN deployment can be achieved by following a clear, step-by-step planning and
implementation process. The use of a phased approach can minimize unforeseen issues and identify
potential pitfalls early in the process. The five phases of the recommended approach are as follows:
1. Identify Requirements. Identify the requirements for remote access and determine how they can
best be met.
2. Design the Solution. Make design decisions in five areas: access control, endpoint security,
authentication methods, architecture, and cryptography policy.
3. Implement and Test a Prototype. Test a prototype of the designed solution in a laboratory, test, or
production environment to identify any potential issues.
4. Deploy the Solution. Gradually deploy the SSL VPN solution throughout the enterprise, beginning
with a pilot program.
5. Manage the Solution. Maintain the SSL VPN components and resolve operational issues. Repeat
the planning and implementation process when significant changes need to be incorporated into the
Organizations should be familiar with the limitations of SSL VPN technology.
SSL VPNs, although a maturing technology, continue to face several challenges. These include
limitations on their ability to support a large number of applications and clients, the methods of
implementing network extension and endpoint security, the ability to provide clientless access, the use of
the SSL VPN from public locations, and product and technology education.
Organizations should implement other measures that support and complement SSL VPN
These measures help to ensure that the SSL VPN solution is implemented in an environment with the
technical, management, and operational controls necessary to provide sufficient security for the SSL VPN
implementation. Examples of supporting measures include:
Establishing and maintaining control over all entry and exit points for the protected network, which
helps to ensure its integrity
Incorporating SSL VPN considerations into organizational policies (e.g., identity management,
remote access)
Ensuring that all SSL VPN endpoints are secured and maintained properly to reduce the risk of SSL
VPN compromise or misuse.
Although SSL VPNs are flexible enough to meet many needs, there are certain cases when other types of
VPNs may provide a better solution. Network layer VPN protocols, primarily IPsec; data link layer VPN
protocols, such as Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), and
Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F); and application layer security protocols, including OpenPGP and Secure Shell
(SSH), are all effective alternatives to SSL VPNs for particular needs and environments.
1. Introduction
1.1 Authority
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) developed this document in furtherance of its
statutory responsibilities under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002,
Public Law 107-347.
NIST is responsible for developing standards and guidelines, including minimum requirements, for
providing adequate information security for all agency operations and assets; but such standards and
guidelines shall not apply to national security systems. This guideline is consistent with the requirements
of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, Section 8b(3), “Securing Agency
Information Systems,” as analyzed in A-130, Appendix IV: Analysis of Key Sections. Supplemental
information is provided in A-130, Appendix III.
This guideline has been prepared for use by Federal agencies. It may be used by nongovernmental
organizations on a voluntary basis and is not subject to copyright, though attribution is desired.
Nothing in this document should be taken to contradict standards and guidelines made mandatory and
binding on Federal agencies by the Secretary of Commerce under statutory authority, nor should these
guidelines be interpreted as altering or superseding the existing authorities of the Secretary of Commerce,
Director of the OMB, or any other Federal official.
1.2 Purpose and Scope
This publication seeks to assist organizations in understanding SSL VPN technologies and in designing,
implementing, configuring, securing, monitoring, and maintaining SSL VPN solutions. This document
provides a phased approach to SSL VPN planning and implementation that can help in achieving
successful SSL VPN deployments. It also provides a comparison with other similar technologies such as
IPsec VPNs and other VPN solutions.
1.3 Audience
The publication has been created for computer security staff and program managers; system, network, and
application administrators; and others who are considering the deployment of SSL VPNs. It is also useful
for organizations that already deploy IPsec VPNs and want to know how IPsec and SSL VPNs are
1.4 Document Structure
The remainder of this document is organized into the following six major sections:
Section 2 provides a general introduction to network and transport layer security.
Section 3 gives describes the fundamentals of SSL VPNs and their services and features.
Section 4 explores in depth each of the SSL VPN planning and implementation phases.
Section 5 provides a consolidated list of recommended practices for SSL VPN deployment in terms of
the system development life cycle approach.
Section 6 describes several VPN protocols that are used as alternatives to SSL VPNs in different
Section 7 presents an SSL VPN solution planning and implementation case study.
The document also contains appendices with supporting material. Appendices A and B contain a glossary
and an acronym list, respectively.
2. Network and Transport Layer Security
This section provides a general introduction to network and transport layer security. Network layer
security protects network communications at the layer that is responsible for routing packets across
networks. Transport layer security provides security at the layer responsible for end-to-end
communications. This section first introduces the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) model and its layers and then discusses the need to use security controls at each layer to protect
communications. It provides a brief introduction to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and its successor,
Transport Layer Security (TLS), primarily focused on the types of protection that SSL can provide for
communications. This section also provides a brief introduction to virtual private networking (VPN)
services and explains what types of protection a VPN can provide. It introduces three VPN architecture
models and discusses the features and common uses of each model. This document discusses only the
most common VPN scenarios and uses of SSL.
2.1 The Need for Network and Transport Layer Security
TCP/IP is widely used throughout the world to provide network communications. TCP/IP
communications are composed of four layers that work together. When a user wants to transfer data
across networks, the data is passed from the highest layer through intermediate layers to the lowest layer,
with each layer adding information. At each layer, the logical units are typically composed of a header
and a payload. The payload consists of the information passed down from the previous layer, while the
header contains layer-specific information such as addresses. At the application layer, the payload is the
actual application data. The lowest layer sends the accumulated data through the physical network; the
data is then passed up through the layers to its destination. Essentially, the data produced by a layer is
encapsulated in a larger container by the layer below it. The four TCP/IP layers, from highest to lowest,
are shown in Figure 2-1.
Application Layer. This layer sends and receives data for particular
applications, such as Domain Name System (DNS), HyperText Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
Transport Layer. This layer provides connection-oriented or connectionless
services for transporting application layer services between networks. The
transport layer can optionally assure the reliability of communications.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are
commonly used transport layer protocols.
Network Layer. This layer routes packets across networks. Internet Protocol
(IP) is the fundamental network layer protocol for TCP/IP. Other commonly
used protocols at the network layer are Internet Control Message Protocol
(ICMP) and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP).
Data Link Layer. This layer handles communications on the physical network
components. The best-known data link layer protocol is Ethernet.
Figure 2-1. TCP/IP Layers
Security controls exist for network communications at each layer of the TCP/IP model. As previously
explained, data is passed from the highest to the lowest layer, with each layer adding more information.
Because of this, a security control at a higher layer cannot provide protection for lower layers, because the
lower layers perform functions of which the higher layers are not aware. Security controls that are
available at each layer include:
Application Layer. Separate controls must be established for each application. For example, if an
application needs to protect sensitive data sent across networks, the application may need to be
modified to provide this protection. While this provides a very high degree of control and flexibility
over the application’s security, it may require a large resource investment to add and configure
controls properly for each application. Designing a cryptographically sound application protocol is
very difficult, and implementing it properly is even more challenging, so creating new application
layer security controls is likely to create vulnerabilities. Also, some applications, particularly off-the-
shelf software, may not be capable of providing such protection. While application layer controls can
protect application data, they cannot protect TCP/IP information such as IP addresses because this
information exists at a lower layer. Whenever possible, application layer controls for protecting
network communications should be standards-based solutions that have been in use for some time.
One example is Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), which is commonly used
to encrypt email messages.
Transport Layer. Controls at this layer can be used to protect the data in a single communication
session between two hosts. Because IP information is added at the network layer, transport layer
controls cannot protect it. The most common use for transport layer protocols is securing HTTP
traffic; the Transport Layer Security (TLS)
protocol is usually used for this. The use of TLS
typically requires each application to support TLS; however, unlike application layer controls, which
typically involve extensive customization of the application, transport layer controls such as TLS are
much less intrusive because they do not need to understand the application’s functions or
characteristics. Although using TLS may require modifying some applications, TLS is a well-tested
protocol that has several implementations that have been added to many applications, so it is a
relatively low-risk option compared to adding protection at the application layer. Traditionally TLS
has been used to protect HTTP-based communications and can be used with SSL portal VPNs.
Network Layer. Controls at this layer can be applied to all applications; thus, they are not
application-specific. For example, all network communications between two hosts or networks can
be protected at this layer without modifying any applications on the clients or the servers. In some
environments, network layer controls such as Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) provide a much better
solution than transport or application layer controls because of the difficulties in adding controls to
individual applications. Network layer controls also provide a way for network administrators to
enforce certain security policies. Another advantage of network layer controls is that since IP
information (e.g., IP addresses) is added at this layer, the controls can protect both the data within the
packets and the IP information for each packet. However, network layer controls provide less control
and flexibility for protecting specific applications than transport and application layer controls. SSL
tunnel VPNs provide the ability to secure both TCP and UDP communications including client/server
and other network traffic, and therefore act as network layer VPNs.
Data Link Layer. Data link layer controls are applied to all communications on a specific physical
link, such as a dedicated circuit between two buildings or a dial-up modem connection to an Internet
Service Provider (ISP). Data link layer controls for dedicated circuits are most often provided by
specialized hardware devices known as data link encryptors; data link layer controls for other types of
connections, such as dial-up modem communications, are usually provided through software.
Because the data link layer is below the network layer, controls at this layer can protect both data and
IP information. Compared to controls at the other layers, data link layer controls are relatively
simple, which makes them easier to implement; also, they support other network layer protocols
besides IP. Because data link layer controls are specific to a particular physical link, they cannot
Several Request for Comment (RFC) documents from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) define S/MIME, as well
as standards for using it to protect email messages. One example is RFC 3852, Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS),
available at
TLS is the standards-based version of SSL version 3. More information on TLS is available in RFC 4346, The TLS Protocol
Version 1.1, available at
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4346.txt. Another good source of information is NIST SP 800-52,
Guidelines on the Selection and Use of Transport Layer Security, available from
protect connections with multiple links, such as establishing a VPN over the Internet. An Internet-
based connection is typically composed of several physical links chained together; protecting such a
connection with data link layer controls would require deploying a separate control to each link,
which is not feasible. Data link layer protocols have been used for many years primarily to provide
additional protection for specific physical links that should not be trusted.
Because they can provide protection for many applications at once without modifying them, network
layer security controls have been used frequently for securing communications, particularly over shared
networks such as the Internet. Network layer security controls provide a single solution for protecting
data from all applications, as well as protecting IP information. Nevertheless, in many cases, controls at
another layer are better suited to providing protection than network layer controls. For example, if only
one or two applications need protection, a network layer control may be excessive. Transport layer
protocols such as SSL are most commonly used to provide security for communications with individual
HTTP-based applications, although they are also used to provide protection for communication sessions
of other types of applications such as SMTP, Point of Presence (POP), Internet Message Access Protocol
(IMAP), and File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Because all major Web browsers include support for TLS,
users who wish to use Web-based applications that are protected by TLS normally do not need to install
any client software or reconfigure their systems. Newer applications of transport layer security protocols
protect both HTTP and non-HTTP application communications, including client/server applications and
other network traffic. Controls at each layer offer advantages and features that controls at other layers do
not. Section 3 contains detailed information on transport layer security controls. Information on data
link, network, and application layer alternatives to transport layer controls is provided in Section 6.
has emerged as the most commonly used network layer security control for protecting
communications, while SSL is the most commonly used transport layer security control. Depending on
how IPsec and SSL are implemented and configured, both can provide any combination of the following
types of protection:
Confidentiality. IPsec and SSL can ensure that data cannot be read by unauthorized parties. This is
accomplished by encrypting data using a cryptographic algorithm and a secret key—a value known
only to the two parties exchanging data. The data can only be decrypted by someone who has the
secret key.
Integrity. IPsec and SSL can determine if data has been changed (intentionally or unintentionally)
during transit. The integrity of data can be assured by generating a message authentication code
(MAC) value, which is a keyed cryptographic checksum of the data. If the data is altered and the
MAC is recalculated, the old and new MACs will differ.
Peer Authentication. Each IPsec endpoint confirms the identity of the other IPsec endpoint with
which it wishes to communicate, ensuring that the network traffic and data is being sent from the
expected host. SSL authentication is typically performed one-way, authenticating the server to the
client; however, SSL VPNs require authentication for both endpoints.
Replay Protection. The same data is not delivered multiple times, and data is not delivered grossly
out of order.
Traffic Analysis Protection. A person monitoring network traffic cannot determine the contents of
the network traffic or how much data is being exchanged. IPsec can also conceal which parties are
communicating, whereas SSL leaves this information exposed. Frequency of communication may
The IPsec protocols were developed within the IPsec Working Group of the IETF.
also be protected depending on implementation. Nevertheless, the number of packets being
exchanged can be counted.
Access Control. IPsec and SSL endpoints can perform filtering to ensure that only authorized users
can access particular network resources. IPsec and SSL endpoints can also allow or block certain
types of network traffic, such as allowing Web server access but denying file sharing.
2.2 Virtual Private Networking (VPN)
A VPN is a virtual network, built on top of existing physical networks, that can provide a secure
communications mechanism for data and other information transmitted between networks. Because a
VPN can be used over existing networks, such as the Internet, it can facilitate the secure transfer of
sensitive data across public networks. This is often less expensive than alternatives such as dedicated
private telecommunications lines between organizations or branch offices. VPNs can also provide
flexible solutions, such as securing communications between remote telecommuters and the
organization’s servers, regardless of where the telecommuters are located. A VPN can even be
established within a single network to protect particularly sensitive communications from other parties on
the same network.
It is important to understand that VPNs do not remove all risk from networking. While VPNs can greatly
reduce risk, particularly for communications that occur over public networks, they cannot eliminate all
risk for such communications. One potential problem is the strength of the implementation. For
example, flaws in an encryption algorithm or the software implementing the algorithm could allow
attackers to decrypt intercepted traffic; random number generators that do not produce sufficiently
random values could provide additional attack possibilities. Another issue is encryption key disclosure;
an attacker who discovers a key could not only decrypt traffic but potentially also pose as a legitimate
user. Another area of risk involves availability. A common model for information assurance is based on
the concepts of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Although VPNs are designed to support
confidentiality and integrity, they generally do not improve availability, the ability for authorized users to
access systems as needed. In fact, many VPN implementations actually tend to decrease availability
somewhat, because they add more components and services to the existing network infrastructure. This is
highly dependent upon the chosen VPN architecture model and the details of the implementation.
The following sections describe the two primary types of SSL VPNs: SSL portal VPNs and SSL tunnel
VPNs. (There is a third type, SSL gateway-to-gateway VPNs, that is available in some implementations.
These are rarely used because they have very similar features to IPsec VPNs but less flexibility; they are
therefore not discussed in this document.) Both types of SSL VPNs are typically used to provide remote
users access to multiple services controlled and administered by the SSL VPN gateway.
SSL VPN gateways are sometimes single-purpose hardware systems that contain the software needed to
perform the SSL VPN tasks. In other cases, firewall and router hardware systems contain SSL VPN
capabilities and thus become SSL VPN gateways when those capabilities are turned on in the system’s
administrative interface.
It should be noted that, although there are standards for the TLS protocol, there are currently no standards
for any type of SSL VPN.
For example, SSL VPN features such as access control and endpoint security
have not been standardized. Thus, the descriptions here are based on common implementations of SSL
VPNs at the time this document was being prepared.
The TLS protocol standards are described in RFC 4346, The TLS Protocol Version 1.1, available at
SSL Portal VPNs
An SSL portal VPN allows a user to use a single standard SSL connection to a Web site to securely
access multiple network services. The site accessed is typically called a portal because it has a single
page that leads to many other resources. SSL portal VPNs act as transport-layer VPNs that work over a
single network port, namely the TCP port for SSL-protected HTTP (443).
The remote user accesses the SSL VPN gateway using any modern Web browser, identifies himself or
herself to the gateway using an authentication method supported by the gateway, and then is presented
with a Web page that acts as the portal to the other services. These other services might be links to other
Web servers, shared file directories, Web-based email systems, applications that run on protected servers,
and any other services that can be channeled through a Web page.
To the user, an SSL portal VPN is a Web site with more options of services available after the user has
authenticated. To access an SSL portal VPN, the user enters the portal’s URL in a Web browser just as
the user would enter the URL for any other Web page. These URLs typically use the https: scheme to
start SSL immediately, but many SSL VPNs allow users to first enter an http: URL that then redirects to a
secure SSL port.
SSL portal VPNs work with essentially any modern Web browser. Specifically, they work with browsers
whether or not the browsers allow (or support) active content. Thus, SSL portal VPNs are accessible to
more users than SSL tunnel VPNs.
SSL Tunnel VPNs
An SSL tunnel VPN allows a user to use a typical Web browser to securely access multiple network
services through a tunnel that is running under SSL. SSL tunnel VPNs require that the Web browser be
able to handle specific types of active content (e.g., Java, JavaScript, Flash, or ActiveX) and that the user
be able to run them. (Most browsers that handle such applications and plug-ins also allow the user or
administrator to block them from being executed.)
The “tunnel” in an SSL tunnel VPN is both similar and quite different from the tunnels seen in typical
IPsec VPNs. The two types of tunnels are similar in that almost all IP traffic is fully protected by the
tunnel, giving the user full access to services on the network protected by the VPN gateway. The tunnels
are quite different in that SSL/VPN tunnels are usually created in SSL using a non-standard tunneling
method, while IPsec tunnels are created with methods described in the IPsec standard.
The tunneling in an SSL tunnel VPN allows a wide variety of protocols and applications to be run
through it. For example, essentially any protocol that runs over TCP or UDP can be tunneled through
such a gateway, making the remote user’s experience of the protected network very similar to being
directly on the network. To the user, an SSL tunnel VPN may appear quite different from a typical Web
site because the tunneling plug-in or application needs to be loaded into the user’s browser before the user
can access the VPN. This might involve warning messages about the software being loaded, and it could
also prevent users from entering the VPN if their Web browsers are instructed not to allow such programs
to run. Because of the active content requirement, SSL tunnel VPNs may be accessible to fewer users
than SSL portal VPNs.
Administering SSL VPNs
The administration of both SSL portal VPNs and SSL tunnel VPNs is similar. The gateway administrator
needs to specify local policy in at least two broad areas:
Access. All SSL VPNs allow the administrator to specify which users have access to the VPN
services. User authentication might be done with a simple password through a Web form, or through
more sophisticated authentication mechanisms.
Capabilities. The administrator can specify the services to which each authorized user has access.
For example, some users might have access to only certain Web pages, while others might have
access to those Web pages plus other services.
Different SSL VPNs have very different administrative interfaces and very different capabilities for
allowing access and specifying allowed actions for users. For example, many but not all SSL VPNs allow
validation of users through the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server (RADIUS) protocol. As
another example, some SSL VPNs allow the administrator to create groups of users who have the same
access methods and capabilities; this makes adding new users to the system easier than gateways that
require the administrator to specify both of these for each new user.
2.3 Summary
Section 2 describes the TCP/IP model and its layers—application, transport, network, and data link—and
explained how security controls at each layer provide different types of protection for TCP/IP
communications. SSL, a transport layer security control, can provide several types of protection for data,
depending on its configuration. The section describes SSL VPNs and highlights the two primary SSL
VPN architecture models (SSL portal VPNs and SSL tunnel VPNs). The following summarizes the key
points from Section 2:
TCP/IP is widely used throughout the world to provide network communications. The TCP/IP model
is composed of the following four layers, each having its own security controls that provide different
types of protection:
Application layer, which sends and receives data for particular applications. Separate
controls must be established for each application; this provides a very high degree of control
and flexibility over each application’s security, but it may be very resource-intensive.
However, inventing new application layer security controls can create vulnerabilities.
Another potential issue is that some applications may not be capable of providing such
protection or of being modified to do so.
Transport layer, which provides connection-oriented or connectionless services for
transporting application layer services across networks. Controls at this layer can protect the
data in a single communications session between two hosts. The most frequently used
transport layer control is SSL, which most often secures HTTP traffic but is also used to
implement VPNs. To be used, transport layer controls must be supported by both the clients
and servers. SSL portal VPNs operate at the transport layer.
Network layer, which routes packets across networks. Controls at this layer apply to all
applications and are not application-specific, so applications do not have to be modified to
use the controls. However, network layer controls provide less control and flexibility for
protecting specific applications than transport and application layer controls. Network layer
controls can protect both the data within packets and the IP information for each packet.
IPsec VPNs operate at the network layer; since they can secure both TCP and UDP traffic,
SSL tunnel VPNs operate as network layer VPNs.
Data link layer, which handles communications on the physical network components. Data
link layer controls are suitable for protecting a specific physical link, such as a dedicated
circuit between two buildings or a dial-up modem connection to an ISP. Because each
physical link must be secured separately, data link layer controls generally are not feasible for
protecting connections that involve several links, such as connections across the Internet.
IPsec is a framework of open standards for ensuring private communications over IP networks which
has become the most commonly used network layer security control. SSL is an open standards track
protocol that provides secure communications at the transport layer. Both protocols can provide
several types of protection, including maintaining confidentiality and integrity, authenticating the
origin of data, preventing packet replay and traffic analysis, and providing access protection.
A VPN is a virtual network built on top of existing networks that can provide a secure
communications mechanism for data and IP information transmitted between networks.
Although VPNs can reduce the risks of networking, they cannot eliminate it. For example, a VPN
implementation may have flaws in algorithms or software that attackers can exploit. Also, VPN
implementations often have at least a slight negative impact on availability, because they add
components and services to existing network infrastructures.
There are two primary models for SSL VPN architectures:
SSL portal VPN. These VPNs allow remote users with almost any Web browser to connect
to a VPN gateway and access services from a Web site provided on the gateway. SSL portal
VPNs are more accessible to a wider range of users than SSL tunnel VPNs because they can
be run on more Web browsers, particularly those whose security policies prevent running of
active content that is downloaded from the Internet.
SSL tunnel VPN. These VPNs allow remote users with Web browsers that allow active
content to access the network protected by a VPN gateway. SSL tunnel VPNs have many
more capabilities than SSL portal VPNs because more services can be provided more easily.
3. SSL VPN Fundamentals
SSL VPNs provide secure remote access to an organization’s resources. An SSL VPN consists of one or
more VPN devices that users connect to using their Web browsers. The traffic between the Web browser
and SSL VPN device is encrypted with the SSL protocol. SSL VPNs provide remote users with access to
Web applications and client/server applications, and with connectivity to internal networks. They offer
versatility and ease of use because they use the SSL protocol that is included with all standard Web
browsers, so the client usually does not require configuration by the user.
This section of the document discusses SSL VPNs and their services and features. Section 3.1 provides
an overview of the high-level SSL VPN architecture. Section 3.2 highlights the major functions of an
SSL VPN. Section 3.3 describes the various features and services provided by SSL VPNs and the
security controls used to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Section 3.4 briefly
covers the technical details of the SSL and TLS protocols. Section 3.5 addresses the challenges involved
with SSL VPNs.
3.1 SSL VPN Architecture
Figure 3-1 provides a high level view of a typical SSL VPN architecture. That architecture is the same
for both SSL portal VPNs and SSL tunnel VPNs.
Typical SSL VPN users include people in remote offices, mobile users, business partners, and customers.
Hardware clients include various types of devices, such as public kiosks, home personal computers (PC),
PDAs, or smart phones, which may or may not be controlled or managed by the organization. The SSL
VPN may also be accessed from any location including an airport, a coffee shop, or a hotel room, as long
as the location has connectivity to the Internet and the user has a Web client that is capable of using the
particular SSL VPN. All traffic is encrypted as it traverses public networks such as the Internet. The SSL
VPN gateway is the endpoint for the secure connection and provides various services and features (most
SSL VPN products are standalone hardware appliances, although there are some software-based solutions
that are installed on user-supplied servers).
Figure 3-1. SSL VPN Architecture
3.2 SSL VPN Functions
Providing secure remote access to a wide variety of users and devices at many locations calls for a diverse
set of SSL VPN services and features. Most SSL VPNs have one or more of the following three core
Proxying. A proxy is an intermediary device or program that provides communication and other
services between a client and server. It has the ability to represent itself as the server to the client,
and vice versa. A proxy may service requests internally or translate the information and pass it on to
other servers. Proxying is a core function of an SSL portal VPN. The simplest form of an SSL portal
VPN involves secure proxying of Web pages. The SSL portal VPN acts as a gateway by mediating
the traffic between the user and the application. It receives the request from the user, connects to the
Web server, downloads the information, and sends the information back to the user over the SSL
connection. The proxy performs encryption or decryption and content inspection on each packet,
which causes slightly slower performance.
Application Translation. Application translation converts information from one protocol to
another. It is often used to convert a legacy or proprietary protocol into a more widely used or
standard protocol. It is also used to facilitate system integration and communication between
applications and devices. Application translation uses proxying to interact with both sides of the
connection with the appropriate protocol. SSL portal VPNs use application translation for
applications that are not Web-enabled. This allows users to use a Web browser to access applications
that do not have their own Web interfaces. For example, to provide file server access, an SSL portal
VPN would communicate with a file server using the appropriate protocol, such as the Common
Internet File System (CIFS) or the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and translate the information into a
Web-based format so that users can view the information with a Web browser. Application
translation requires a translator engine for each protocol that is supported.
Network Extension. Network extension is a method of providing partial or complete network access
to remote users. Users can connect to the network and access internal resources as if they were
physically located on the internal local area network (LAN). This eliminates the need for creating
Web-specific portals for all applications that require remote access. An SSL tunnel VPN network
extension provides a secure connection from the user’s system to an organization’s network. This
host-to-gateway tunnel can handle arbitrary traffic, much like a host-to-gateway IPsec VPN can. SSL
tunnel VPN devices can support full or split tunneling. Full tunneling causes all network traffic to go
through the tunnel to the organization. Split tunneling routes organization-specific traffic through the
SSL VPN tunnel, but other traffic uses the remote user’s default gateway. Network extension
requires a client to be installed either as a plug-in in the user’s Web browser or as a program on the
user’s system, which in turn requires administrative access to the local system. The client is typically
an active content agent, so the system must have the ability to load the agent and the necessary
privileges to run it. This can cause challenges on public systems, where users might not have those
privileges, and on managed systems where security policy prevents such applets and controls. A
more limited form of network extension is sometimes called port forwarding.
The three core functions allow SSL VPNs to provide secure remote access to a variety of applications.
SSL VPN products vary in quality and effectiveness by the way they implement these three core
functions. For example, SSL VPN products may offer support for different protocols via proxy and
application translation; others might offer more or less control of the level of network access for network
extensions. When evaluating SSL VPN products, it is important to have identified the remote access
needs and applications served.
3.3 SSL VPN Features and Security Services
In addition to the three core functions, SSL VPNs include other features and security services. These
elements often vary in breadth, depth, and completeness, so side-by-side comparisons of SSL VPN
products often result in more differences than similarities. Therefore, it is important to identify and define
requirements, and evaluate several products. Common SSL VPN features include the following:
Manageability. Manageability includes device management, status reporting, logging, and auditing.
High availability. High availability is a failover feature to ensure availability during device or
component interruptions.
Scalability. Scalability is the ability to support more users, concurrent sessions, and throughput than
a single SSL VPN device can typically handle. Scalability is often integrated with high availability
by balancing the VPN load amongst multiple SSL VPN devices.
Customization. Customization is the ability to control the appearance of the SSL VPN Web pages
that the users see when they first access the VPN. Besides layout and color preferences, customized
portals are often necessary to support PDAs and smart phones over the SSL VPN.
Common SSL VPN security services include the following:
Authentication. Authentication is the process a VPN uses to limit access to protected services by
forcing users to identify themselves. This feature includes the ability to support strong authentication
and to integrate with current authentication mechanisms.
Encryption and integrity protection. Encryption protects the confidentiality of data as it traverses
the Internet, while integrity protection ensures that the data is not altered as it traverses the Internet.
Both are inherent in SSL.
Access control. Access control permits or restricts access to applications at a granular level, such as
per-user, per-group, and per-resource.
Endpoint security controls. Endpoint security controls validate the security compliance of the client
system that is attempting to use the SSL VPN. For example, host integrity checks may verify that
firewall, malware detection and antivirus software are enabled and running on the client system, and
the host is up-to-date on its patches. Endpoint security controls also include security protection
mechanisms, such as Web browser cache cleaners, that remove sensitive information from client
Intrusion prevention. Intrusion prevention involves inspecting the data after it has been decrypted
in the SSL VPN for potential attacks. It may also include anti-malware functionality to detect
viruses, worms, and other malicious payloads and block or change network access rights based on the
results of such checks.
Sections 3.3.1 through 3.3.8 provide details and examples of the various SSL VPN features and security
SSL VPNs offer a variety of manageability features such as status reporting, logging, and auditing. Status
reporting includes identifying connected users and reporting usage data in a graphical format. Logging
includes the ability to export logs, debug logging, and automate log rollover. Auditing includes auditing
application access, RADIUS-based accounting, and persistent storage of auditing information. Another
manageability feature is the ability to terminate sessions as needed.
A manageability feature that is often overlooked is documentation. It is beneficial to have documentation
for SSL VPN usage, configuration, and troubleshooting. Documentation may also include context-
sensitive help within the management interface.
Another manageability feature that is beneficial for SSL VPNs is partitioned or delegated management.
This allows different aspects of the SSL VPN device to be managed by different groups or individuals.
This feature can be beneficial for service providers, collocation facilities, and organizations with different
groups sharing the SSL VPN device. It is also quite useful for an SSL VPN to be able to be managed
remotely, such as by a system administrator who is not on-site. Remote management requires greater
security to prevent attackers from watching and possibly altering the management sessions; in SSL VPNs,
this security is normally provided by running all remote management sessions under SSL.
High Availability and Scalability
Two other important features for SSL VPNs are high availability and scalability. High availability
solutions use two or more SSL VPN devices configured in either active/passive or active/active mode. In
an active/passive solution, one device actively services connections, while the other device is waiting in
standby mode. The two devices continuously exchange “heartbeat” messages to communicate their status
with one another. If the standby device does not receive a heartbeat message from the active device for a
preconfigured time period, it will assume that the active device is no longer operating and take over
servicing connections. In an active/active solution, both devices are actively servicing connections at the
same time. If one device fails, the other device will service all connections if it has been properly sized to
do so. High availability allows the SSL VPN to survive the loss of a device or device component.
In either active/passive or active/active mode, one of the challenges of high availability is properly
propagating and sharing information between the devices. Another challenge is maintaining state
information about existing connections in the event of a failure. SSL VPN proxying and network
extension functionality each handle state information differently. Another consideration is transparency
of failover to the users. Depending on how state information is shared, the user may or may not need to
re-authenticate after a failure.
SSL VPNs support scalability with load-balancing features. Both high availability and load balancing
often use a virtual IP address that is shared across multiple SSL VPN devices. In an active/passive
architecture, the passive device has the ability to take over the virtual IP address and associated traffic if
the active device fails. In an active/active architecture, both devices service the virtual IP address. SSL
VPN devices configured as active/passive typically are not providing any scalability features, whereas
active/active configurations use either an integrated load balancer or an external load balancer to
distribute connections across multiple VPN devices. However, for the VPN to maintain functionality
when one of the devices fails, it is essential to ensure that the VPN traffic load does not exceed the
throughput capability of a single device.
3.3.4 Authentication
Portal Customization
Portal customization is a feature that allows an administrator to control the appearance of the SSL VPN
Web interface that the end users see and with which they interact. Note that both SSL portal VPNs and
SSL tunnel VPNs usually have portal pages: SSL tunnel VPNs often have portal pages for users to change
their settings, request help from a system administrator, and so on.
Some products lack portal customization features; nevertheless, finding the right files on the SSL VPN
device and editing them may allow customization of the look and feel of the portal. Other products have
built-in configuration settings to control the colors, icons, and layout of the portal. Some products only
provide system-wide customization, while others allow portal customization on a per-group basis.
Besides layout and color preferences, customized portals are often necessary to support PDAs and smart
phones over SSL VPNs. Some products allow portal customization per system type to accommodate the
limited functionality of PDAs and smart phones. Portal customization sometimes integrates with the
endpoint security controls and access control. If an end system does not pass all of the endpoint security
checks and access is restricted, the user may be presented with a limited portal.
Some advanced products also have the capability to allow users to control the layout and customization of
their own portals. This includes creating bookmarks, adding icons, and saving passwords.
SSL VPNs support the authentication security service either directly through an integrated authentication
method, or indirectly via an external authentication server, or both. Traditional SSL Web page
authentication relies on server-side authentication, so that users trust the server with which they are
communicating. SSL VPN authentication takes this a step further by requiring both server-side and
client-side authentication. SSL VPNs support flexible client authentication methods, such as username
and password, smart cards, two-factor authentication, and X.509 digital certificates. For the use of
methods involving tokens, the SSL VPN must be able to handle the various messages, such as PIN
change requests, that are involved in token solutions.
When digital certificates are used for client authentication, each endpoint has its own digital certificate
that contains a public key. An endpoint uses the corresponding private key to digitally sign data before
sending it to the other endpoint, which verifies the signature using the peer’s public key. The digital
signature algorithm choices are RSA and the Digital Signature Standard (DSS). In addition to
authentication with certificates, the SSL VPN should also support certificate revocation list (CRL)
checking. The SSL VPN should be able to generate certificate-signing requests for its own digital
certificates. Note that most SSL VPNs that allow digital certificates for client authentication do so using
proprietary mechanisms; this is because client digital certificate authentication often does not work well
in typical Web browsers, which provide a difficult user interface for users who have many client
certificates issued for different purposes.
In addition to the authentication methods already mentioned, SSL VPNs also support integration with
external authentication servers such as RADIUS, Active Directory, and Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP), allowing the VPNs to leverage existing authentication databases. SSL VPNs need
access to group information on the authentication servers since security and access control are often
expressed in terms of groups. Some SSL VPN products also use the information contained in
authentication servers to make additional access control decisions, such as restricting the number of bad
password attempts. Windows Active Directory (AD) is a common type of authentication server that can
be accessed directly or by using LDAP. Some SSL VPN products do not support direct AD
authentication. To access AD via LDAP, the administrator must have strong knowledge of the underlying
structure of the directory. In this case, it is easier and less time consuming to use an SSL VPN with the
capability to communicate directly with AD.
SSL VPN authentication methods may be applied on an individual or group basis. One class of users may
use a specific form of authentication and another class may use a different form of authentication. For
example, employees may authenticate via username and password, and business partners may
authenticate via digital certificates. Some SSL VPN products have the capability to combine various
forms of authentication methods, such as using a digital certificate in addition to a username and
password. Because integration with authentication servers is an area where SSL VPN products vary
greatly, potential products should be evaluated with an organization’s authentication servers to verify
Encryption and Integrity Protection
SSL VPNs use the underlying SSL protocol to protect the confidentiality of data using encryption and to
provide data integrity (ensuring that the data has not been modified). SSL VPN’s encryption and data
integrity come from SSL itself, not from any feature added by the SSL VPN product. SSL ensures the
encryption and data integrity between the user’s computer and the VPN gateway. Many SSL VPNs also
support using SSL between the gateway and Web hosts on the protected network for applications that
require encryption and integrity protection even within the protected network.
Access Control
SSL VPN products vary greatly in their access control features. Some products have an allow policy for
the entire system by default, which allows authenticated users complete unrestricted access to the
protected network. This may be adequate for a wide open network, but in most SSL VPN
implementations, the organization will be providing different services to different types of users and will
want controlled access. Granular access control supports one of the fundamental goals of SSL VPNs: to
provide access to a variety of groups and users such as mobile employees, branch offices, business
partners, and customers. Some SSL VPN products allow highly granular access control, which can
include the particular application or file being accessed, day and time, type of browser, authentication
method used, computer type and location, user identification, and other characteristics. The SSL VPN
uses an access control policy to provide different services based on these characteristics.
Table 3-1 provides examples of typical access control policies. Access privileges may be granted to
individuals, groups, or resources. For ease of configuration, access control is typically configured based
on groups. Each user is assigned to one or more groups, each group having certain security parameters.
Group information may be accessed from the authentication database, such as the LDAP directory.
Access control may also be defined for a set of resources instead of an individual resource. This makes
adding and removing resources to and from a group transparent to the users and reduces policy
complexity. In some specific instances, user-level parameters are also set.
Table 3-1. Access Control Examples
Method Example
The CEO may access all intranet servers, email, and the executive folder of the
administrative server.
Per-group Sales staff may access email, the organization’s intranet, and the sales server.
Per-resource All users and groups may access the Community Relations server.
Access control can also be integrated with endpoint security controls. SSL VPNs can use host integrity
checking to check the status of the SSL VPN client before access is granted. Some SSL VPNs have the
capability to perform this checking either before or after authentication to determine the appropriate
access controls. Access control in this sense may be as simple as allowing or denying access completely,
or more elaborate such as providing restricted access to selected information based on host integrity
checks. Access controls may also be configured per-user, per-group, and per-resource in terms of host
integrity checking. It is beneficial to have the ability to bypass the endpoint security restrictions for
certain circumstances such as disaster response. Bypassing endpoint security for special circumstances
may be accomplished through a special access control policy setting or whitelist.
Table 3-2 shows some examples of access control policies in conjunction with endpoint security controls.
These examples are an extension of the examples in Table 3-1. The first user is the CEO, who is
accessing the SSL VPN from home via an organization-issued laptop. The firewall and antivirus software
pass the security checks since they are enabled and up-to-date. Based on user and group access policies,
and the passing of the endpoint security checks, the CEO may access the intranet servers, email, the
executive folder of the administrative server, and the Community Relations server. The next user is John
Smith, who is a traveling member of the sales team. He is attempting to access the SSL VPN from a
public computer in an Internet café. The firewall passes the security checks, but the antivirus software is
not up-to-date on its signatures. Based on user and group access policies and the fact that only some of
the security checks passed, John is granted access to email and the ability to download (but not upload)
files from the sales server (he would have been given more privileges if he had passed all the security
checks). He may also access the Community Relations server. The last user is Sally Jones, who is an
employee at a business partner, XYZ Corp. She is attempting to access the SSL VPN from a trusted
partner network. Based on user and group access policies, and the passing of the endpoint security
checks, Sally is granted access to the extranet partner server and the Community Relations server.
Table 3-2. Access Control Examples with Endpoint Security Controls
User Group Location Security Checks Access
Home Firewall: passed
Antivirus: passed
The CEO may access all intranet servers,
email, and the executive folder of the
administrative server. He may also access
the Community Relations server.
John Smith
Firewall: passed
Antivirus: failed
John Smith may only access email and
perform downloads from the sales server.
He may also access the Community
Relations server.
Sally Jones
XYZ Corp.
Firewall: passed
Antivirus: passed
Sally Jones may access the extranet partner
server and the Community Relations server.
Knowing the needs and requirements for the SSL VPN solution, such as the types of users and the reasons
they will use the SSL VPN, will help organizations choose a product with the appropriate level of access
control capability. These needs and requirements will also help organizations determine the level of
granularity needed for access controls.
3.3.7 Endpoint Security Controls
Some SSL VPNs provide endpoint security controls that include host integrity checking and security
protection mechanisms. Host integrity checks help ensure that the client system is in compliance with an
organization’s security policy. These checks are performed before a session is begun and may be
periodically rechecked during the session.
Endpoint security controls are sometimes tightly integrated with access control to analyze the client
system and apply access controls based on the results. For example, an up-to-date company-issued laptop
that is connecting from a remote site might be allowed full access. Another example is a personal laptop
that complies with the standard firewall and antivirus checks but is attempting access from an untrusted
wireless hotspot, and thus is granted only limited access. Endpoint security controls also include security
protection mechanisms, such as Web browser cache cleaners that remove temporary files, cookies, and
other session information from the Web browser used for SSL VPN access. This supports the use of the
SSL VPN from public locations.
Endpoint security controls can be implemented in a variety of ways, and this often differentiates products.
Endpoint security starts with a policy definition. The policy definition includes what the host integrity
checker should look for and the actions to take depending on what it finds. If host integrity checkers are
used, they should be configured to execute before the logon process to look for malware such as
keystroke loggers. Typical host integrity checks may look for operating system type and version,
antivirus and personal firewall status and configurations, or a specific file, registry key, or running
process. Depending on the product, checking for running processes may be as simple as looking for the
process name or as elaborate as verifying the actual validity of the process.
Some SSL VPN products include their own integrated endpoint security software. This software may be
part of the SSL VPN product or an add-on for an additional cost. Other SSL VPN products rely on third-
party software for endpoint security. This allows organizations to leverage their existing products, such
as cache cleaning tools, malware scanners, and compliance checking software, with their SSL VPNs.
Some of these SSL VPNs can only integrate with a single specific third-party product, while others can
integrate with a variety of third-party products.
Some SSL VPN products provide endpoint security controls for systems that are connecting into the
network via the network extension function. Such systems are generally of higher concern than those that
are just accessing Web sites, since these systems are usually granted much broader access to resources.
Endpoint security controls should be used with care. Due to the nature of remote access, the client
systems are more likely to be originating from uncontrolled environments. It is imperative that remote
systems are evaluated before allowing access to internal resources and cleaned after access is granted.
There is no industry-wide standard for endpoint security controls; many leading network and security
companies are working to create vendor-driven standards.
Intrusion Prevention
Some SSL VPN products provide an integrated intrusion prevention security service. They inspect the
contents of the data after it has been decrypted by the SSL VPN for potential attacks and various forms of
malware, including viruses and worms. The SSL VPN may include its own anti-malware and intrusion
detection software, or it may integrate with third-party software. Performing content inspection adds
processing time and latency to the throughput of packets. For high-volume networks, this latency in
addition to the latency of the encryption and decryption process may exceed tolerable limits. In those
cases, it is best to offload the intrusion prevention capabilities to a specialized intrusion prevention system
(IPS) device on the inside of the trusted network (that is, after the SSL VPN has decrypted the data).
3.4 SSL Protocol Basics
The security of the data sent over an SSL VPN relies on the security of the SSL protocol. The SSL
protocol allows a client (such as a Web browser) and a server (such as an SSL VPN) to negotiate the type
of security to be used during an SSL session. Thus, it is critical to make sure that the security agreed to
by the remote user and the SSL gateway meets the security requirements of the organization using the
There are three types of security that the client and server can negotiate: the version of SSL, the type of
cryptography, and the authentication method. All three are important to the security of the
communications channel that is established and are thus important to SSL VPN systems. These are
discussed in more detail in Sections 3.4.1 through 3.4.3.
NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-52, Guidelines for the Selection and Use of Transport Layer Security
(TLS) Implementations
, describes the technology used in SSL and TLS in detail. Readers of this
document who want to know more about these technologies are encouraged to read that publication.
Versions of SSL and TLS
In this document, the terms SSL and TLS are often used together to describe the same protocol. In fact,
SSL refers to all versions of the SSL protocol as defined by the IETF, while TLS refers only to versions
3.1 and later of the SSL protocol. Two versions of TLS have been standardized: TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1.
TLS 1.0 is the same as SSL 3.1; there are no versions of SSL after 3.1. As of the writing of this guide,
work is being done on TLS version 1.2. TLS is approved for use in the protection of Federal information;
SSL versions other than 3.1 are not.
Different SSL VPNs and different Web browsers use different versions of the SSL and TLS protocols.
For example, some browsers support SSL 3.0 but not TLS 1.0 or 1.1; other browsers support TLS 1.0 but
For more information see NIST SP 800-52, Guidelines for the Selection and Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS), at
not SSL 3.0. Because each version of SSL or TLS is incompatible with other versions, both the browser
and the SSL VPN have to have at least one version of SSL in common. Further, they both have to have a
version in common that meets the security policy of the organization running the SSL VPN; otherwise,
the browser and the SSL VPN gateway will not be able to communicate.
Cryptography Used in SSL Sessions
There are many types of cryptographic functions that are used in security protocols. The most widely
known cryptographic features are confidentiality (secrecy of data), integrity (the ability to detect even
minute changes in the data), and signature (the ability to trace the origin of the data). The combination of
these features is an important aspect of the overall security of a communications stream. SSL uses four
significant types of features: confidentiality, integrity, signature, and key establishment (the way that a
key is agreed to by the two parties).
SSL uses cipher suites to define the set of cryptographic functions that a client and server use when
communicating. This is unlike protocols such as IPsec and S/MIME where the two parties agree to
individual cryptographic functions. That is, SSL exchanges say in effect, “Here is a set of functions to be
used together, and here is another set I am willing to use.” IPsec and S/MIME (and many other protocols)
instead say, “Here are the confidentiality functions I am willing to use, here are the integrity functions I
am willing to use, and here are the signature algorithms I am willing to use”, and the other side creates a
set from those choices.
Just as the SSL client and server need to be able to use the same version of SSL, they also need to be able
to use the same cipher suite; otherwise, the two sides cannot communicate. The organization running the
SSL VPN chooses which cipher suites meet its security goals and configures the SSL VPN gateway to
use only those cipher suites.
Authentication Used for Identifying SSL Servers
When a Web browser connects to an SSL server such as an SSL VPN gateway, the browser user needs
some way to know that the browser is talking to a server the user trusts. SSL uses certificates that are
signed by trusted entities to authenticate the server to the Web user. (SSL can also use certificates to
authenticate users to servers, but this is rarely done.)
The server authentication occurs very early in the SSL process, immediately after the user sends its first
message to the SSL server. In that first message, the Web browser specifies which type of certificate
algorithms it can handle; the two common choices are RSA and DSS. In the second message, the SSL
server responds with a certificate of one of the types that the browser said it understands. After receiving
the certificate, the Web browser verifies that the identity in the certificate (that is, the domain name listed
in the certificate) matches the domain name to which the Web browser attempted to connect.
Some SSL VPNs use certificates issued by the vendor of the SSL VPN, and those certificates do not link
through a chain of trust to a root certificate that is normally trusted by most users. If that is the case, the
user should add the SSL VPN's own certificate to the user's list of directly-trusted certificates. It is
important to note that users should not add the root certificate of the SSL VPN's manufacturer to the list
of certification authorities that the user trusts, since the manufacturer’s security policies and controls may
differ from those of the organization. Other SSL VPNs produce self-signed certificates that do not chain
to any trusted root certificate; as before, the user should add the SSL VPN's own certificate to the user's
list of directly-trusted certificates.
Certificates are signed with keys of a specified length. The security of the authentication is linked to the
length of the key that is protecting the identity in the certificate. If an SSL server uses a key of
insufficient length to protect its identity, the Web client might not want to trust the identity at all. In most
Web browsers, there are mechanisms to check the length of the key that was used by the SSL server after
the browser has successfully made an SSL connection.
3.5 SSL VPN Challenges
SSL VPNs are rapidly maturing technologies. Nevertheless, they still face several challenges:
Application and client interoperability. This is the biggest challenge for SSL VPNs. SSL VPNs
must be able to export a large variety of applications to remote connections of various types. There
are many factors that can affect interoperability, including operating system type and version, browser
type and version, device type (e.g., laptop, PDA, smart phone), location (e.g., home or public kiosk),
and the specifics of the applications and protocols to be accessed. For example, some SSL VPN
products offer support for PDAs, but most offer limited (if any) support for smart phones. Some SSL
VPN devices support phones via a browser, for web-based access, but few support them from an
agent perspective, allowing access to client/server applications.
Client/server application support. SSL VPNs are also still struggling with client/server
applications. Some VPNs use application translation and network extension, along with special
clients, to establish the appropriate access. Each SSL VPN product that uses network extension tends
to have a unique solution to client/server applications. In addition, not all SSL VPN products support
the same applications; some support more than others and each has niche areas.
Network extension. Although the network extension function is a core part of SSL tunnel VPNs, it
still presents several challenges. Network extension requires a client to be installed on the end user’s
system. Installing this client on a public kiosk or on a PC that has policies against downloading
programs and plug-ins may not be possible due to insufficient privileges. Because network extension
gives a remote user complete access to internal systems, specific per-application access controls may
be difficult to enforce.
Endpoint security. Endpoint security for unmanaged PCs and public computers also remains a
challenge. Two issues are trusting the endpoint responses to the host integrity checks and performing
proper sanitization of sensitive information from the client system when the session is terminated.
Unmanaged public client systems are less likely to have antivirus and firewall software enabled and
up-to-date. A compromised public computer could trick the host integrity checks by circumventing
them or by simulating firewalls, antivirus software, and other required security controls. The systems
are also more likely to be infected with malware, such as Trojan horses and keystroke loggers, that
could gain access to passwords and other sensitive information. In addition, proper sanitization of
these systems after the session terminates often requires elevated privileges.
Clientless operation. SSL VPNs are often described as being clientless, which is used as a selling
point over traditional IPsec VPNs. For Web-enabled applications, the Web browser is the only client
piece needed to connect to them via an SSL portal VPN. In other cases, dynamically downloaded
agents, which may require software installation, are needed to provide access to legacy and
client/server applications and network layer connections to non-Web enabled applications; these are
the hallmarks of SSL tunnel VPNs. Proper privileges are needed to install the software and make
appropriate system configurations. This has caused much debate in the security community over the
marketing of SSL tunnel VPNs as clientless. In the cases where dynamic agents are necessary, some
systems and locations, such as public kiosks, may be unable to install the appropriate software or use
the SSL VPN.
3.6 Summary
SSL VPNs can support a range of users, on a variety of computers, accessing resources from many
locations. They can provide secure remote access to internal services such as email, file servers, and
other applications in a Web-based format. SSL VPNs use the SSL protocol, which is included in all
standard Web browsers, to secure the transmission of data between the user and the organization as it
traverses public networks.
SSL VPNs consist of three core functions to enable secure access to internal resources. These
functions—proxying, application translation, and network extension—provide multiple methods to enable
remote access to a variety of applications. This allows SSL VPNs to support Web-based, client/server,
and legacy applications. Proxying provides the simplest form of an SSL VPN by enabling encryption and
authentication for internal Web sites. Application translation is often used to access non-Web-enabled
applications by converting a legacy or proprietary protocol into a more widely used or standard protocol.
Network extension provides complete network access to remote users as if they were physically located
on the internal local area network. Users with network extension can access all network resources, not
just Web servers; this is particularly useful in organizations with custom applications that cannot be
translated to the Web easily.
SSL VPNs vary in breadth, depth, and completeness of features and security services. This makes it
important to identify and define requirements, and evaluate several products to determine their fit into the
organization. Recommendations and considerations include the following:
Because some SSL VPN products cannot cover all remote access needs, for selecting the best product
it is recommended to identify the remote access needs and the applications that require remote access.
Each SSL VPN supports different protocols via proxy and application translation. In addition, some
SSL VPN products have concentrated their efforts and expertise in supporting certain protocols and
applications. It is crucial to make sure that the SSL VPN provides the necessary proxies and
application translators for the applications that require remote access.
SSL VPN manageability features such as status reporting, logging, and auditing should provide
adequate capabilities for the organization to effectively operate and manage the SSL VPN and to
extract detailed usage information.
The SSL VPN high availability and scalability features should support the organization’s
requirements for failover, load balancing, and throughput. State and information sharing is
recommended to keep the failover process transparent to the user.
SSL VPN portal customization should allow the organization to control the look and feel of the portal
and to customize the portal to support various devices such as PDAs and smart phones.
SSL VPN authentication should provide the necessary support for the organization’s current and
future authentication methods and to leverage existing authentication databases. SSL VPN
authentication should also be tested to ensure interoperability with existing authentication methods.
Some organizations, such as Federal agencies, have strict requirements for encryption and integrity
protection. SSL VPNs should support the required algorithms for symmetric encryption, key
exchange, and hash functions. All cryptographic algorithms and modules must be FIPS-approved.
SSL VPNs should be evaluated to ensure they provide the level of granularity needed for access
controls. Access controls should be capable of applying permissions to users, groups, and resources,
as well as integrating with endpoint security controls.
Implementation of endpoint security controls varies greatly from one SSL VPN product to another.
Endpoint security should be evaluated to ensure it provides the necessary host integrity checking and
security protection mechanisms for the organization.
Not all SSL VPNs have integrated intrusion prevention capabilities. Those that do should be
evaluated to ensure they do not introduce an unacceptable amount of latency into the network traffic.
Several of the security services provided by SSL VPNs rely on the underlying SSL protocol. SSL VPNs
may use versions of either SSL or TLS protocols. The choice of which protocol to implement depends on
the data being secured. For example, TLS is approved for use in the protection of Federal information;
SSL versions other than 3.1 are not. The SSL VPN must be configured to ensure that the appropriate
protocol is used. This also applies to the security mechanisms that SSL and TLS use to secure
Not all SSL VPN products include all of these services, and there are differences in the level of
sophistication of the services that are supported. The main differentiators for SSL VPN products are how
they implement security policies and handle remote clients, and how transparent their usage is to the end
user. The strengths of an SSL VPN include support for a variety of systems and locations, granular
access control, Web browser client access, and ease of use.
SSL VPNs, although a maturing technology, continue to face several challenges. These include
limitations on their ability to support a large number of applications and clients, the methods of
implementing network extension and endpoint security, the ability to provide clientless access, the use of
the SSL VPN from public locations, and product and technology education.
4. SSL VPN Planning and Implementation
This section focuses on the planning and implementation of SSL VPNs in the enterprise. As with any
new technology deployment, SSL VPN planning and implementation should be addressed in a phased
approach. A successful SSL VPN deployment can be achieved by following a clear, step-by-step
planning and implementation process. The use of a phased approach can minimize unforeseen issues and
identify potential pitfalls early in the process. This section explores in depth each of the recommended
SSL VPN planning and implementation phases, as follows:
1. Identify Requirements. The first phase of the process involves identifying the current and
future requirements for remote access and determining how they can best be met by an SSL VPN
implementation. Determining requirements for U.S. federal agencies also means assessing how
to comply with FIPS 140-2.
2. Design the Solution. The second phase involves all aspects of designing an SSL VPN solution.
The design elements are grouped into five categories: access control, endpoint security,
authentication methods, architecture, and cryptography policy.
3. Implement and Test a Prototype. The next phase involves implementing and testing a
prototype in a laboratory or test environment. The primary goals are to evaluate all aspects of the
solution including authentication, application compatibility, management, logging, performance,
security of the implementation, design and layout of the VPN portal, and default settings.
4. Deploy the Solution. Once testing is completed and all issues are resolved, the next phase
includes the deployment of the SSL VPN throughout the enterprise. This phase addresses issues
specific to SSL VPNs that may occur during deployment. Support must be addressed, and this
includes the process of working with a help desk to provide assistance for end users.
5. Manage the Solution. After the SSL VPN solution has been deployed, it must be managed
throughout its lifecycle. Management includes maintenance (e.g., patching, solution expansion,
key management, policy changes), performance monitoring, and periodic testing/validation of the
solution. The handling of operational issues must also be considered.
Organizations should also put into place other measures that support and complement SSL VPN
implementations. These measures help to ensure that the SSL VPN solution is implemented in an
environment with the technical, management, and operational controls necessary to provide sufficient
security for the SSL VPN. Examples of supporting measures include:
Establish and maintain control over all entry and exit points for the protected network to help ensure
its integrity.
Ensure that all SSL VPN endpoints are secured and maintained properly to reduce the risk of SSL
VPN compromise or misuse.
4.1 Identify Requirements
The purpose of this phase is to identify which resources or services need to be available for remote access
and who should be able to access them through the SSL VPN. It is also important to identify other
general and application-specific requirements, such as performance, and to think about future
requirements. For example, if it is likely that other resources will need to be accessible by remote users in
a year, then those needs should also be considered.
One of the primary strengths of an SSL VPN architecture is its granularity of access control. An
organization should leverage this feature by being specific in its identification of resources, the users who
can access them, and other security requirements. It is helpful to begin this process by articulating a set
of organizational requirements for remote access. These requirements are not strictly technical but are
dictated by the needs of the organization. Here are a few examples of organizational requirements:
All employees should be able to access the main corporate applications and a set of Web-based
applications such as email that are all hosted on the intranet servers.
A small group of executives should be able to access the executive file share on the administrative
The sales team should have access to the sales database and the sales file share on the sales server.
Business partners should be able to access the extranet partner server.
Network administrators should have full access to routers, switches, and other network infrastructure
(network management devices, etc.)
The next step is to determine other requirements such as anticipated performance requirements (normal
and peak loads), service level agreement (SLA) guarantees, and the use of multiple languages.
The organization should consider the best possible technical solution once its requirements are identified.
It is possible that other protocols such as SSH or IPsec provide a better technical solution than SSL. This
is especially pertinent if a VPN solution already exists, because it could potentially be leveraged to meet
the identified requirements. See Section 6 for descriptions of such protocols and guidance on when a
particular protocol may be a viable alternative to SSL. SSL may be the only option in some cases, such as
when granularity on a per-application basis is required for remote access or if the VPN needs to be
available to remote users without any software or hardware installation.
4.2 SSL VPNs and FIPS 140-2 Approval
Federal agencies are required to use cryptographic algorithms that are NIST-approved and contained in
FIPS-validated modules. The FIPS 140-2
specification defines how cryptographic modules will be
validated. One requirement of FIPS 140 is that the module be capable of operating in a mode where all
algorithms are NIST-approved. NIST-approved algorithms are specified in a FIPS (e.g., FIPS 180,
Secure Hash Standard
) or in a NIST Recommendation (e.g., SP 800-56A, Recommendation for Pair-
Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography
). Where there are no NIST-
approved algorithms in a specific class, such as key transport, the Cryptographic Module Validation
Program (CMVP) Implementation Guidance may specify additional constraints. Because SSL VPN
technology employs a number of cryptographic algorithms, Federal agencies must be aware of whether
their chosen SSL VPN technology is FIPS-compliant now and whether it is expected to be FIPS-
compliant during the entire expected lifetime of the system.
Many of the cryptographic algorithms used in some SSL cipher suites are not FIPS-approved, and
therefore are not allowed for use in SSL VPNs that are to be used in applications that must conform to
For more information on FIPS PUB 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, please refer to
http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsFIPS.html. Information on the Cryptographic Module Validation program can be
found at
The latest version of FIPS 180, FIPS 180-3, can be found at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsFIPS.html.
SP 800-56A can be found at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsSPs.html.
FIPS 140-2. This means that to be run in FIPS-compliant mode, an SSL VPN gateway must only allow
cipher suites that are allowed by FIPS 140-2.
NIST SP 800-52
lists the TLS cipher suites that satisfied FIPS requirements as of its publication date
(June 2005); additional cipher suites meeting FIPS requirements may become available in the future. All
of the cipher suites listed in SP 800-52 will become disallowed after the end of 2010. Therefore, Federal
agencies who want to provide SSL VPN services after 2010 must ensure that their systems are
upgradeable to the new FIPS-compliant cipher suites before the end of 2010, and that their SSL VPN
vendors guarantee that such upgrades will be available early enough for testing and deployment in the
field. Further, those systems must be able to be configured to only use cipher suites with FIPS-compliant
hash functions. Otherwise, a client that is offering a cipher suite with non-compliant cryptographic
functions might negotiate an SSL session that does not rely on FIPS-compliant technologies.
Versions of SSL
Because of the way that SSL was designed, SSL versions 3.0 and earlier do not conform to the
requirements of FIPS 140-2. Therefore, SSL VPNs that are to be used in applications that must be FIPS-
compliant must use TLS 1.0 (SSL 3.1) or later for their SSL VPN systems. Further, those systems must
be able to be configured to only use TLS 1.0 or later; otherwise, a client that is using SSL 3.0 or earlier
might use the SSL negotiation to cause the SSL VPN gateway to create an SSL session that is
inappropriate for the security level of the organization. A client that only uses SSL 3.0 or earlier should
not be permitted to establish an SSL VPN connection; nevertheless, few SSL VPNs have the capability to
enforce this restriction.
Key Establishment Used by SSL
NIST SP 800-56A
, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete
Logarithm Cryptography, defines the types of key establishment algorithms that can be used in FIPS-
compliant systems that use cryptography such as Diffie-Hellman key exchange. As described in NIST SP
800-52, the method for key establishment in SSL version 3.1 and later that is preferred by NIST is
ephemeral Diffie-Hellman.
The ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key establishment used by TLS version 1.0 and later does not meet the
requirements of NIST SP 800-56A. NIST has granted a special exception from this requirement for
systems using SSL until the end of 2010; see Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the
Cryptographic Module Validation Program
. Subject to the results of further analysis, the date may be
extended. SSL’s RSA key establishment method, which is not covered by the restrictions in NIST SP
800-56A, is acceptable now and beyond 2010.
Therefore, purchasers of SSL VPNs who need to be FIPS-compliant after the end of 2010 must ensure
that their SSL VPN systems can be configured to require RSA key establishment at that time. Until that
time, SSL VPN systems can also use the NIST-preferred method of ephemeral Diffie-Hellman.
For more information see NIST SP 800-52, Guidelines for the Selection and Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS), at
For more information on NIST SP 800-56A, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete
Logarithm Cryptography, refer to
For more information, refer to http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/documents/fips140-2/FIPS1402IG.pdf.
Hash Functions Used by SSL
SSL VPN devices that are to be used in FIPS-compliant applications must also use FIPS-compliant hash
functions. Plain SHA-1 can only be used until the end of 2010 in FIPS-compliant systems
. The keyed-
hash message authentication code (HMAC) form of SHA-1 is still considered secure, and can be used
after 2010. Since SSL VPN devices use HMAC-SHA-1, those suites that employ this hash function will
remain acceptable beyond 2010.
SSL Encryption
SSL VPN devices that are to be used in FIPS-compliant applications must use FIPS-compliant
encryption. Fortunately, virtually all SSL VPN devices can do this. Further, those systems must be able
to be configured to only use cipher suites with FIPS-compliant encryption; otherwise, a client that is
offering a cipher suite with non-compliant encryption might use the SSL negotiation to cause the SSL
VPN gateway to create an SSL session that is inappropriate for the security level of the organization.
Some SSL VPN devices can be configured to only allow certain cipher suites, or at least to only allow
cipher suites with certain types of encryption. Other SSL VPN devices do not allow such configuration.
NIST SP 800-52 lists the types of encryption that satisfied FIPS requirements when it was published
(June 2005); additional encryption algorithms meeting FIPS requirements may become available in the
Certificates Used During SSL Negotiations
Finally, FIPS compliance for SSL VPNs requires the use of FIPS-compliant key sizes and hash functions
for signatures in the certificates used for authentication. Fortunately, virtually all SSL VPN devices are
able to do this today. Further, those systems must be able to be configured to only use FIPS-compliant
key sizes and hash functions in these certificates; otherwise, a client or server whose certificate uses a
non-compliant key size or hash function might use the SSL negotiation to cause the SSL VPN gateway to
create an SSL session that is inappropriate for the security level of the organization.
Note that the list of allowed hash functions will change at the end of 2010. After that time, server
certificates that use the SHA-1 hash function will no longer be allowed, and all FIPS-compliant SSL VPN
devices will need to use certificates that use the SHA-256 hash function. Some SSL VPN devices today
cannot use such certificates as the server authenticating certificate. Further, not all Web browsers today
support certificates that use the SHA-256 hash function for authentication.
SSL server authentication certificates can use either the RSA or DSS signature schemes, although many
SSL VPN systems and most Web browsers only support RSA. Note that if a server authenticates itself
with a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) certificate, the key negotiation must use the ephemeral Diffie-
Hellman method. That method is not allowed to be used after the end of 2010, and therefore SSL VPN
systems that use DSA certificates cannot be used after the end of 2010 unless the special exception
allowing the use of ephemeral Diffie-Hellman for SSL key establishment is extended. For DSA, a FIPS
compliant digital signature is required for the larger key sizes.
At the current time, few (if any) SSL VPN gateways can be configured to reject certificates based on the
size of the key used and therefore most can be used in FIPS-noncompliant modes without any way to
prevent such use. Worse, few (if any) SSL VPN gateways even log the size of the key used in certificate
For more information, see http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/hash/policy.html and
FIPS 186-3, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), can be found at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsFIPS.html.
authentication, so it is not possible to audit which sessions are FIPS-compliant. Worse yet, few (if any)
SSL VPN browsers can be configured to reject server certificates based on the size of the key used and
therefore most can be used in FIPS-noncompliant modes without any way to prevent such use.
To guarantee FIPS compliance, SSL VPNs that cannot enforce requiring particular key sizes need to be
configured with both of the following settings:
The server certificate used for authenticating the SSL VPN device to clients must have an
appropriate-length key.
One of the following steps must be performed:
The SSL VPN gateway must be configured to only validate client certificates that have a
certificate policy that enforces the key size requirement.
The SSL VPN gateway must be configured to only validate client certificates from a pre-
approved list. (In this way, key size validation can be handled at the time the client certificate is
The use of client certificates for authentication to the SSL VPN gateway must be disabled. In
place of client certificates, a smartcard or token should be used. If that is not possible, a
username and password may be used, but this solution is a last resort and its use is discouraged.
It is important to note that the minimum FIPS-compliant key length for DSA and RSA certificates will
change at the end of 2010 from 1024 bits to 2048 bits; see Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2
and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program for more information.
4.3 Design the Solution
Once the requirements have been identified, and it has been determined that an SSL VPN is the best
solution, the next phase is to design a solution that meets the specified requirements. This phase is
broken into five major components that are described in more detail in the following subsections.
Access Control. Design the access control policy. SSL VPN users may gain access to particular
resources based on characteristics such as user identification, computer type and location, and the
method of authentication.
Endpoint Security. Design the endpoint security controls. SSL VPNs provide endpoint security
controls that include host integrity checking and security protection mechanisms. Host integrity
checks ensure that the client system is in compliance with an organization’s minimum security policy.
Typical host integrity checks may look for operating system type and version, antivirus and personal
firewall status and configurations, or a specific file, registry key, or process that is running.
Authentication. Select the authentication methods. There are many ways to authenticate SSL VPN
users, including LDAP, RADIUS, Active Directory, and digital certificates.
Architecture. Designing the architecture of the SSL VPN implementation includes hardware
selection, device placement, firewall and routing considerations, client software selection, high
availability configuration, and portal design.
Cryptography Policy and FIPS Compliance. The organization must choose a cryptography policy
that fits its needs and is compliant with its requirements. In addition, Federal agencies must use only
cryptographic modules that have algorithms and methods that are compliant with the FIPS 140-2
4.3.1 Design the Access Control Policy
After the organization determines what resources will be accessible and by whom, the next step is to
design the access control policy. The organization should base this policy on the organizational
requirements that were identified in the Identify Requirements phase. These requirements stipulate which
resources should be accessed by which groups or individuals. The access control policy could provide
additional requirements and make access to resources dependent on other characteristics such as the
authentication method used, computer type and location, and user identification.
The four major steps in designing an access control policy are as follows:
1. List the resources that will be accessed through the SSL VPN. A resource is as specific as a
single application on one server or as general as an enterprise-wide service such as email or all
internal Web sites. Resources can be treated separately or grouped together. For example, one
specific human resources application can be listed by itself or grouped with a collection of other
human resources applications. A resource can be a member of more than one group, but grouping
in this way should not be used extensively because security holes or other problems can be
created. For example, if Application X is a member of Groups A and B, a user that is granted
access to Group A but denied access to Group B may still have access to Application X.
2. List the groups or users. An access control policy is much more manageable if users are
assigned primarily to groups. A user can be a member of more than one group. For example, an
executive is a member of the Executive and Employee groups, and a salesperson is a member of
the Sales and Employee groups.
3. List the conditions under which the resources should be accessible by the groups.
Conditions are based on the ability of endpoint security controls to perform host integrity
checking on the client hosts. Host integrity checking, which is discussed in more detail in Section
4.3.2, involves performing checks on conditions, including the type of operating system on the
client machine, the presence of a firewall or antivirus scanner, registry settings, authentication
method used, and time of day. These conditions will help determine what resources are
accessible by the user. For example, users logging in from an organization-managed host would
have access to more resources than if they were to log in from a public system at an Internet café.
4. List how the VPN should be used to access the resources. As mentioned in Section 3.2, there
are three main components to SSL VPNs: proxying, application translation, and network
extension. Proxying is most often used to provide secure access to Web sites. Application
translation uses proxying to translate an application into a format that is Web-enabled and
accessible through a browser. Finally, network extension provides broad access to the internal
network. The organization should decide how each resource should be accessed through the
VPN. Proxying and application translation offer the most restrictive access because all
communication takes place through the browser interface. Network extension is the easiest to use
because users have full network access, but it should be used with discretion for this reason.
A limited type of network extension, port forwarding, is sometimes used instead of full network
extension. Port forwarding only creates tunnels for certain TCP or UDP ports instead of for all ports at
one time. For example, a port forwarding system might tunnel HTTP traffic but not DNS traffic, leaving
the DNS traffic outside of the VPN. Because port forwarding technology is a subset of network
extension, this document discusses only network extension.
Most SSL VPN devices offer packet filtering for users that access resources via network extension.
Because network extension provides broad access to users, the most effective way to protect certain
subnets may be to configure packet filters that prevent access to them. SSL VPN devices may also
support multiple routing tables for users. One routing table can be used to provide access to all internal
subnets, while another routing table enables connectivity to subnets that only specific groups should
The following is an example of an organization’s access control requirements. The organizational
requirements listed in the Identify Requirements phase are repeated here as a reminder:
All employees should be able to access the main corporate applications and a set of Web-based
applications such as email that are all hosted on the intranet servers.
A small group of executives should be able to access the executive file share on the administrative
The sales team should have access to the sales database and the sales file share on the sales server.
Business partners should be able to access the extranet partner server.
Network administrators should have full access to routers, switches, and other network infrastructure.
The resources that should be made accessible by the SSL VPN are then specified:
Corporate applications on intranet servers (grouped together)
Web applications—email and calendaring (grouped together)
Executive file share on administrative server
Sales database
Sales file share on sales server
Extranet partner server
Network infrastructure devices (grouped together).
The groups that should be able to access resources are as follows:
Business partners
These are the conditions by which resources can be accessed by groups:
All employees should be able to access the main enterprise applications on the intranet servers from
organization-managed hosts. An organization-managed host has a firewall, antivirus software, and a
registry key indicating that it is managed by the organization.
When these same users log in from any other host such as a PC at a kiosk or in an Internet café, they
should be able to access only a limited set of Web-based applications such as email and calendaring.
The only condition for any host is that, if it is running a Windows operating system, it must be using
one or more specific versions of Windows, with each specific version using the most current set of
Executives have the same access rights as other employees, as well as access to the executive file
share on the administrative server. The executives are only given this access from organization-
managed hosts.
Members of the sales group have the same access rights as other employees. In addition, they should
have full access to the sales database and the sales file share on the sales server when they are using
their own organization-managed hosts; from other hosts, they can only access the sales file share on
the sales folder.
Business partners should be able to access the extranet partner server from specified IP addresses only
Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern time.
In addition to all other resources, network administrators should have access to a range of subnets that
are assigned to network infrastructure devices. They only have this access if they are using their
organization-managed hosts.
Note that these conditions are not mutually exclusive and can be fulfilled simultaneously. So a user who
logs in from an organization-managed host also satisfies the any host condition.
The organization has decided to use the following access types for the various resources:
The corporate applications are accessible by network extension because there are a broad number of
them on multiple servers. Access to routers, switches, and other network infrastructure are also
accessible through network extension. Packet filtering is used to limit access to the specific
application servers.
The Web applications are accessible by proxy because they are already available by Web browser.
The executive file share is accessible by proxying so that executives can use the file share in the same
fashion whether connecting remotely or internally.
The sales database is accessible by proxying because database administrators require direct access to
the database server. The application is therefore not able to be translated.
Both the sales file share and file shares on the extranet partner server are made accessible by
translation, where all file sharing takes place in a Web browser.
Table 4-1 shows the resources and groups listed with conditions for access.
Table 4-1. Sample Access Control Policy
Resource Group Condition Access Type
Corporate applications Employees Organization-managed host Network extension
Web applications Employees Any host Proxy
Executive file share Executives Organization-managed host Proxy
Sales database Sales Organization-managed host Proxy
Sales file share Sales Any host Translation
Extranet partner server Business Partners Correct IP address and time Translation
Network infrastructure Administrators Organization-managed host Network extension
Users are added to the various groups to grant them access to resources via the SSL VPN. For example,
regular employees are added to the Employees group, while executives are added to both the Executives
and Employees groups. A user in the Employees group who logs in from an organization-managed host
is granted access to both the corporate applications and Web applications resources. This same user is
restricted to only Web applications if the host cannot be verified as organization-managed.
Note that the access policy is configured to restrict access to the executive file share only to users who
belong to the Executives group and are logging in from an organization-managed host. An executive is
only given the access privileges of a regular employee if he or she logs in from any other host. If desired,
users could also use a different authentication method to receive access to the executive file share.
This access control policy assumes that a user can satisfy multiple conditions simultaneously. For
example, a user who logs in from an organization-managed host also satisfies the any host condition and
is granted access to the corresponding resources. If the SSL VPN device cannot support this flexibility,
then the organization would have to specify the resources for each condition.
4.3.2 Design the Endpoint Security Policy
Once the organization designs its access control policy, it should consider constructing a policy to enforce
endpoint security. Such a policy could initially verify that a client host complies with an organization’s
security policy by requiring host integrity checks to be performed on the client host. It is recommended
to run the checks before the login process to look for malware such as keystroke loggers or viruses.
The checks can prohibit login altogether if the client host does not comply with the organization’s
minimum security policy. For example, the organization’s endpoint security policy may specify that
desktop search tools that index the contents of a user’s hard drive are prohibited during an SSL VPN
session because these tools can cache data from the session. If this is the case, then the host integrity
checking process may either turn off the search tools directly or prevent login until the tools are explicitly
turned off by the user.
Some SSL VPN vendors perform the host integrity checks by having the client host dynamically
download active content from the SSL VPN device and then execute the active content. In this case, the
client operating system and browser need to be configured to permit these agents to be downloaded and
executed; otherwise, the client could perceive the agents as malware and block them, preventing the SSL
VPN from performing the host integrity checks. This shows a basic conundrum of using this type of
integrity check: some organizations prohibit such active content to be run in browsers because it is
difficult to distinguish it from malware.
An endpoint security policy should also specify how to enforce endpoint security on a client system after
the user has logged out. Security protection mechanisms such as a cache cleaner can be activated during
the logout process to remove data that was cached or saved during the SSL VPN session. For even higher
security, some SSL VPN vendors offer the capability of putting the session into a virtual storage space.
The SSL VPN device allocates temporary memory and hard drive space for it. On a Windows machine,
the virtual storage space may consist of temporary My Documents and Desktop directories. The user is
not able to save anything to a directory outside of the virtual storage space. After the user logs out, the
entire virtual storage space and all data downloaded during the session is erased. This virtual space may
also be encrypted for greater security. Not all applications may be compatible with the virtual storage
space because some of the user’s directories are temporarily replaced, and interoperability problems could
result. Also, the organization will have to make a policy decision about when to put users into the virtual
storage space. For example, it may make sense to allow users to access their entire hard drive and keep
downloaded files or email attachments if they are logging into the SSL VPN from their own organization-
managed hosts.
If a user forgets to log out, the SSL VPN device should be able to perform an automatic logout after a
specific period of inactivity. Ideally the device could detect and ignore activity that is automatic, such as
an email client that periodically connects to the mail server or automatic refresh requests by a Web
browser. The device may also have a separate timeout threshold to require re-authentication regardless of
inactivity. This timeout limits the damage that is done if a malicious user somehow gets control of the
VPN session. Some SSL VPN devices may have different timeout thresholds for different types of users.
For example, users who are put into a virtual storage space might have much shorter timeout thresholds
than users who log in from an organization-managed machine.
The following is an example of an endpoint security policy that is based on the access control policy
described in the previous section. The access control policy is based on a user’s host meeting one of three
conditions: organization-managed host, any host, or correct IP address and time:
Organization-managed host. An organization-managed host has a firewall, antivirus software, and
a registry key indicating that it is managed by the organization.
Any host. If users are not using their organization-managed hosts to access resources, they can still
use any host, but with more restricted access. The only requirement for the any host condition is that
if it is running a Windows operating system, it is using one or more specific versions of Windows,
with each specific version using the most current set of updates.
Correct IP address and time. Business partners can only access their assigned resources from
specified IP addresses on Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern time.
The endpoint security policy is based on the access control policy and elaborates on host integrity
checking and the post-login process:
An organization-managed host must be currently running a firewall. Also, for specific versions of
Windows, if there is no firewall running then the built-in Windows Firewall will automatically be
enabled. An antivirus software program certified by the organization must be currently running and
use a signature database that is out of date by no more than one week. The registry key is installed by
the organization’s information technology (IT) group either when the host is first configured or
afterward by user request. Users are permitted to keep all cookies, Web browser cache entries, and
downloaded files and attachments. Desktop search tools are automatically disabled at login.
If a host is not determined to be organization-managed, it is still permitted to access the SSL VPN but
must run one or more specific versions of Windows, with each specific version using the most current
set of updates. After login, a user’s session is established in a virtual storage space so that all data
stored during the session can be erased afterward. Desktop search tools are automatically disabled at
Business partners do not need to run any firewall or antivirus software, and access is based on the
client host’s IP address and the current time of day. Although users’ sessions are not put into the
virtual storage space, all browser-related data is erased after the user logs out. Downloaded files or
attachments are not erased. Desktop search tools are automatically disabled at login.
If an organization has an endpoint security policy, it should deploy SSL VPN devices that can support
those policies. This is especially important because endpoint security controls vary widely by device and
vendor. As with authentication, each organization should conduct testing during its evaluation process to
determine the endpoint security capabilities of each device being considered.
Select the Authentication Methods
After the organization determines how resources are to be accessed and how access control and endpoint
security are to be enforced, the next step is to decide on an authentication scheme for clients. The
organization should choose a scheme consistent with its security policy. For example, if two-factor
authentication is already required in the enterprise, then it should also be used for SSL VPN client
. The flexible nature of SSL VPNs, however, may require further elaboration in policy.
Authentication based on digital certificates requires each host to have a certificate installed, so the
organization will have to decide what type of access to permit from hosts that do not have certificates,
such as hosts owned by employees or public computers. An organization might not want to allow its
certificates to be installed or used on hosts that are not managed by the organization. In the case of public
computers, even certificates that are stored on an external device may not work, since many public
computers have their USB ports blocked to prevent the unauthorized installation of malware.
Existing external authentication infrastructures should also be leveraged if feasible. Many SSL VPN
products support LDAP, RADIUS, and Active Directory, so they can be configured to access
authentication servers using any of these options. The authentication server can provide group
information for authenticated users, such as whether a user belongs to the Sales or Executives group, so
the SSL VPN device can enforce the organization’s access control policy.
SSL VPN authentication methods may be applied on an individual or group basis. This feature enables
an organization to choose one form of authentication for one group, such as the Employees group, and
another form of authentication for another group, such as the Executives group. The organization may
also choose to base the authentication method on the specific resources, with some resources requiring
stronger authentication than others.
Table 4-2 illustrates sample authentication methods for the resources defined in the previous example.
Because access to the executive file share, sales database, and network infrastructure is considered to be
especially sensitive, it requires two-factor authentication where the user must also use a physical token to
be authenticated to the resource.
For government agencies, OMB M-07-16 requires two-factor authentication for all remote access. It can be found at
Table 4-2. Sample Authentication Methods Table
Resource Group Condition Authentication
Corporate applications Employees Organization-managed host RADIUS (password)
Web applications Employees Any host RADIUS (password)
Executive file share Executives Organization-managed host RADIUS (password and token)
Sales database Sales Organization-managed host RADIUS (password and token)
Sales file share Sales Any host RADIUS (password)
Extranet partner server Business Partners Correct IP address and time RADIUS (password)
Network infrastructure Administrators Organization-managed host TACACS+ (password and token)
Various SSL VPN products can use internal databases, combine external authentication servers with an
internal database stored on the SSL VPN device itself, or just use external authentication. Either the SSL
VPN database or the authentication server database can contain user-specific information, such as
preferences for portal settings and bookmarks for Web sites. For ease of management, user information
should be stored on the external authentication server whenever possible to reduce the amount of
duplicated information, which can get out of sync.
In addition to user authentication, the organization should also evaluate different server authentication
options. The SSL VPN device requires an SSL server certificate so it can authenticate itself to clients.
The organization can purchase a server certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA), have the
server certificate signed by its own CA if it already has a public key infrastructure (PKI) in place, or give
the server a self-signed certificate. A user then validates the credentials of the SSL VPN device by
decrypting the certificate with the issuer’s public key and possibly chaining to a trust anchor such as the
trusted CA. The type and issuer of the server certificate may determine whether users from other
organizations can access the VPN.
Because integration with authentication servers is an area where SSL VPN products vary greatly, an
organization should ensure that whatever product it chooses is able to support its authentication
requirements. Any potential products should also be tested with the existing authentication servers to
verify interoperability.
Design the Architecture
The architecture of the SSL VPN implementation refers to the selection of devices and software to
provide SSL VPN services and the placement of SSL VPN devices within the existing network
infrastructure. This section focuses on specific recommendations such as selection of hardware
configuration, device placement and firewall configuration, routing policy and other network
considerations, high availability or load balancing support, device management, client software selection,
and portal design. Selection of Hardware Configuration
A key decision to be made for the SSL VPN implementation is the type of hardware configuration to use
for the SSL VPN device. There are three main types of hardware configuration: a hardware appliance, an
upgrade to an existing security product, and a software solution.
More information about server certificates and their use and management can be found in NIST SP 800-44 Version 2,
Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers at
A hardware appliance is a device running the SSL VPN software that has been hardened by the SSL
VPN device vendor to make it more secure. For example, unnecessary services and programs have
been removed from the operating system, and various default settings have been changed. The
hardware appliance is the most common type of SSL VPN device on the market today. Some SSL
VPN appliances have accelerator options that offload SSL processing so the appliance can process
more user requests. These accelerators are either external devices or cards that are installed in the
SSL VPN appliance. An organization with high performance requirements should consider these
Some existing security products such as firewalls or IPsec VPN gateways can be upgraded to support
SSL VPNs. This option is made available by the vendor as either a software upgrade or a hardware
module that is installed into the existing security device.
A software solution is software that is installed on standard hardware, such as a server built by the
organization. The hardware can either be used to support a dedicated SSL VPN service or to support
other services such as a firewall or IPsec VPN. Device Placement and Firewall Configuration
Device placement of the SSL VPN hardware is often a challenging task because the placement has
security, functionality, and performance implications. It may also have an effect on other network
devices such as firewalls, routers, and switches. Incorporating an SSL VPN device into a network
architecture requires strong overall knowledge of network and security policy.
It is important to understand that the cryptographic protection of the SSL VPN only extends from client
machines to the SSL VPN device. After the device receives the traffic from users, it is decrypted and
forwarded in its original form to the destination. So if client traffic is originally sent in plaintext before it
is encrypted with SSL, it is sent in plaintext from the VPN device to its destination. The SSL VPN device
preserves most of the fields in the packet headers, with the exception of the source IP address and source
TCP or UDP port.
There are three main options for SSL VPN device placement: as part of the organization’s firewall, within
the internal network, or within a demilitarized zone (DMZ). Placing the SSL VPN device outside the
organization’s firewalls is not recommended because the device itself receives no protection from the
Enabling VPN functionality on the firewall. This design integrates the firewall and SSL VPN device.
The most common scenario is for an existing firewall product to be upgraded so it supports SSL VPNs.
This option is made available by the vendor as either a software upgrade or hardware add-on. TCP port
443 for the firewall’s external address must be opened on the firewall to permit users to initiate SSL VPN
connections. The firewall/SSL VPN device then communicates directly with internal hosts. Figure 4-1
illustrates this design.
Figure 4-1. Firewall with SSL VPN Functionality
This approach has some advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other options:
Holes do not need to be opened in the firewall between an external SSL VPN device and the internal
Traffic between the device and the internal network must go through the firewall, so the traffic is still
subject to the firewall’s policies.
Network design and system administration are simpler because there are no additional devices to
The organization is limited to the VPN functionality offered by its firewall vendor. It does not have
the option of using a VPN appliance because appliances are separate hardware devices.
The firewall is directly accessible by external users on TCP port 443. This increases the likelihood of
a vulnerability on the firewall that can be exploited via these ports.
The firewall must be augmented by SSL VPN functionality. This additional code could introduce
potential vulnerabilities to the firewall.
Placing the VPN device in the internal network. This option places the VPN device entirely within the
internal network behind the firewall. TCP port 443 for the address of the SSL VPN must be opened in the
firewall to access the device. Figure 4-2 illustrates this design. Although it is not shown in the diagram,
placement of an additional firewall between the SSL VPN device and the rest of the internal network is
highly recommended. That ensures both front-end and back-end protection for the SSL VPN device.
Figure 4-2. SSL VPN Device in Internal Network
Here are the advantages and disadvantages as compared with the other options:
Only a single rule for a single address needs to be added to the firewall.
The device is internal, so holes between the device and internal hosts do not have to be opened in the
Traffic between the device and the internal network is behind the firewall, so it is protected from
sniffing or Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) attacks by machines in the DMZ.
VPN traffic bypasses the firewall entirely because all applications are tunneled through the SSL
connection. This means that the firewall offers no protection from malicious traffic sent through the
VPN. Instead, the VPN device must provide this protection by means of a packet filter or other
Unsolicited traffic can now be sent from the outside into the internal network (namely, to the SSL
VPN device). This behavior is a violation of some corporate security policies.
If the SSL VPN device is compromised, the attacker could have access to the internal network. This
is, of course, also true if the firewall itself is compromised.
Placing the VPN device within the DMZ. This design protects traffic between the device and internal
hosts as well as the device itself from external attacks. The only port that must be opened in the firewall
to access the device is TCP port 443 (https). Figure 4-3 illustrates an example of a network design where
the VPN device is placed in the DMZ. The DMZ is a network segment attached to a firewall interface.
Although it is not shown in the diagram, placement of an additional firewall between the SSL VPN
device and the internal network is highly recommended. That ensures both front-end and back-end
protection for the SSL VPN device. An alternate approach is a two-DMZ architecture, placing the SSL
VPN device, front- and back-ended by a firewall, on a separate DMZ segment.
Figure 4-3. SSL VPN Device in DMZ Network
This approach has some advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other options:
Compromise of the device does not necessarily mean that the attacker has full access to the internal
Traffic between the device and the internal network must go through the firewall, so the traffic is still
subject to the firewall’s policies.
An intrusion detection system (IDS) within the DMZ can analyze the traffic destined for the internal
network for malicious activity.
Numerous ports from the device to internal hosts must be opened in the firewall. User traffic from
the VPN device will only reach internal hosts if these holes are opened. Despite one of the previously
mentioned advantages of this approach, an attacker that compromises the VPN device will have
access to the internal network through these holes. However, of the three solutions, this approach
best minimizes the impact of a VPN breach.
Decrypted traffic from the device to the internal network must be sent in cleartext through the DMZ
network. This traffic is vulnerable to sniffing or ARP attacks by other machines in the DMZ that
could be compromised by attackers.
The firewall is bypassed when user traffic is destined for hosts in the DMZ. This assumes that clients
use the VPN device to reach these DMZ hosts and do not use a split tunnel configuration (described
in the next section).
It is recommended that if the VPN device is placed in the DMZ then it should be configured with two
interfaces. Remote users use the external interface to connect to the device, while traffic destined for the
internal network traverses the internal interface. This internal interface is connected to either another
firewall or another interface on the same firewall. Figure 4-4 illustrates this design.
Figure 4-4. SSL VPN Device with Two Interfaces
This approach has the following advantages and disadvantages compared to the other options:
All of the previously mentioned advantages of placing the device in the DMZ still apply.
The unencrypted traffic headed for internal hosts is protected from sniffing or ARP attacks from other
hosts in the DMZ.
Only the firewall interface connected to the device’s internal interface must be configured to permit
traffic from the VPN device. An intruder who compromises another host in the DMZ cannot use this
internal interface to access the internal network unless the VPN device is compromised too.
Holes need to be opened in the firewall between the SSL VPN device and internal hosts.
The firewall is bypassed when split tunneling is not used and user traffic is destined for hosts in the
DMZ. Possible solutions include turning on split tunneling, putting a firewall between DMZ hosts
and the VPN device, and configuring packet filtering on a router connecting the DMZ hosts to the
VPN device.
Using a second interface on the VPN device may introduce additional routing complexity (see next
If the organization decides to place the VPN device within the DMZ, it must decide how many holes to
open in its firewall between the device and the internal network. If the organization must support many
services through the SSL VPN then it may decide to completely open up all connectivity between the
VPN device and the internal network. This enables VPN users to access any machine and port internally.
The benefits of such an approach will have to be weighed against the costs of potential security issues. Routing Policy and Other Network Considerations
Routing policy is as important as firewall configuration. Packets must be routed correctly within the
internal network for the VPN to function properly. When the VPN components of proxying and
application translation are used, routing is fairly straightforward. Packets from the VPN device that are
destined for the internal network have the source address of the VPN device itself. As long as the VPN
device’s source address is routable in the internal network, packets will be correctly routed from internal
hosts back to the VPN device.
If network extension is used, routing becomes more complicated. Network extension creates a point-to-
point tunnel interface between the client machine and the VPN device. Each end of the tunnel is assigned
a virtual IP address. The client’s virtual IP address is used as the source address of VPN packets from the
client machine. Even after traffic from the client machine reaches the VPN device and is taken out of the
SSL tunnel, the source address remains the same. This means that internal hosts must know how to route
the client’s virtual IP address back to the VPN device, or routing will not work correctly.
For example, a client establishes a VPN connection using network extension. It receives the address of The VPN device receives for its virtual tunnel interface. When the VPN
device forwards packets from the client to internal hosts, these internal hosts will receive packets with a
source address of If the internal routers cannot route these packets back to the VPN
device, then the client will not be able to communicate with any internal hosts.
Another option is to use Network Address Translation (NAT) for clients using network extension. If
NAT is used, then all packets forwarded from the VPN device to the internal network are given the source
address of the VPN device. The routing configuration can therefore remain unchanged because it is
assumed that internal hosts can already route traffic to the VPN device. This approach has its own
disadvantages. The biggest one is that it is no longer possible to track the network activity of VPN clients
by IP address because all of them share a single address. For this reason it is recommended that NAT not
be used for clients using network extension.
One more issue with network extension that must be addressed is split tunneling. Split tunneling is
defined as the process of allowing a remote VPN user to access a public network, most commonly the
Internet, at the same time that the user is allowed to access resources on the VPN. A client machine that
establishes a split tunnel connection with the VPN device does not send all of its network traffic through
the VPN tunnel. It sends all traffic not destined for the internal (protected) network through its standard
network connection and only sends traffic destined for the internal network through the VPN tunnel.
Split tunneling offers the advantages of efficiency and bandwidth conservation, as traffic destined for the
Internet does not have to be sent first to the VPN device. On the other hand, split tunneling also creates a
potential security vulnerability. If an attacker from the Internet compromises the client machine, then this
attacker can use the split tunnel to also access the organization’s internal network. The organization must
weigh the advantages and disadvantages of split tunneling before deciding to implement it.
If split tunneling is implemented, then the organization must decide which IP addresses will be routed
through the split tunnel. If all of an organization’s IP addresses are assigned to internal hosts, then the
routing is straightforward, but some hosts may be in the DMZ and therefore publicly accessible. Traffic
destined for these DMZ hosts will bypass the firewall if split tunneling is not used. It may therefore be
more secure and efficient for the client to reach hosts located in the DMZ via the Internet rather than to
use the split tunnel. If this is the case, then the organization must take care to configure the split tunnel
with internal subnets only.
Section recommends that a VPN device placed into the DMZ be configured with at least two
interfaces: one for external traffic and one for internal traffic. However, using two interfaces introduces
more routing complexity. The device needs to be configured with static routes that correctly point toward
internal hosts or hosts in the DMZ. The routing tables for routers within the DMZ must also be
configured to route all traffic destined for both interfaces on the device toward the device’s external
interface. If any traffic is routed toward the device’s internal interface, this traffic may get dropped
because it must traverse a firewall to reach the internal interface. This firewall will have no knowledge of
the traffic because the original traffic from the VPN device to the DMZ hosts traversed the device’s
external interface and therefore did not go through the firewall. Figure 4-5 illustrates a scenario where
traffic will get dropped if the packets are not correctly routed to the right interface.
Figure 4-5. Routing Problem with SSL VPN Traffic
One final consideration for overall network policy is the issue of multiple sites. If the organization wants
multiple sites to support SSL VPN services, then it must decide how to configure authentication and
routing. There are several possibilities:
Each site has an SSL VPN device, but users can only authenticate to the device at their local site. If
there is a network between sites, then users can use the SSL VPN to access those other sites.
Users can authenticate to a device at any of the sites but not simultaneously. So if there are two sites,
Site A and Site B, users cannot establish VPN connections to Site A and Site B at the same time. All
internal traffic must go to either Site A or Site B. Once users are authenticated, their traffic is sent to
a single site and then traverses the internal network if necessary to access the other sites. This
configuration could be used for backup purposes, so that a user who normally establishes a VPN
connection to Site A can create a Site B VPN if the Site A VPN architecture is inaccessible.
Users can authenticate to all sites simultaneously. Each user’s routing table is configured so that
packets destined for a specific site’s addresses will take that site’s VPN connection. If a user creates
VPNs to Sites A and B simultaneously, then packets destined for a Site A subnet traverse the VPN to
Site A, with the same applying to packets destined for a Site B subnet.
Note that the routing issues mentioned earlier in this section are also relevant for an architecture with
multiple sites. Each site must be sure to correctly route and to not block VPN packets with addresses
assigned at other sites. If the VPN devices have multiple interfaces, the packets destined for the external
interface may have to be routed differently from packets destined for the internal interface. This depends
on how the internal connectivity between sites is configured. High Availability or Load Balancing Support
An organization may decide to implement high availability or load balancing. High availability may be
required so the organization can meet service level agreements (SLA) for guaranteed uptime, or load
balancing may be required to support a large number of users. SSL VPN products vary widely in how
they support high availability and load balancing. For this reason, an organization with a need for high
availability or load balancing should answer at least these questions about each device under evaluation,
with testing possibly being required to receive detailed answers.
Does the device employ an active/passive or an active/active mode architecture? An active/passive
architecture only supports one active device at a time, while an active/active architecture supports two
devices simultaneously. Active/passive systems are much easier to design and are therefore usually
less expensive than active/active systems. Active/active systems are mostly useful in architectures
where a very high load is expected, so more than one device needs to be active under normal
How is state information maintained across devices in a failure scenario? How long does the failover
process take for proxying, translation, and network extension?
In an active/active mode architecture, is state information for all sessions mirrored across all devices
so a device failure will not disrupt any user sessions? Or does each device track state information
(such as user authentication status) only for its own sessions so a device failure may require re-
If an external load balancing solution is used, how is state information maintained throughout the
Configuration and upgrading pose additional issues. Some devices mirror configuration settings across
devices, so only the active devices should be configured. Any altered settings on the passive devices will
quickly be overwritten by the active device’s settings. If configuration settings are not mirrored, all
devices should be configured with identical settings at the same time.
For upgrades, the vendor’s instructions for upgrading should be followed. Some vendors require the
passive device in an active/passive mode architecture to be upgraded first. After this upgrade is complete,
the newly upgraded device becomes active and the newly passive device can then be upgraded. Other
vendors require the active device to be upgraded first. The active device is still handling VPN traffic
while it is being upgraded and only fails over to the passive device when it is ready to reboot with the new
upgrade in place. Upgrading the active device first avoids a scenario where the passive device is being
upgraded and receives mirrored configuration changes from the active device in the middle of the upgrade
The organization should design a management policy to determine who will manage the SSL VPN device
and by what means. Some devices offer a partitioned or delegated management feature that allows
different aspects of the device to be managed by different groups or individuals. For example, a group
that manages IT for the sales department can control access control and endpoint security policies for
sales resources only. System administrators can manage endpoint security regarding the type and number
of patches that each client machine must have installed.
If multiple interfaces on the SSL VPN device are used, the management policy should also specify which
interface permits administrative access. Some devices provide flexibility in selectively enabling
administrative access on each interface, as well as permitting this access only from specific IP addresses.
Various forms of authentication for administrative access may also be supported, such as smart cards and
two-factor authentication. If the organization is using multiple interfaces, administrative access is
commonly only configured on the interface connected to the internal network for security reasons
(although allowing management from the external interface over an SSL-protected tunnel is also
considered secure). If administrative access is permitted on the external interface, a stronger form of
authentication than username and password should be used.
The management policy should also discuss the means of backing up and restoring the device
configuration. The specific procedures will vary by device but will include a means of transferring the
configuration to another computer for archiving, and of retrieving this configuration. Some devices also
support the ability to create a complete image of the operating system and configuration. This feature is
useful for restoring every aspect of the device’s functionality at a specific point in time. Client Software Selection
Although SSL VPNs are described as clientless, some forms of SSL VPN access such as network
extension require dynamically downloaded agents to be run on the host. Even before login, the client
machine may have to execute a dynamically downloaded agent that performs host integrity checks. The
organization will have to ensure that these agents can run on client machines if the agents are required by
access control and endpoint security policies. Once logged in, users can use common Web browsers to
use the SSL VPN via proxy, but network extension requires particular browsers or versions of those
browsers because they require other downloadable agents that establish the virtual network connection. If
some systems such as public kiosks cannot download and execute these dynamically downloadable
agents, then the organization will have to make a decision about the level of access to offer to these
machines. Many SSL portal VPNs will work from all common Web browsers, but many SSL tunnel
VPNs require particular browsers, and particular versions of those browsers. Portal Design
The organization should provide a portal for users so they can login to the SSL VPN and gain access to
internal resources. The portal can either be supplied by the SSL VPN device vendor or developed by the
organization itself. If the organization chooses to use the portal supplied by the SSL VPN device vendor,
it can customize it to match the appearance of the organization’s intranet.
Portal customization features vary widely by device, but the organization should be able to alter graphics,
colors, and possibly icons and the layout of the portal. The functionality of the portal will depend on the
type of access to the SSL VPN. For example, resources that rely on proxying and application translation
will require some sort of icon or hyperlink in the portal so users can access them. Access via network
extension also requires a hyperlink or icon on the portal to initiate the network extension process. Once
this takes place, however, the portal is not required to access resources because the client machine has
direct access to these resources via the network extension. An organization’s access control policy could
determine the hyperlinks or icons that are displayed in the portal. For example, if the access control
policy prohibits a user from using network extension, then the hyperlink or icon enabling network
extension should not be displayed. Figure 4-6 depicts an example of a generic SSL VPN portal interface.
Figure 4-6. Example Portal Interface
Cryptography Policy and FIPS Compliance
The organization should choose a cryptography policy that fits its needs and is compliant with its
requirements. In addition, Federal agencies must use only cryptographic modules whose algorithms and
methods are compliant with the FIPS 140-2 specification. This topic is discussed in detail in Section 4.2.
Other Design Decisions
In addition to what has already been discussed in this section, there are other possible design
considerations. The following items describe issues not addressed earlier:
IPv6. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has mandated that all Federal government
agencies must migrate their network backbones to support Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) by June
If the organization is planning a migration to IPv6 in the near future for compliance with this
mandate or for any other reason, it should deploy an SSL VPN solution that is compliant with IPv6.
There is currently no official definition of “IPv6 compliance” from a Federal government
The OMB issued a memo titled Transition Planning for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) on August 2, 2005 that lays out a
transition process for federal government agencies to IPv6. The memo is available at
It is therefore important to verify the specific functionality of an IPv6-compliant SSL
VPN device as well as of all Web browsers that will connect to the SSL VPN. For example, an
organization should verify if the SSL VPN device can serve as a reverse proxy for IPv6 applications
and assign IPv6 addresses to network extension clients, or if it just passes IPv6 packets through.
Incident Response. Organizations should consider how SSL VPN components may be affected by
security-related incidents and create a design that supports effective and efficient incident response
activities. For example, if an SSL VPN user’s system is compromised, this should necessitate
disabling the user’s SSL VPN account.
Log Management. Many organizations have security logging policies. SSL VPN devices should be
configured so they log sufficient details regarding successful and failed login attempts to support
troubleshooting and incident response activities. It is helpful for these logs to track which users log
in, what type of browser they are logging in from, their IP address, what capabilities of the SSL VPN
service they use, and why they may be denied from logging in (e.g., fail endpoint security because of
outdated antivirus software). SSL VPN logging should adhere to the organization’s policies on log
management, such as requiring copies of all log entries to be sent through a secure mechanism to
centralized log servers and preserving all log entries for a certain number of days. Additional
guidance on log management can be found in NIST SP 800-92, Guide to Computer Security Log
Redundancy. Organizations should carefully consider the need for a robust SSL VPN solution that
can survive the failure of one or more components, even if high availability or load balancing is
already part of the VPN design. If the SSL VPN solution is supporting critical functions within the
organization, redundancy should also be considered for supporting systems such as authentication
servers and directory servers.
End-to-end SSL VPNs. If the corporate policy requires network connections to be protected from
end-to-end, VPN devices that can create SSL connections to internal hosts via proxy must have this
functionality turned off. This is due to the encryption being removed by the VPN gateway, which
breaks the end-to-end requirement even if the same gateway re-encrypts the connection to the
4.3.7 Summary of Design Decisions
Table 4-3 provides a checklist that summarizes the major design decisions made during the first two
phases of the SSL VPN planning and implementation process.
Table 4-3. Design Decisions Checklist
Completed Design Decision
Identify Requirements
Determine the resources to be made accessible by SSL VPN.
Determine who must access the resources.
Identify other current and future VPN-related requirements.
Consider the possible technical solutions and select the one that best meets the identified
Federal Government Transition Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Frequently Asked
Questions, February 15, 2006,
For more information see NIST SP 800-92, Guide to Computer Security Log Management, at
Completed Design Decision
Design the Solution–Authentication
Decide which authentication methods should be supported.
Design the Solution–Access Control
Specify the resources to be made accessible.
Specify the groups that have access to the resources.
Identify the conditions under which the groups have access.
Decide on the type of SSL VPN access to grant to users for each resource.
Design the Solution–Architecture
Determine where SSL VPN devices should be located within the network architecture.
Decide on routing policy including the use of NAT and split tunneling.
Define architecture for high availability and/or load balancing.
Determine management policies regarding who has administrative access, for what functions, to
which interfaces, and by which authentication methods.
Verify that dynamically downloadable agents will run on client machines.
Customize vendor-supplied portal or develop internal portal with Application Programming Interface
(API) hooks.
Design the Solution–Endpoint Security
Define the host integrity checks that work in conjunction with access control policy.
Decide which protection mechanisms (cache cleaner, virtual storage space, etc.) to use to protect
Define timeout thresholds for inactivity and re-authentication.
Design the Solution–Cryptography
Choose encryption and integrity protection algorithms and key lengths.
Design the Solution–Other Design Considerations
Determine if IPv6 compliance is a requirement.
Adjust incident response policy to include SSL VPN users.
Define log management policy for SSL VPN devices.
Consider redundancy for supporting systems (authentication or directory servers, etc.)
4.4 Implement and Test Prototype
After the SSL VPN solution has been designed, the next step is to implement and test a prototype of the
design. This could be done in one or more environments, including a laboratory network, a test network,
and a production network. Ideally, implementation and testing should first be performed with a
laboratory network, then a test network. Only implementations in final testing should be placed onto a
production network. Aspects of the solution to evaluate include the following:
Connectivity. Users should be able to establish and maintain SSL VPN connections to access all
resources that are intended to be accessible by the SSL VPN. It is important to verify that all of the
intended applications are accessible by the operating systems and browsers that are most likely to be
used by end users. Intermediate devices in the network such as routers and firewalls should not block
SSL VPN connectivity, especially if the VPN device supports multiple interfaces or if multiple sites
offer SSL VPN access.
Authentication. Users and groups should be able to authenticate and be granted access to resources.
If various groups or access to different resources require different authentication methods, then this
should be verified too.
Access Control. Resources should be protected in accordance with the access control policy that was
established. This should be verified by monitoring network traffic and checking SSL VPN device
logs. If packet filtering or multiple routing tables are used as a means of enforcing access control,
then this needs to be verified as well.
Application and Client Interoperability. The solution should not break or interfere with the use of
existing software applications. This is especially relevant for applications that are translated to be
accessible by SSL VPN, or for complex Web sites that are processed by the SSL VPN reverse proxy.
It also applies to SSL VPN client software issues (e.g., conflict between active content components
and other parts of the client operating system).
Management. Administrators should be able to configure and manage the solution effectively and
securely. This includes all components such as devices, management servers, and client software.
Administrators should verify that they can create backups and restore from them.
Network Management. If the organization has built a network management infrastructure, this
infrastructure should periodically monitor uptime and possibly performance of the SSL VPN devices.
Either the devices should send Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps to indicate a
warning or critical issue or the network management system should determine this through its polling
Logging. The logging and data management functions should work properly in accordance with the
organization’s policies and strategies.
Performance. The SSL VPN implementation should provide adequate performance during normal
and peak usage. It is important to consider not only the performance of the primary SSL VPN
components but also that of intermediate devices such as routers and firewalls. Encrypted traffic
often consumes more processing power than unencrypted traffic, so it may cause bottlenecks. The
additional resources necessitated by SSL vary widely based on several factors, including the
encryption algorithm. Performance also involves the amount of time it takes to establish an SSL
VPN session; this can be affected by the demands of the back-end authentication system (e.g.,
RADIUS, LDAP, AD) and also by the size of the keys in the server’s certificate. Also, because
traffic is encapsulated within an SSL connection, intermediate network devices may need to fragment
packets, possibly slowing network activity. The typical solution for these types of problems is to
reduce the size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) value on the host originating the network
traffic. The MTU is the maximum allowable packet size. The MTU might be able to be lowered by
the network administrator so that SSL-encapsulated packets are not large enough to require
fragmentation. In many cases, the best way to test the performance under load of a prototype
implementation is to use simulated traffic generators on a live test network to mimic the actual
characteristics of expected traffic as closely as possible. Testing should incorporate a variety of
applications that will be used with the SSL VPN implementation, especially those most likely to be
affected by network throughput or latency issues. Addressing performance problems generally
involves upgrading or replacing hardware, using an SSL accelerator to offload SSL processing, or
reducing processing demands (e.g., limiting the number of simultaneous users, limiting the amount of
encrypted application traffic).
Portal Design and Layout. The portal provided for SSL VPN access should be intuitive and
straightforward to navigate. It should also contain the features required by users and only display the
resources for which the current user is authorized. If relevant, it should be consistent with the
organization’s guidelines for Web sites and applications.
Security of the Implementation. Parts of the SSL VPN’s implementation, such as the SSL code or
the firewall code, may contain vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit. Organizations with high
security requirements may want to perform extensive vulnerability assessments against the SSL VPN
components. At a minimum, the testers should update the SSL VPN components with the latest
patches and configure the components following sound security practices. If the device supports
features to protect against cross-site scripting, Structured Query Language (SQL) injection, and buffer
overflow attacks, then these features should be enabled.
Endpoint Security. Only the client machines that pass the security requirements (e.g., firewall,
antivirus software) should be granted access to the SSL VPN. If any security mechanism such as a
virtual storage space or cache cleaner is enabled during a login session, these mechanisms should
erase all data downloaded during the VPN session.
Default Settings. SSL VPN implementations have many default configuration settings. SSL VPN
implementers should carefully review the default values for each setting and alter the settings as
necessary to support their design goals. They should also ensure that the implementation does not
unexpectedly “drop back” to default settings for interoperability or other reasons.
4.4.1 Application and Client Interoperability
Application and client interoperability is a key requirement for a successful SSL VPN implementation.
This is especially important because of the diversity of both the accessible applications and the potential
user client environments. It is difficult to predict how a specific client will interoperate with a specific
application through the SSL VPN.
Some examples of potential interoperability issues are as follows:
Complex Web applications that use JavaScript, Flash, or other languages may not function correctly
after being translated by the SSL VPN proxy component. For example, these applications may
include URLs to internal sites that cannot be traversed because they are not visible to the proxy. Even
if the proxy can translate some of the programming code, it might not be able to translate all of it.
Some SSL VPN devices alter the URL when they function as a proxy. In other words, the user enters
a URL for a Web site to access, but this URL is altered so it no longer resembles what was originally
entered. This alteration may prevent some applications from working correctly.
Clients may not be able to download and install the active content controls that are required to
establish the SSL VPN network extension. This may be due to popup blocker settings in the user’s
browser, managed desktop settings that prevent the installation of active content controls for security
reasons, or idiosyncrasies on the client machine.
Endpoint security mechanisms may not work correctly on a client machine, either preventing login or
failing to erase sensitive data from the machine after the session is over. These issues may be due to
idiosyncrasies on the client machine, a conflict with other security programs such as personal
firewalls, or a conflict between multiple endpoint security programs that are running at the same time.
The best way to determine if there are interoperability issues is to test as many configurations as possible
in a lab or test environment. The most popular configurations of all target operating system platforms
(e.g., Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) should be tested with the most popular Web browsers (e.g., Internet
Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari). The testing process should also attempt to verify that the organization’s
applications are accessible in each commonly used browser and operating system. It is impossible to test
every single permutation of client environment because of the wide variety of possible configuration
settings on each machine, but at least a default configuration of each commonly used operating system
and browser should be tested.
Disk imaging technologies could be helpful in the interoperability testing process. Baseline images of
each operating system could be created and then restored to the baseline after each iteration of testing.
This practice helps to ensure consistency during the testing process and may help to identify specific
configurations that result in interoperability problems. Virtual machine technology could also be helpful
in a similar way, where a “snapshot” of the baseline operating system running in a virtual machine is
created and then restored after each testing iteration. Virtual machine technology streamlines the
interoperability testing process by vastly reducing the time to restore a machine to its initial baseline
If interoperability problems are discovered, the organization should work with the SSL VPN device
vendor to troubleshoot them. Helping the vendor to replicate these problems is essential for this process.
The problems may be solved by configuration changes, patches provided by the vendor, or modifications
to the application or operating system that is causing the problem. If an interoperability problem with an
application cannot be solved, the organization may have to reconsider whether it will be possible to
enable remote access for the application.
4.5 Deploy the Solution
Once testing is complete and any issues have been resolved, the next phase of the SSL VPN planning and
implementation model involves deploying the solution. It is important to launch a pilot program before
enterprise-wide deployment. A pilot program should consist of users who will be helpful for testing the
SSL VPN solution for interoperability, functionality, and usability. Pilot users should fall in a broad
range of technical knowledge levels to evaluate the organization’s ability to answer a wide variety of
technical questions regarding the SSL VPN solution. At the same time, the limited nature of a pilot
program helps to identify a set of problems that could potentially affect a greater audience, while offering
the opportunity to fix these problems before the SSL VPN is used by the entire enterprise.
Part of the pilot program includes end user training and help desk support to assist users in understanding
and using the SSL VPN’s features. End users can either be trained in hands-on sessions or larger lectures.
Users also require documentation that serves as a reference in supplementing the training. Help desk
personnel should receive more detailed technical training so they can help users to troubleshoot problems
and walk them through the process of establishing VPN connectivity. If the pilot program is small
enough, the group deploying the SSL VPN solution may provide technical support to pilot users, with
training for help desk personnel occurring later.
After the pilot program has been launched, it is recommended that the organization gradually migrate
existing network infrastructure, applications, and users to the new SSL VPN solution. This phased
deployment provides administrators an opportunity to evaluate the impact of the SSL VPN solution and
resolve issues before enterprise-wide deployment. Most of the issues that can occur during SSL VPN
deployment are the same type of issues that occur during any large IT deployment.
The organization should also produce technical documentation somewhere in the deployment phase. The
documentation should include the following:
Instructions on configuring the SSL VPN devices to their present state
Access control policy
Routing and firewall configuration policies
Standard operating procedures for the SSL VPN implementation
Endpoint security requirements.
Typical issues that could arise at various stages of the deployment process are as follows:
Encrypted traffic can negatively affect services such as firewalls, intrusion detection, Quality of
Service (QoS), remote monitoring (RMON) probes, and congestion control protocols.
Unexpected performance issues may arise, either with the SSL VPN components themselves or with
intermediate devices such as routers.
SSL VPN traffic may not flow properly on some production networks because of firewalls, routers, or
other intermediate packet filtering devices that block SSL VPN traffic.
The environment may change during the deployment. For example, active content controls used for
network extensions may be broken by a client operating system update or new application
installation. This issue can be handled rather easily in a managed environment, but it can pose a
major problem if users have full control over their systems and can select their own client software.
4.6 Manage the Solution
The last phase of the SSL VPN planning and implementation model lasts the longest. Managing the
solution involves maintaining the SSL VPN architecture, policies, software, and other components of the
deployed solution. Examples of typical maintenance actions are testing and applying patches or software
updates to the SSL VPN devices, deploying SSL VPN connectivity to additional remote sites, renewing
SSL server certificates that are going to expire, and adapting the policies as requirements change. It is
also important to monitor the performance of SSL VPN components so that potential resource issues can
be identified and addressed before performance becomes seriously degraded. Another important task is to
perform testing periodically to verify that the access controls are functioning as expected. Any new
hardware, software, or significant configuration changes start the process again at the Identify
Requirements phase. This ensures that the SSL VPN solution lifecycle operates effectively and
Another aspect of managing the SSL VPN solution is handling operational issues. For example, poor
performance may be caused by connection problems such as fragmentation. Fragmentation occurs when
network packets are broken down into smaller fragments, which then need to be reassembled at the
receiving host. A network sniffer such as tcpdump or Wireshark is typically very helpful in
troubleshooting SSL VPN connections. A sniffer allows the administrator to analyze the communications
as they take place and correct problems. Because SSL traffic is encrypted and may not be decipherable
from a standard packet capture, some SSL VPN devices provide decrypted network sniffing capability so
that connectivity from one of the VPN endpoints may be analyzed. SSL VPN device logs and client logs
may also be valuable resources during troubleshooting. Additionally, firewall and router logs may
validate whether the SSL VPN traffic is reaching them, passing through them, or being blocked.
4.7 Summary
This section describes a phased approach to SSL VPN planning and implementation and highlights
various issues that may be of significance to implementers. The following summarizes the key points
from the section:
The use of a phased approach for SSL VPN planning and implementation can help to achieve
successful SSL VPN deployments. The five phases of the approach are as follows:
1. Identify Requirements. Identify the requirements for remote access and determine how they can
best be met.
2. Design the Solution. Make design decisions in five areas: access control, endpoint security,
authentication methods, architecture, and cryptography policy.
3. Implement and Test a Prototype. Test a prototype of the designed solution in a lab, test, or
production environment to identify any potential issues.
4. Deploy the Solution. Gradually deploy the SSL VPN solution throughout the enterprise,
beginning with a pilot program.
5. Manage the Solution. Maintain the SSL VPN components and resolve operational issues.
Repeat the planning and implementation process when significant changes need to be
incorporated into the solution.
The organization should base its access control policy on its organizational requirements for remote
access. These requirements stipulate which resources should be accessed by which groups or
individuals. The access control policy could provide additional requirements and make access to
resources dependent on other characteristics such as the authentication method used, computer type
and location, and user identification.
The endpoint security policy specifies the host integrity checks that are performed before a host logs
in. The policy also defines the checks that are performed after logout to guarantee the security of data
that is downloaded during the VPN session.
The organization should select an authentication solution that is consistent with its security policy.
The method of authentication can vary by user, group, or specific resource.
There are three main types of hardware configuration: a hardware appliance, an option to an existing
security product, and a software solution. The hardware appliance configuration is the most common.
The placement of an SSL VPN device has potential security, functionality, and performance
Routing policy is an important consideration, especially if the VPN implementation supports network
extension, split tunneling, or multiple sites. It is recommended that NAT not be used so traffic to and
from individual remote hosts can be tracked.
SSL VPN devices vary widely in how they support load balancing and high availability, so the
organization should select a device that supports its load balancing or high availability requirements.
Although SSL VPNs are described as clientless, some forms of SSL VPN access such as network
extension require dynamically downloaded agents to be run on the host.
SSL VPN users require access to a portal so they can login to the SSL VPN and gain access to
internal resources. The portal can either be supplied by the SSL VPN device vendor or developed by
the organization itself. The organization’s access control policy determines the VPN options
available to a user.
The strongest possible cryptographic algorithms and key lengths that are considered secure for current
practice should be used for encryption and integrity protection unless they are incompatible with
performance and export constraints. For government agencies, traffic that requires protection must
employ FIPS-compliant cryptographic algorithms.
Other design decisions include IPv6 capability, incident response, log management, and redundancy.
Testing of the prototype implementation should evaluate multiple factors including connectivity,
authentication, access control, endpoint security, application and client interoperability, management,
network management, logging, performance, portal design and layout, and security.
It is important to launch a pilot program before enterprise-wide deployment. Once this program has
been launched, it is recommended to gradually migrate existing network infrastructure, applications,
and users to the new SSL VPN solution.
After implementation, the SSL VPN solution needs to be maintained. Such maintenance can include
applying patches and deploying SSL VPN connectivity to additional remote sites. Operational issues
also need to be addressed and resolved.
Organizations should implement technical, operational, and management controls that support and
complement SSL VPN implementations. Examples include having control over all entry and exit
points for the protected networks, ensuring the security of all SSL VPN endpoints, and incorporating
SSL VPN considerations into organizational policies.
5. SSL VPN Recommended Practices
This section summarizes the information presented in the previous sections as a manageable and
actionable set of recommendations that organizations can implement to provide reasonable assurance that
their SSL VPN solutions are providing adequate security and are themselves secured properly. To be
effective, an SSL VPN should have its security considerations incorporated throughout the entire IT life
cycle, involving everything from policy to operations. This section references a five-phase life cycle
model to help organizations determine at what point in their SSL VPN deployments a recommended
practice might be relevant. The model is based on one introduced in NIST SP 800-64, Security
Considerations in the Information System Development Life Cycle
. Organizations may follow a project
management methodology or life cycle model that does not directly map to the phases in the model that is
presented in this section, but the types of tasks in the methodology and their sequencing are probably
Table 5-1 presents the recommended practices corresponding to the life cycle phases. Each
recommendation is accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for its inclusion and section
reference for more information, and is rated as recommended practice or should consider. Organizations
are strongly encouraged to adopt the recommended practices. Failure to implement them significantly
increases the risk of an SSL VPN security failure or makes it more difficult to assess the overall security
of the SSL VPN system. Organizations should also examine each of the should consider
recommendations to determine their applicability to the target environment. In general, should consider
measures enhance security beyond what can be achieved through the recommended practices. A should
consider should be rejected only if it is infeasible or if the reduction in risk from its implementation does
not justify its cost.
Table 5-1. SSL VPN Life Cycle Phase Recommendations
Life Cycle
Recommendation Rationale Rating
Identify which resources or services need
to be available for remote access and who
should be able to access them through
the SSL VPN.
This will assist in creating a
granular access control list.
Reference: 4.1
Consider future needs as well as current.
This will assist in choosing a
scalable solution.
Reference: 4.1
Should Consider
Determine other requirements such as
anticipated performance requirements
(normal and peak loads), service level
agreement (SLA) guarantees, and the use
of multiple languages.
This will assist in choosing a
comprehensive solution.
Reference: 4.1
Should Consider
SSL VPNs should support the required
algorithms for symmetric encryption, key
exchange, and hash functions; and the
required key lengths.
Some organizations, such
as Federal agencies, have
strict requirements for
encryption and integrity
protection. All cryptographic
algorithms for Federal
agencies must be FIPS-
Reference: 3.6
NIST SP 800-64 can be downloaded from http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/.
Life Cycle
Recommendation Rationale Rating
Weigh the different technical solutions
after the deployment requirements are
It is possible that other
protocols such as SSH or
IPsec provide a better
technical solution than SSL.
This is especially pertinent if
a VPN solution already
exists, because it could
potentially be leveraged to
meet the identified
Reference: 4.1
SSL VPNs that are to be used in
applications that must be FIPS-compliant
must use TLS 1.0 or later for their SSL
VPN systems. Further, those systems
must be able to be configured to only use
TLS 1.0 or later.
This configuration ensures
proper compliance and
security level for the
Reference: 4.2.1
SSL VPNs that are to be used in
applications that must be FIPS-compliant
must be able to be configured to only use
cipher suites with FIPS-compliant
A client that is offering a
cipher suite with non-
compliant encryption might
use the SSL negotiation to
cause the SSL VPN
gateway to create an SSL
session that is inappropriate
for the security level of the
Reference: 4.2.3
SSL VPNs that are to be used in
applications that must be FIPS-compliant
must be able to be configured to only use
FIPS-compliant key sizes and hash
functions in these certificates.
This configuration ensures
proper compliance and
security level for the
Reference: 4.2.5
Design the access control policy by listing
the resources that will be accessed
through the SSL VPN, the groups or
users, the conditions under which the
resources should be accessible by the
groups, and how the VPN should be used
to access the resources.
This allows a more
manageable and granular
access control policy.
Reference: 4.3.1
Run host integrity checks before the login
This looks for malware such
as keystroke loggers or
viruses, validates that the
operating system and
applications have current
patches, looks for out-of-
compliance software, etc.
Reference: 4.3.2
An endpoint security policy should
consider how to enforce endpoint security
on a client system after the user has
logged out.
This includes the use of
cache cleaners and virtual
storage space.
Reference: 4.3.2
Should Consider
Life Cycle
Recommendation Rationale Rating
If a user forgets to log out, the SSL VPN
device should be able to perform an
automatic logout after a specific period of
This protects against open
connections that could be
hijacked by attackers.
Reference: 4.3.2
Should Consider
The organization should choose an
authentication scheme consistent with its
security policy.
This will ensure compatibility
and can leverage current
authentication methods. If
two-factor authentication is
already required, then it
should also be used for SSL
VPN client authentication.
Reference: 4.3.3
Existing external authentication
infrastructures should also be leveraged if
Many SSL VPN products
support LDAP, RADIUS, and
Active Directory, so they can
be configured to access
authentication servers using
any of these options.
Reference: 4.3.3
In addition to user authentication, the
organization should also evaluate different
server authentication options.
The SSL VPN device
requires an SSL server
certificate so it can
authenticate itself to clients.
Reference: 4.3.3
Should Consider
An organization with high performance
requirements should consider a hardware
SSL VPN appliance with accelerators.
Hardware accelerators
offload SSL processing so
the appliance can process
more user requests.
Should Consider
Place the SSL VPN device inside the
organization’s firewall.
Placing the SSL VPN device
outside the firewall is not
recommended because the
traffic destined for the
internal network still has to
go through the firewall,
limiting any value provided
by the VPN. The traffic
between the VPN device
and internal hosts is not
encrypted by SSL and
potentially vulnerable to
sniffing attacks. Also, the
device itself receives no
protection from the firewall.
Should Consider
Life Cycle
Recommendation Rationale Rating
It is recommended that if the VPN device
is placed in the DMZ then it should be
configured with two interfaces.
Remote users use the
external interface to connect
to the device, while traffic
destined for the internal
network traverses the
internal interface. This
internal interface is
connected to either another
firewall or another interface
on the same firewall.
Should Consider
It is recommended that NAT not be used
for clients using network extension.
NAT makes it difficult to
track the network activity of
VPN clients by IP address
because all of them share a
single address. Additionally,
client machines lose the
option of offering file or print
services to be shared by
internal hosts.
The organization should design a
management policy to determine who will
manage the SSL VPN device and by what
This will establish points of
contact and accountability.
If administrative access is permitted on
the external interface, a stronger form of
authentication should be used than
username and password.
It is important to protect
external interfaces that may
be accessible by attackers.
The management policy should address
the means of backing up and restoring the
device configuration.
Regular configuration
backups should be
performed as well as
periodic testing of restore
The organization should provide a portal
for users so they can login to the SSL
VPN and gain access to internal
This is the main interface for
If the organization is planning a migration
to IPv6 in the near future for compliance
or for any other reason, it should deploy
an SSL VPN solution that is compliant
with IPv6.
The Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) has
mandated that all Federal
government agencies must
migrate their network
backbones to support IPv6
by June 2008.
Reference: 4.3.6
Organizations should consider how SSL
VPN components may be affected by
security-related incidents and create a
design that supports effective and efficient
incident response activities.
Creating effective and
efficient incident response
procedures can lessen the
damage caused by
Reference: 4.3.6
Life Cycle
Recommendation Rationale Rating
SSL VPN devices should be configured so
they log sufficient details regarding
successful and failed login attempts to
support troubleshooting and incident
response activities.
Establishing effective event
logging and review
procedures can lessen the
damage if a security event
Reference: 4.3.6
Implement and test a prototype of the
Test a prototype of the
designed solution in a lab,
test, or production
environment to identify any
potential issues.
Reference: 4.4
Should Consider
Launch a pilot program before enterprise-
wide deployment.
A pilot program should
consist of users who will be
helpful for testing the SSL
VPN solution for
interoperability, functionality,
and usability.
Reference: 4.5
Should Consider
After the pilot program has been
launched, it is recommended that the
organization gradually migrate existing
network infrastructure, applications, and
users to the new SSL VPN solution.
This phased deployment
provides administrators an
opportunity to evaluate the
impact of the SSL VPN
solution and resolve issues
before enterprise-wide
Reference: 4.5
The organization should produce technical
documentation somewhere in the
deployment phase.
This will assist with
configuration and
troubleshooting of the SSL
VPN solution.
Reference: 4.5
Organizations should implement other
measures that support and complement
SSL VPN implementations.
These measures help to
ensure that the SSL VPN
solution is implemented in
an environment with the
technical, management, and
operational controls
necessary to provide
sufficient security for the
SSL VPN implementation.
Reference: 4
Perform ongoing monitoring, upgrading,
and securing of the SSL VPN solution.
This includes testing and
applying patches or software
updates to the SSL VPN
devices, deploying SSL VPN
connectivity to additional
remote sites, renewing SSL
server certificates that are
going to expire, and
adapting the policies as
requirements change.
Reference: 4.6
Life Cycle
Recommendation Rationale Rating
Monitor the performance of SSL VPN
Potential resource issues
can be identified and
addressed before
performance becomes
seriously degraded.
Reference: 4.6
Perform testing periodically to verify that
the access controls are functioning as
This may reveal security
weaknesses that need to be
Reference: 4.6
6. Alternatives to SSL VPNs
Although SSL VPNs are flexible enough to meet many needs, there are certain cases when other types of
VPNs may provide a better solution. This section lists several VPN protocols that are used as alternatives
to SSL VPNs in different scenarios. This section groups the types of VPN by the approximate layer of
the TCP/IP model at which they function, because many of the protocols’ characteristics are based on the
layer they use. SSL is the prevalent transport layer VPN protocol; this section discusses several data link
layer, network layer, and application layer VPN protocols. For each protocol, a brief description is
provided, along with a description of the circumstances under which it may be more advantageous than an
6.1 Data Link Layer VPN Protocols
Data link layer VPN protocols function below the network layer in the TCP/IP model. This means that
various network protocols, such as IP, Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), and Network Basic
Input/Output System (NetBIOS) Extended User Interface (NetBEUI), can usually be used with a data link
layer VPN. Most VPN protocols, such as IPsec, only support IP, so data link layer VPN protocols may
provide a viable option for protecting networks running non-IP protocols and for networks running more
than one network protocol (such as IP and IPX at the same time).
The most commonly implemented data link layer VPN protocols are typically used on top of the Point-to-
Point Protocol (PPP) and are most often used to secure modem-based connections. PPP, not the VPN
protocol itself, typically provides encryption and authentication services for the traffic. The standards for
PPP only reference supporting Data Encryption Standard (DES) for encryption and Password
Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) for
authentication. Because there are known weaknesses in these algorithms, data link layer VPN protocols
often make use of additional protocols and services to provide stronger encryption and authentication for
VPN connections. The most commonly used data link layer VPN protocols are as follows:
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Version 2
PPTP provides a protected tunnel between a PPTP-enabled client (e.g., a personal computer)
and a PPTP-enabled server. Each system that may use PPTP needs to have PPTP client
software installed and configured appropriately.
PPTP uses Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) to transport data. Most packet filtering
devices block this protocol by default, so they may need to be reconfigured to permit it in
systems that use PPTP for a VPN. In addition to the GRE connection, PPTP also establishes
a separate control channel using TCP port 1723.
Microsoft has created its own PPP encryption mechanism for use with PPTP, Microsoft
Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE); it uses a 40-bit or 128-bit key with the RSA RC4
algorithm. Microsoft has also created MS-CHAP to provide stronger authentication than
PAP and CHAP; nevertheless, researchers have found serious weaknesses in MS-CHAP.
The original version of PPTP contained serious security flaws. PPTP version 2 addressed
many of these issues, but researchers have identified weaknesses with it as well (in addition
to the MS-CHAP issues).
For more information please refer to http://www.schneier.com/paper-pptpv2.pdf.
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
Like PPTP, L2TP protects communications between an L2TP-enabled client and an L2TP-
enabled server, and it requires L2TP client software to be installed and configured on each
user system.
Unlike PPTP, which relies on GRE to tunnel data, L2TP uses its own tunneling protocol,
which runs over UDP port 1701. Because of this, L2TP may be easier to pass through packet
filtering devices than PPTP.
L2TP can support multiple sessions within the same tunnel.
L2TP with IPsec is an established standard of the IETF (RFC 3193).
In addition to the PPP-provided authentication methods, L2TP can also use other methods,
such as RADIUS and Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS+).
L2TP often uses IPsec to provide encryption and key management services.
Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F)
Unlike PPTP and L2TP, L2F is intended for use between network devices, such as an ISP’s
network access server and an organization’s VPN gateway. Users establish unprotected
connections from their computers to the ISP. The ISP recognizes that the users’ traffic
should be tunneled to the organization, so it authenticates each user and the organization’s
VPN gateway, and then provides protection for the traffic between the ISP and the
organization. The use of L2F requires the ISP’s support and participation.
Because L2F is not client-based, users’ systems do not need L2F client software or
configuration. However, this also means that communications between the users’ systems
and the ISP are completely unprotected.
Like L2TP, L2F can use authentication protocols such as RADIUS and TACACS+. L2F
does not support encryption.
L2TP was intended to replace PPTP and L2F. When configured properly, L2TP combined with IPsec can
provide strong encryption and authentication. PPTP should not be used to protect communications
because of its known weaknesses. Because L2F can provide only limited protection for portions of
communications that involve a participating ISP, L2TP should be used instead of L2F when the link from
the remote user to the ISP needs to be protected (which is normally the case). L2TP with IPsec is a viable
option for providing confidentiality and integrity for dial-up communications, particularly for
organizations that contract VPN services to an ISP.
6.2 Network Layer VPN Protocols
Network layer VPN protocols apply to all applications and are not application-specific. This allows some
or all network communications between two hosts or networks to be protected without modifying any
applications. IPsec is the most common network layer security control used to create VPNs. It is a
framework of open standards for ensuring private communications over public networks. IPsec protocols
work together in various combinations to provide protection for communications. The primary
components of IPsec include the Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP),
Internet Key Exchange (IKE), and IP Payload Compression Protocol (IPComp).
In many environments, network layer controls such as IPsec provide a much better solution than transport
or application layer controls because of the difficulties in adding controls to individual applications.
Another advantage of network layer controls is that since IP information (e.g., IP addresses) is added at
this layer, the controls can protect both the data within the packets and the IP information for each packet.
Nevertheless, network layer controls provide less control and flexibility for protecting specific
applications than transport and application layer controls.
6.3 Application Layer “VPNs”
As discussed in Section 2.1, each application layer protocol provides protection for only a single
application. In many cases, the protocol protects only a portion of the application data. For example, the
S/MIME and OpenPGP application protocols can be used in conjunction with email servers to encrypt the
body of an email, but not the email headers (which include addressing information). Doing the
encrypting at the mail server creates a secure path between the mail servers, but only for the data covered
by the cryptographic changes.
It is difficult to call such encryption a VPN. It is not a network: it is a set of paths. Even if the entire
message is encrypted, such as with Voice over IP (VoIP) that is using encryption, it is by no means a
network: it is just a collection of encrypted data. Thus, it is incorrect to call anything above the network
layer a “VPN”, although many companies market their application-layer encryption products as such.
A commonly used application layer protocol suite is Secure Shell (SSH), which contains secure
replacements for several unencrypted application protocols, including telnet, Remote Copy Protocol
(RCP), and FTP. The SSH client program itself provides protection for remote logins to another system.
Some organizations extend the use of the SSH application by establishing SSH tunnels between hosts,
and then passing other communications through the tunnels. This allows many applications to be
protected at one time through a single tunnel. Generally, the tunnel is constructed between a remote
user’s system and a server within the organization that the user can log into. Because a single SSH tunnel
can provide protection for one or more applications at the same time, it is technically a transport layer
VPN protocol, not application layer.
SSH tunnel-based VPNs are resource-intensive to set up. They require the installation and configuration
of SSH client software on each user’s machine, as well as the reconfiguration of client applications to use
the tunnel. Each user must also have login privileges on a server within the organization. Generally,
users need to have solid technical skills so that they can configure systems and applications themselves,
as well as troubleshoot problems that occur. Because of this, using SSH tunnels as a VPN is uncommon,
particularly when compared to SSL VPN deployment.
6.4 Summary
Section 6 describes the main alternatives to SSL VPNs. Data link layer VPN protocols, such as PPTP,
L2TP, and L2F; network layer VPN protocols, primarily IPsec; and application layer “VPN” protocols,
including OpenPGP and SSH, are all effective alternatives to SSL VPNs for particular needs and
environments. Table 6-1 provides a high-level comparison of the alternatives. The following summarizes
the key points from Section 6:
Detailed information on the IPsec components may be found in NIST SP 800-77, Guide to IPsec VPNs, available from
Data link layer VPNs can protect various network protocols, so they are often used for non-IP
protocols. Data link layer VPNs are most commonly used on top of PPP to secure modem-based
connections, although PPP actually encrypts the traffic.
PPTP protects communications between a PPTP-enabled client and a PPTP-enabled server,
and uses GRE to transport data between them.
L2TP protects communications between an L2TP-enabled client and an L2TP-enabled server
and uses its own tunneling protocol over UDP port 1701 to transport data.
L2F protects communications between two network devices, such as ISP network access
servers and VPN gateways. It is transparent to users, but it does not protect communications
between users’ systems and ISPs.
Network layer VPNs provide secure communication between two hosts or networks without
modifying any applications. IPsec is the most common network layer VPN; it is used to secure some
or all communications between two endpoints. In addition to protecting the data in the packet, IPsec
also protects the IP information, such as IP addresses. IPsec VPNs only support IP and provide less
flexibility and control for protecting specific applications.
So-called application layer “VPNs” are protocols that allow encryption to be added to application
data. These are not really VPNs because there is no network involved.
Table 6-1. Comparison of SSL and Alternatives
Name Primary Strengths Primary Weaknesses
Potential Cases for Use
Instead of SSL
PPTP + Can protect non-IP protocols
- Requires client software to be
configured (and installed on hosts
without a built-in client)
- Has known security weaknesses
- Does not offer strong
- Only supports one session per
L2TP + Can protect non-IP protocols
+ Can support multiple
sessions per tunnel
+ Can use authentication
protocols such as RADIUS
+ Can use IPsec to provide
encryption and key
management services
- Requires client software to be
configured (and installed on hosts
without a built-in client)
Protecting dial-up
L2F + Can protect non-IP protocols
+ Transparent to clients
+ Can use authentication
protocols such as RADIUS
- Requires each ISP’s participation
- Does not protect communications
between the clients and the ISP
- Does not offer encryption; must
rely on PPP encryption services,
which have known weaknesses
Name Primary Strengths Primary Weaknesses
Potential Cases for Use
Instead of SSL
+ Already supported by most
operating systems
+ Can provide strong
encryption and integrity
+ Transparent to clients in
+ Can use a variety of
authentication protocols
- Can only protect IP-based
- Requires client software to be
configured (and installed on hosts
without a built-in client) for host-to-
gateway and host-to-host
- Does not protect communications
between the clients and the IPsec
gateway in gateway-to-gateway
Protecting all
communications between
networks, such as
supporting connectivity
for a remote site
+ Already supported by all
major Web browsers
+ Can provide strong
encryption and integrity
+ Can provide multiple layers of
+ Transparent to users
+ Granular access control
- Can only protect TCP-based
- Requires application servers and
clients to support SSL
- Configured on an application-by-
application basis
Table 6-2 lists the TCP and UDP port numbers and IP protocols associated with SSL VPNs and the
alternative VPN protocols described in Section 6. This information may be helpful in configuring other
network security devices, such as firewalls and routers, to permit VPN activity to pass through.
Table 6-2. IP Protocols and TCP/UDP Port Numbers for VPN Protocols
VPN Protocol IP Protocols
PPTP 47 (Generic Routing Encapsulation)
6 (TCP), port 1723
L2TP 17 (UDP), port 1701
L2F 17 (UDP), port 1701
IPsec 50 (Authentication Header, for AH connections)
51 (Encapsulating Security Payload, for ESP connections)
17 (UDP), port 500 (for Internet Key Exchange, whether or not NAT-Traversal is used)
17 (UDP), port 4500 (for Internet Key Exchange using NAT-Traversal)
SSL 6 (TCP), port 443
7. Case Study
This section presents an SSL VPN solution planning and implementation case study. The case study
begins by describing a real-world security requirement scenario: protecting network communications
between remote users and a main office. The case study then discusses possible solutions for the security
requirement and explains why an SSL VPN architecture was selected over the alternatives. The next
section of the case study discusses the design of the solution and also provides some details of the
implementation of the solution prototype, including examples of configuring the solution using
commonly available equipment and software.
The case study is not meant to endorse the use of particular products, nor are any products being
recommended over other products. A fictional combination of several common products was chosen so
that the case study would demonstrate a variety of solutions. Organizations and individuals should not
replicate and deploy the sample entries. They are intended to illustrate the decisions and actions
involved in configuring the solutions, not to be deployed as-is into systems.
The scenario described here is connecting remote users to a single main office. A medium-sized
organization has a large population of users that work from remote locations once to several days each
week. The organization is research-oriented, and many of these users require access to a broad range of
internal IT resources to conduct their research. These resources include email, calendar, file sharing
services, and secure shell access on a variety of hosts.
The organization already offers remote access services in the form of a host-to-gateway IPsec solution.
This works successfully but has required significant IT labor resources to install and support the client
software on user hosts. The current solution also does not provide remote access for hosts based in public
locations such as hotels and kiosks. The organization is therefore looking to implement a complementary
remote access architecture.
7.1 Identifying Needs and Evaluating Options
The organization specifies its organizational requirements for remote access:
All users should have access to all internal network resources, especially email and calendar services.
This open policy is necessary because of the broad range of IT resources required by users to conduct
their research. Users may also be required to authenticate themselves to specific resources such as
file shares and databases.
Users should only have access to a limited set of internal services such as email and calendaring if
they are using public hosts (e.g., hosts located in environments such as hotels and Internet cafes).
A small population of users outside of the organization, human resources (HR) staff from the parent
organization, should have access to a limited set of internal HR applications.
After articulating these requirements, the organization considers its options for remote access:
Network Layer Solution: IPsec VPN. As mentioned earlier, the organization has already
established IPsec-based network layer VPN services for remote users. Many users are satisfied with
this solution, but it can be cumbersome for IT staff to support because each host requires client
software to be installed and supported. Moreover, hosts without the preinstalled client software
cannot access internal resources.
Transport Layer Solution: SSL VPN. The organization could provide an SSL VPN between the
remote users and the office over the Internet. Network extension is the most flexible option because
it provides broad access for users into an internal network.
Application Layer Solution: Application Modification. The organization could modify every
application required for remote access. Applications such as SSH are already supported for remote
access. Due to the broad range of relevant applications, it is not considered feasible to modify all of
The organization decides to develop an SSL VPN solution. This solution will complement and not
replace the existing IPsec VPN services. It is assumed that some users will stay with the IPsec solution,
but others will migrate to SSL VPN over time. The organization purchases a commercial appliance with
a support contract to ensure the existence of vendor support.
7.2 Designing the Solution
The organization goes through the process described in Section 4.3 to design the SSL VPN solution. It
first designs an access control policy to determine who can access internal resources and under what
conditions. The next step is to create an endpoint security policy that enforces access control, usually
with host integrity checks. Creating an authentication infrastructure follows, and designing the
architecture and deciding on encryption are the last steps.
7.2.1 Access Control Policy
The organization goes through the four major steps to designing an access control policy that are
described in Section 4.3.1:
1. List the resources that will be accessed through the SSL VPN. Users should have access to all
internal network resources, so these resources can all be grouped together. If a specific resource
such as a file share or database requires additional authentication, then this takes place when a
user accesses the resource. The only exception to this policy of grouping all resources is a set of
HR applications that only a small set of external users is authorized to access. Note that these
users may not access the other internal resources that other users can access.
2. List the groups or users. Most users are in one main group that has network connectivity to all
internal resources. A smaller group is composed of external users that have access to the set of
HR applications mentioned in the previous step.
3. List the conditions under which the resources should be accessible by the groups. There are
several conditions for accessing resources:
Users must use hosts managed by the organization to gain access to internal resources. These
organization-managed hosts all have a system registry key installed that can be checked to
verify their identity.
Users who login from systems in a public location such as a kiosk or Internet café or use their
personal computers can only access a limited set of Web-based applications such as email,
calendaring, and employee phone directory.
The small group of external users that access the HR applications must also use organization-
managed hosts to gain access to these applications.
All hosts, public or otherwise, must be running the latest version of Windows with critical
security updates installed and an antivirus package with an up-to-date virus signature
database. They must also have a firewall program installed and running. Any host not
meeting these requirements is not permitted to login.
4. List how the VPN should be used to access the resources. Resources are accessible in
different ways:
The organization’s internal resources are accessible by network extension because a broad
number of them are hosted on multiple servers. Also, some Web-based applications do not
function properly when proxying is used, so network extension must be used.
When users login from public hosts that are not organization-managed, they can access a set
of Web-based applications via proxy.
The set of HR applications are accessible by network extension because some require many
interlocking programs and cannot be accessed by other means.
Table 7-1 summarizes the organization’s access control policy.
Table 7-1. Organization’s Access Control Policy
Resource Group Condition Access Type
Internal resources
(except HR applications)
Users Organization-managed host Network extension
Web applications Users
Any host running a recent
version of Windows with critical
updates installed and updated
antivirus and firewall software
HR applications (only) HR users Organization-managed host Network extension
7.2.2 Endpoint Security Policy
The organization designs an endpoint security policy to enforce access control. The policy is mainly
driven by a prelogin sequence executed by the SSL VPN appliance before a user logs in. This sequence
runs host integrity checks that require the host to download and run active content controls. These
controls or applets ensure that the host complies with the organization’s endpoint security policy.
The endpoint security policy is based on the access control policy and elaborates further:
An organization-managed host is identified by a registry key indicating that the host is managed
by the organization. The host integrity check only needs to find this key to verify the host’s
identity. Organization-managed hosts use network extension to gain full access to the internal
network. A packet filter is configured on the SSL VPN to prevent these hosts from accessing the
restricted set of HR applications. If a user is permitted to use the restricted set of HR
applications, a packet filter is configured on the SSL VPN to prevent the user from accessing any
resource outside the HR applications. Users are permitted to keep all cookies, Web browser
cache entries, and downloaded files and attachments.
A host that is not organization-managed or is personally owned can only access Web applications
via proxy. The SSL VPN session is established in a virtual storage space and all data stored or
downloaded during the session is erased after logout.
All hosts must run one or more specific versions of Windows, with each specific version using
the most current set of updates. Critical security updates are also required to be installed. The
host must run an antivirus software program certified by the organization that is active and uses a
virus signature database that has been updated in the past month. The host must also run a
firewall program.
7.2.3 Authentication Scheme
The organization has an existing RADIUS authentication infrastructure for multiple resources such as
databases and email servers. The SSL VPN appliances use the same RADIUS servers to authenticate
users as they login to the SSL VPN portal. The groups that are defined by the access control policy are
configured in RADIUS. So most users belong to one large RADIUS group, and the external users
granted access to the HR applications are put into another smaller RADIUS group.
The SSL VPN appliances determine this group information from RADIUS so they can dynamically map
users into the correct group. For example, a user who is a member of the HR Users’ RADIUS group is
only given access to the HR applications.
Users authenticate themselves via two-factor authentication. Each user must type in a password and use a
physical token to enter a one-time password generated by the token. Table 7-2 shows the authentication
method for each internal resource.
Table 7-2. Organization’s Authentication Methods
Resource Group Condition Authentication
Internal resources
(except HR applications)
Users Organization-managed host
RADIUS (password and
Web applications Users
Any host running a recent version of
Windows with critical updates installed and
updated antivirus and firewall software
RADIUS (password and
HR applications (only) HR Users Organization-managed host
RADIUS (password and
For server authentication, the organization purchases an SSL server certificate from a CA whose root
certificate is already installed in most common browsers and installs the SSL server certificate on the SSL
VPN appliance.
Architecture Design
The organization designs an architecture incorporating the SSL VPN appliances within its existing
network infrastructure. It performs configuration of the appliances and devises a management policy.
Selection of Hardware Configuration
The organization chooses an appliance solution developed by a commercial vendor. Hardware appliances
are the most common type of SSL VPN hardware on the market today, and they possess the advantages of
being preconfigured and already hardened by the vendor. Furthermore, support is more straightforward
because the device configuration is standardized.
Device Placement and Firewall Configuration
The organization adopts an internal SSL VPN approach for device placement. Access to TCP port 443 on
the SSL VPN for all external addresses is added to the corporate firewall; no other access rules are added
to the firewall. This is similar to the architecture shown in Figure 4-2.
Routing Policy
The organization prohibits split tunneling, so the remote access host sends all traffic destined for internal
subnets and the rest of the Internet through the VPN tunnel. Traffic destined for machines outside the
organization’s perimeter is blocked by the SSL VPN. In this case, attempts to go off the corporate
network directly from the user's system are blocked. Some SSL VPNs include hairpin proxies that allow
VPN users to leave the network, but only by traversing the SSL VPN gateway which has been set up as a
normal outgoing firewall.
The organization has a main headquarters location and several branch offices, but it only deploys SSL
VPN appliances at headquarters. All of the organization’s internal IT resources are available at
High Availability
The organization is pursuing a high availability strategy. The VPN appliance supports high availability
with an active/passive architecture. Configuration settings are mirrored across both devices, so any
configuration change made to the active device is automatically copied to the passive device’s
configuration. VPN session information is also mirrored; users do not have to reauthenticate after a
device failure, but existing TCP connections are broken and do have to be reestablished.
The management policy for the VPN appliances is consistent with the organization’s security policy.
Administrative access is only supported on the appliance’s internal interface and is limited to a small set
of IP addresses. Accounts with limited administrative access are created and assigned to different groups,
such as one account that can review system logs and another account that can update the host integrity
checks to search for recent security updates.
Configuration settings are backed up each week to a central server. The organization also uses a set of
appliances for testing and staging. They are configured identically to the live units, and any updates or
patches are applied on them first.
The appliances are monitored by the organization’s network management system. The network
management system periodically pings the appliances’ IP addresses and polls the appliances’ SNMP
management information base (MIB). It compares data from the MIB with known operational values to
search for any potential operational issues.
Client Software Selection
The prelogin sequence requires a remote access host to download and execute active content so the host
integrity checks can be performed. The desktop management policies for the organization-managed hosts
are configured to permit specific active content controls to run locally.
Portal Design
The organization uses the portal provided by the VPN appliance vendor. It provides some customization
such as altering the banner graphics to be consistent with the organization’s logo and colors. It also only
displays options that the user is authorized to access. For example, if a user is in the group that is only
allowed to view the HR Web sites, only those sites are listed on the user’s portal page.
Encryption Scheme
The organization requires FIPS 140-2 compliance for its SSL VPN solution. As a result, the organization
verifies the level of FIPS compliance of the system before purchasing it. The organization configures the
SSL VPN to only permit logins from client browsers that use SSL cipher suites with FIPS-approved
cryptography. The appliance is also configured to require browsers to support TLS 1.0 for SSL
7.3 Implementing a Prototype
After the organization designs the SSL VPN solution, it implements and tests a prototype of the design.
The prototype is initially configured and tested in a laboratory network and is moved later to a production
network so access to actual internal resources can be tested. The laboratory network replicates the
addresses of the corporate network, and thus needs to be completely unconnected to the corporate
network. The test network includes a firewall with the same configuration as the corporate firewall, and
example servers that have the same capabilities and the same addresses as the servers that will be
accessed through the SSL VPN.
The organization develops a test plan to evaluate functionality and connectivity. The plan is based on
Section 4.3 and includes tests for connectivity, authentication, access control, endpoint security, and client
interoperability. Users of multiple operating systems (e.g., Windows, Linux, Macintosh), device types
(e.g., laptops, PDAs, smart phones) and Web browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Safari)
must be able to access internal resources from outside the network. If users are using organization-
managed hosts, then they should be able to do everything they could do if they were located in their
offices. Multiple scenarios such as a user logging in from a public host or a host that has an out of date
virus database must be tested. The testers also validate that people with different types of RADIUS
credentials only get the expected type of access when they log in during the test.
Example configuration steps
Different SSL VPNs have different administrative interfaces. Many allow control through Web browsers,
while some use custom programs, and still others use old-style command line interfaces (CLI). In this
section, a fictitious SSL VPN that has a browser interface is described along with examples of steps that
might be taken to implement the rules from the scenario.
The interface has four major sections:
To begin, the administrator needs to configure the addresses of the Ethernet interface on the SSL VPN.
The administrator goes to the Ethernet choice in the System menu and sets the address assigned to the
SSL VPN on the inside of the corporate network. Because this system is configured inside the existing
network, no routing needs to be defined; had this SSL VPN been located outside the firewall or on the
DMZ, the administrator would need to specify routing information.
Using the Add User Group choice of the Users menu, the administrator creates a group called
“NormalUsers”. In this dialog box, the administrator specifies which authentication mechanisms are used
(a password and a physical token) and specifies how the authentication is validated (using the existing
RADIUS server). The administrator specifies that participation in the NormalUsers group for the VPN is
given to people whom the RADIUS server labels as “User”. They use the Add User Group choice to add
a second group, “HROnlyUsers”, but participation in that group is the people the RADIUS server labels
as “HR Users”.
The Access menu allows the administrator to define those resources to which the members of each user
group have access. Using the Add Access Group command, the administrator creates an access group
called “NormalFullAccess” that links “NormalUsers” to all network services, using a network extension
program from the SSL VPN. The network extension’s packet filter is set up to block TCP ports 80 and
443 of the addresses of the Web servers that are controlled by the HR department. The administrator also
selects only display available resources for this access group.
Next, for users accessing the SSL VPN from equipment that is not owned by the organization, the
administrator uses the Add Access Group command to create an access group called
“NormalPartialAccess” that links “NormalUsers” only to TCP port 80 of the addresses for the three Web
servers that have the corporate calendar, the Web mail system, and the employee phone directory, using a
reverse Web proxy, and selects only display available resources. Last, the administrator creates the
“HRAccess” group that links “HROnlyUsers”, using a network extension program from the SSL VPN to
allow access to only TCP ports 80 and 443 of the addresses of the Web servers that are controlled by the
HR department, and selects only display available resources.
The three access lists each have policies associated with them, so the administrator uses the Policy List
command in the Policies menu to create a list of policies. The dialog box starts with an empty list, and
the administrator clicks the Add button to create the first policy. In that dialog box, the administrator
specifies that everyone in the NormalFullAccess group must use the following policies:
The remote host is managed by the organization.
The latest version of one or more specific versions of Windows is being used.
The most current set of patches and security updates has been applied to the operating system.
An approved antivirus program is running.
An approved firewall program with an approved configuration is running.
Split tunneling is not permitted.
The protocol used must be TLS 1.0 or later.
The cryptographic protocol being used must be one that complies with FIPS 140-2.
After creating this policy, the administrator creates similar policies for everyone in the
NormalPartialAccess and HRAccess groups.
The last steps are to configure the management of the SSL VPN itself. In the Administrators command in
the System menu, the administrator changes the default password that came with the system and sets the
range of IP addresses that can be used to administer the system. In the same dialog box, the administrator
also creates additional administrative accounts with limited rights, such as for viewing particular logs.
Under the Backup command in the System menu, the administrator sets up automatic weekly backups to
be sent to an FTP server on the internal network. The SNMP command in the System menu is used to
allow monitoring of the device.
The Replication command in the System menu allows configuration of the high availability feature
described earlier. The administrator enters the address of the other server in the high availability group
and specifies that this server is the “master” of the group.
7.4 Deploying and Managing the Solution
The organization employs a pilot program to deploy the solution. It solicits volunteers who can
contribute their user experience and help to troubleshoot any problems with connectivity or
interoperability. The SSL VPN development staff also produces documentation to help in establishing
VPN connectivity. The documentation assists users in enabling the host integrity checks to be executed
on their hosts, and it addresses frequently asked questions.
Section 7 covered a case study for planning and implementing an SSL VPN system for an organization.
The steps described in this section follow the recommendations and guidelines given throughout this
document for choosing and setting up an SSL VPN. It should be emphasized that the scenario described
in this section is for a fictitious organization and that the steps taken by a real organization would likely
be different from those given here.
The portrayed organization first identified its needs based on its current operations and its stated future
goals for secure remote access. In designing the proposed solution, the organization followed the typical
steps of creating both an access control and an endpoint security policy: laying out its methods for
authentication of users, designing an overall architecture for the expected remote access solution,
selecting the hardware needed to meet its goals, specifying where in its current network the hardware will
go, determining whether or not it needs a high availability solution, creating a management policy for the
system and users, selecting the client software, designing the portal that the users will see when they
connect to the system, and developing an encryption policy.
After this design was completed, the organization implemented a prototype of the system before
deploying it fully. The test plan for this prototype involved creating a sample configuration for the
network access, the list of users for the system, definitions of the types of access that will be given to the
users, and a specific policy plan linking the users to the types of access as well as other policy restrictions
on the users.
Appendix A—Glossary
Selected terms used in the Guide to SSL VPNs are defined below.
Access Control: The process of permitting or restricting access to applications at a granular level, such
as per-user, per-group, and per-resources.
Agent: A host-based IPS program that monitors and analyzes activity and performs preventive actions;
OR a program or plug-in that enables an SSL VPN to access non-Web-based applications and services.
Application Layer: Layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack that sends and receives data for particular
applications such as DNS, HTTP, and SMTP.
Application Translation: A function that converts information from one protocol to another.
Authentication: The process a VPN uses to limit access to protected services by forcing users to identify
Availability: The ability for authorized users to access systems as needed.
Confidentiality: The ability to protect data so that unauthorized parties cannot view the data.
Customization: The ability to control the appearance of the SSL VPN Web pages that the users see
when they first access the VPN.
Data Link Layer: Layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack that handles communications on the physical
network components such as Ethernet.
Diffie-Hellman: A method used to securely exchange or establish secret keys across an insecure
network. Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman is used to create temporary or single-use secret keys.
Full Tunneling: A method that causes all network traffic to go through the tunnel to the organization.
Header: A portion of a packet that contains layer-specific information such as addresses.
High Availability: A failover feature to ensure availability during device or component interruptions.
Integrity: The ability to detect even minute changes in the data.
Network Extension: A method of providing partial or complete network access to remote users.
Network Layer: Layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack that is responsible for routing packets across
Payload: Consists of the information passed down from the previous layer.
Portal VPN: A single standard SSL connection to a Web site (the portal) that allows a remote user to
securely access multiple network services via a standard Web browser.
Proxy: An intermediary device or program that provides communication and other services between a
client and server.
Scalability: The ability to support more users, concurrent sessions, and throughput than a single SSL
VPN device can typically handle.
Signature: The ability to trace the origin of the data.
Split Tunneling: A method that routes organization-specific traffic through the SSL VPN tunnel, but
routes other traffic through the remote user's default gateway.
Transport Layer: Layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack that is responsible for reliable connection-oriented
or connectionless end-to-end communications.
Tunnel VPN: An SSL connection that allows a remote user to securely access a wide variety of
protocols and applications, through a tunnel that is running under SSL, via a Web browser, generally
augmented by a client application or plug-in..
Virtual Private Network: A virtual network built on top of existing networks that can provide a secure
communications mechanism for data and IP information transmitted between networks.
Appendix B—Acronyms
Selected acronyms used in the Guide to SSL VPNs are defined below.
AD Active Directory
AH Authentication Header
API Application Programming Interface
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
CA Certificate Authority
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CIFS Common Internet File System
CLI Command Line Interface
CMS Cryptographic Message Syntax
CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program
CRL Certificate Revocation List
DES Data Encryption Standard
DMZ DeMilitarized Zone
DNS Domain Name System
DSA Digital Signature Algorithm
DSS Digital Signature Standard
ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation
HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code
HR Human Resources
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IKE Internet Key Exchange
IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
IPComp IP Payload Compression Protocol
IPS Intrusion Prevention System
IPsec Internet Protocol Security
IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange
ISP Internet Service Provider
IT Information Technology
ITL Information Technology Laboratory
L2F Layer 2 Forwarding
L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
LAN Local Area Network
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
MAC Message Authentication Code
MIB Management Information Base
MPPE Microsoft Point to Point Encryption
MS-CHAP Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NAT Network Address Translation
NetBEUI NetBIOS Extended User Interface
NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PAP Password Authentication Protocol
PC Personal Computer
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PGP Pretty Good Privacy
PIN Personal Identification Number
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
POP Point of Presence
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
QoS Quality of Service
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server
RC4 Rivest Cipher 4
RCP Remote Copy Protocol
RFC Request for Comment
RMON Remote Monitoring
RSA Rivest Shamir Adleman
S/MIME Secure MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extensions
SHA Secure Hashing Algorithm
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SP Special Publication
SQL Structured Query Language
SSH Secure Shell
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
UDP User Datagram Protocol
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB Universal Serial Bus
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
VPN Virtual Private Network