Chapter 4
A Graphical Introduction to the Structural Elements of Cyberspace
Elihu Zimet and Edward Skoudis
THE MAJORITY of Internet users do not have (or need) much understanding
of what is
going on “under the hood” of cyberspace, beyond use of their keyboard, display, and favorite
applications. To further the understanding of other chapters of this book by readers without a
technical background, this chapter explains various elements of cyberspace, particularly the
Internet, with a graphical presentation.
The purpose here is to shed light on elements of cyberspace by example, so there is little
attempt to be comprehensive. The focus is on Internet technology,
particularly networks using the
Internet protocol (IP). However, because legacy
telephone networks, cellular networks, and
cable networks, as well as private
enterprise, government, and military networks, increasingly
use Internet technology, we discuss them briefly as well.
The structure of cyberspace will change as new technology is developed
and employed
in a variety of new applications and social structures. Thus, the
representation here reflects a
snapshot of the present only. Figure 4–1 presents the domains of cyberspace addressed in this
Figure 4-1 Domains of Cyberspace
The systems domain comprises the technical foundation, infrastructure, and architecture
of cyberspace. It includes hardware and software, as well as the
infrastructure items
supporting them, such as the electrical power grid.
The content and application domain contains both the information base that
resides in
cyberspace and the mechanisms for accessing and processing this
Communications among people and interactions between people and information occur
in the people and social domain. Businesses, consumers, advocacy
groups, political campaigns,
and social movements are in this domain.
The governance domain overlays all of the aspects of cyberspace, including the
technological specifications for the systems domain, the conventions for data formatting and
exchange in the content and application domain, and the legal frameworks of various countries
associated with the people and social domain. This chapter focuses on the first three domains
defined above (the governance domain is described in chapter 21 of this book, “Internet
The Systems Domain
The systems domain of cyberspace is the infrastructure that carries, stores,
manipulates information. Hundreds of millions of computer and network systems interact in
cyberspace, carrying information generated by over a billion people. A major portion of the
modern economy is associated with manufacturing
the components and systems of cyberspace,
including computer chips, desktop
computers, routers, servers, and operating systems. Another
major component of the economy is associated with operating this infrastructure, including
service providers (ISPs), telecommunications firms, electrical power companies, and
other organizations.
The global open communications backbone—including telecommunications, cable,
cellular, Internet, and other public networksis the principal infrastructure for both civil and
military communications today. In addition, many militaries, governments, and commercial
enterprises also employ closed private
networks. Many of these private networks have
interconnection points with
public communications networks, either integrated as part of their
design or created on an accidental, ad hoc basis.
Network Building Blocks
Most networks are made up of smaller subnetworks. For example, among the
subnetworks of the telephone network are smaller telephone networks operated
either by
telephone companies or independent enterprises, all of which are interconnected at various
points. The original telephone network employed
switchboards on which telephone operators
established a stable circuit between
two or more parties. The circuit remained dedicated to
those particular users
as long as the call was maintained. In such circuit-switched networks, the
network allocates resourcesoriginally a physical connection using switched wires, later
timeslot in a protocol—for every communicating session, established in real time, to move
information across the network. With circuit switching, then,
the network is “aware” of
individual communicating sessions, tracking them
constantly and allocating resources for each
of them.
Instead of the circuit switching of the traditional telephony network, the
Internet relies
on the alternative technology of packet switching. Instead of the
network dedicating resources
between the end systems for each communications
stream, the data that make up that
communication are broken up into separate packets or chunks of data and each is delivered
independently by the network to
the desired destination. “Header” information is attached to each
packet to help the network move the packets to the right place. The network itself is generally
ignorant of the relationships between the packets but instead focuses on getting
individual packets
to their destination as quickly as possible.
The fundamental packet-switching network building block of the Internet
is a local area
network (LAN), an extremely focused form of subnet in a relatively localized geographical
area. Most enterprise networks for corporations, government agencies, and military
organizations are groups of LANs.
Increasingly, LAN technology is being deployed in
homes so that disparate devices such as personal computers, voice over IP (VoIP) telephones, and
can communicate with each other. Components on a single LAN are typically
connected using a switch or wireless access point, perhaps using wired Ethernet
or WiFi wireless
technology; these simple devices send packets directly between
interconnected systems over
short distances ranging from one to a few hundred meters. Figure 4–2 shows a common LAN
Figure 4-2 A Local Area Network
LANs are connected by routers, devices that can direct packets to their
subnets based on the addresses in the packets themselves. Routers
can also connect LANs to
point-to-point links to create even larger networks.
Point-to-point link technologies include T1,
Digital Signal 3 (DS3, also known
as T3), cable modem, fiber optic service (FIOS), and
digital subscriber line (DSL), a relatively higher speed network connection over telephone
network wires. The result is a network of networks, or internetwork, of a multitude of
interconnected LANs, routers, and point-to-point links.
Figure 4–3 depicts an internetwork of various LANs, routers, and point-to-point links,
such as might be found inside a small or medium-sized enterprise.
Figure 4-3 Internetworking Local Area Networks via Routers and Point-to-Point Links
The Internet is a publicly accessible internetwork with global reach tied
together by
means of common use of IP. Physically, the Internet is made up of a group of “backbone” routers
operated by top-tier ISPs (see figure 4–4).
Figure 4-4 Internet Links to Backbone Routers Operated by Internet Service Providers
A few hundred high-end routers distributed around the world constitute this backbone,
making up the major branches of the network architecture, moving packets
across ISP
networks and also between ISPs. The top-tier ISPs offer smaller ISPs
access to the Internet
backbone. Both the top-tier and smaller ISPs also give
enterprise networks, individuals, and
content providers access to the backbone infrastructure. In the United States and some other
countries, numerous top-tier
ISPs compete for this business. In other countries, a single
dominant provider,
often the legacy telephone company, acts as the only ISP.
From the introduction of the Internet in the early 1970s until today, the legacy
communications network has provided connectivity for networked computers in addition to
telephones. Other types of enterprises, including cable companies,
wireless operators, and
dedicated data communications carriers, have also begun
to offer carriage of Internet data as part
of their business. Bandwidth has been
increased significantly through the use of better signal
processing, more rapid transmitters, and fiber optic communications.
The communications networks require a significant support infrastructure, including the
electrical power grid, required for operating all components of the networks. Supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) devices,
which consist of simple computers directly
connected to industrial equipment,
are used to monitor and manage many types of utility
networks and industrial operations, including electrical power grids, gas pipelines, and
lines. Increasingly, the SCADA devices themselves are managed remotely across
a private network or even the public Internet. This approach introduces a significant
dependency loop: the communications infrastructure relies on the electrical power grid, which
is controlled with SCADA systems that rely on the
communications infrastructure. There is
thus is a risk of cascading failures.
Another vital aspect of the support infrastructure is the
manufacturing base,
which creates the physical equipment that makes up the various systems
of cyberspace. These, too, may rely on SCADA systems and their communications
again raising the risks of interdependency.
Another View: Protocols and Packets
So far, this chapter has analyzed how internetworks and the Internet itself are built up
of smaller building blocks such as LANs and point-to-point links. To further analyze the
elements of the systems domain of cyberspace, a different
view of networking can be helpful:
the protocol and packet view. This view helps
explain how different machines connected to the
same Internet communicate
with each other by sending packets according to standard protocols.
Protocol layering is a critical concept underlying this view of network
communications. In 1980, the International Organization for Standardization released the Open
Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model, a generic
description of how computer-to-
computer communications could operate using
protocol layering. In this model, a series of
small software modules on each system perform a set of tasks that allow two computers to
communicate with
each other. For example, one module might focus on making sure that data
are formatted appropriately, another takes care of retransmitting lost packets, and yet another
transmits the packets from LAN to LAN across the network. Each of these modules, referred to
as a layer, has a defined small job in communication (see figure 4–5).
Figure 4-5 Protocol Layering
The software of a given layer on the sending machine communicates
with the same
layer on the receiving machine. A layer is a collection of related
functions that provides
services to the layer above it and receives service from the layer below it. For example, one
lower layer might send packets on behalf of the higher layer that is focused on retransmitting lost
packets. This higher layer,
in turn, serves an even higher layer that generates the data in the first
place. In the example of figure 4–5, a layer of software inside a Web browser generates data to
send to a Web server. This Web browser application passes the data to
the transmission control
protocol (TCP) layer software on the sending machine,
which provides several services,
including retransmitting lost packets. The TCP
layer passes the software down to the IP layer,
which provides the service of carrying the packet end to end through all the routers on the
network. Although one layer relies on another to get things done, the layers are designed so
software of one layer can be replaced with other software, while all other layers
remain the
same. This modularity has proven especially useful in deploying new
types of networksfor
example, as IP version 4 (IPv4) networks are transitioned
to IP version 6 (IPv6), the successor
protocol for the Internet.
The communications modules taken together are called a protocol stack
because they
consist of several of these layers, one on top of the other. The OSI conceptual model defined by
the International Organization for Standardization in 1980 includes seven such layers, each with a
defined role in moving data across a network. At the “top,” layer seven, the application layer, acts
as a window to the
communications channel for the applications themselves by interpreting data
and turning it into meaningful information for applications. The application might
be, for
example, a Web browser or server, an email reader or server, a peer-to-peer file copy program,
or an enterprise financial system.
Layer six, the presentation layer, deals with how data elements will be represented for
transmission, such as the order of bits and bytes in numbers, the
specific method for encoding
textual information, and so on.
Layer five, the session layer, coordinates sessions between two communicating
machines, helping to initiate and maintain them as well as to manage
them if several different
communications streams are going between them at the
same time.
Layer four, the transport layer, supports the reliability of the communications
between two systems by offering functions such as retransmitting lost
packets, putting packets
in the proper order, and providing error checking.
Layer three, the network layer, is responsible for moving data across the network from
one system, possibly across a series of routers, to the destination
machine. This layer is
absolutely critical to making the network function end to
Layer two, the data link layer, moves data across one “hop” of the network, getting it
from one system, perhaps to its destination on the same LAN, or to the
nearest router, so it can be
sent between LANs or to a point-to-point link.
At the “bottom” of the stack, layer one, the physical layer, actually transmits
the bits
across the physical link, which could be copper, fiber, wireless radio transmitters and receivers
or another physical medium.
Today’s Internet is loosely based on the OSI model, but it does not break out
each layer
exactly as the OSI model specifies. Most commonly, IP is paired with a transport protocol called
the transmission control protocol (TCP)hence the
term TCP/IP to refer to the duo of
protocols in most common use on the
Internet today. TCP/IP is roughly equivalent to layer four
(transport) and layer
three (network) of the OSI Reference Model, plus a little interaction with
two (data link). Everything above TCP/IP is left to the application with the
presentation, and session layers (seven, six, and five) of the OSI Reference Model all folded
into the application program itself. TCP/IP is mainly responsible for transmitting data for that
application. It is important to note
that the application layer is not TCP/IP itself: the
application comprises the
particular program trying to communicate across the network using
The application might be, for example, a Web browser and a Web server, or two mail
servers, or a video player communicating with a streaming video server, or a file transfer
protocol (FTP) client and server. Based on the OSI model, the application layer is often
referred to as layer seven, even in TCP/IP networks.
The transport layer could be the transmission control protocol or its cousin,
the user
datagram protocol (UDP), a simpler but less reliable protocol. The
transport layer ensures
that packets are delivered to the proper place on the
destination machine. For those
applications requiring such functionality, TCP
also delivers packets in the proper sequence or
retransmits packets.
The network layer is based on the IP. Its purpose is to deliver packets end to
end across the
network, from a source computer to a given destination machine.
Using terminology from the
OSI Reference Model, the IP layer is sometimes
referred to as layer three.
The data link layer transmits each packet across each hop of the network. For example, this
layer moves data from a home computer to a router that connects
the LAN to the Internet. Then,
the router uses its data link layer software to
move the data to another router. In the OSI
Reference Model vernacular, the
data link layer is often referred to as layer two.
The physical layer, called layer one, is the physical media, such as the wire,
fiber optic
cable, or radio frequencies, across which the information is actually transmitted.
To illustrate how these layers on IP networks typically communicate, figure 4–6 shows
an example in which two computers, the sender machine and the receiver machine,
Figure 4-6 Protocol Layering to Transmit Packets on an Internet Protocol Network
Suppose a user on the sender machine wants
to surf the Internet with a Web browser
application such as Internet Explorer or Firefox to access a Web site. The browser on the sender
needs to communicate with the Web server on the receiver, so it generates a packet and passes it
to the TCP/IP stack software running on the sender machine. The data, which consists of a Web
request, travel down the communications layers on the sender
to the physical layer and get
transmitted across the network (which usually
consists of a series of routers). The packet is
sent through one or more routers
this way, until it reaches the receiver machine. It then travels
up the receiver’s
communications stack.
To start this process, the sender’s transport layer (that is, TCP software running on the
sender machine) takes the packet from the browser application and formats it so it can be sent
reliably to the transport layer on the receiver.
This TCP software also engages in a packet
exchange (called the TCP Three-Way
Handshake) to make sure all of the sender’s packets for this
connection arrive in sequence. (Other types of transport layer protocols, such as UDP, do not
about sequence, so they have no such packet exchange for ordering packets.)
Just as the two applications, here the Web browser and the Web server,
with each other, so do the two transport layers. On the sender,
the transport layer passes the
packet down to the network layer, which delivers it
across the network on behalf of the transport
layer. The network layer adds the
source and destination address in the packets, so they can be
transmitted across
the network to the receiver’s network layer. Finally, the data are passed to
sender’s data link and physical layers, where it is transmitted to the closest router on the way
to the destination. Routers move the packet across the network, from subnet to subnet. The
routers include the network, data link, and physical
layer functions required to move the packet
across the network. (Because these
routers are focused on moving packets, not receiving them,
they do not require
the transport or application layers to deliver the packet to the receiver.) On
receiver side of the communication, the message is received and passed up the
stack, going from the physical layer to the data link layer to the network layer to the transport
layer to the ultimate destination, the application.
This passing of data between the layers is illustrated in figure 4–7.
Figure 4-7 Protocol Layering Applying Various Headers and a Trailer
Each layer attaches some information in front of (and in some cases, behind) the data it
gets from the layer above it. The information added in front of the data is called
a header, and it
includes critical information for the layer to get its job done. As
figure 4–7 shows, the
application generates a packet. This packet might be part of a Web request, for example, or a
piece of an email message. The transport
layer adds a header to this data, which is likely to
include information about where on the destination machine the packet should go. When TCP is
used, the
resulting header and data element is called a TCP segment. The TCP segment gets
passed to the network layer, which adds another header with information about the source and
destination address in the IP header. This header is analogous to
an envelope with a postal address
for the data. The resulting packet is called an IP
datagram. This package is sent to the data link and
physical layers, where a header (and a trailer) are added to create a frame that makes it possible
for the data to be
transmitted across the link.
The packets sent between machines pass through different layers of this
stack and have
various headers in front of them. The one layer that all systems
and routers communicating with
each other on the network must conform to is
the network layer; for the Internet, the network
layer is the Internet Protocol.
Today’s Internet relies on IPv4 from one end to the other. Certain
subnets and routers also support the successor protocol, IPv6. Every packet sent across the
Internet today using IPv4 has the structure shown in figure 4–8. It includes a source IP address
(a 32-bit number indicating the network address of the system
that sent the packet) and a
destination IP address, which routers use to determine
where to send the packet.
Other fields of
the IPv4 header are associated with controlling the number of hops a packet can take as it
traverses the network (the
time-to-live field), fragmentation (which breaks larger packets into
smaller ones), and other network functions.
Figure 4-8 An Internet Protocol Version 4 Packet
Although the packet in figure 4–8 looks two-dimensional, that formulation is done
purely for diagram purposes. Each field is transmitted on the wire (or wireless radio) one byte
after another, linearly. The version number (such as IPv4)
goes out first, followed by the header
length (the size of the overall header in front of the data), field by field as shown, through total
length, the identification field,
which is associated with fragmentation, and so on. Bit after bit, the
packet leaves
the sender source. When it reaches a router, the router absorbs the packet on one
network interface, inspects its various fields, and moves it to the appropriate network interface for
transmission to its destination, or one router hop closer to
its destination. In this way, a packet is
sent and routed across the Internet.
The Content and Applications Domain
The systems domain of cyberspace provides the technical underpinnings of the
network, but it is merely an infrastructure on which to store, transmit, and manipulate content
or information using various software applications. The
content and applications domain rides
on top of the systems domain and provides
the usable applications and the information they
handle. This section describes
some of the common methods for content storage in cyberspace,
provides an overview of various application architectures, and outlines some of the most
common application types used today.
Content Storage
Although content is stored on computer systems in cyberspace in many ways,
methods of information storage dominate: hierarchical file systems and relational databases.
Nearly all cyberspace applications rely on at least one of these concepts; most applications
use both. In a hierarchical file system, as shown in figure 4–9, one or more computers stores
information in individual files, which themselves are made up of small sections of the hard drive
or chunks of memory, depending on the computer system.
Figure 4-9 A Hierarchical Files Structure
Files on a typical computer
system include the software of the operating system itself
(such as Windows,
Linux, or Apple’s Mac OSX), executable programs that make up the
applications of the computer (such as Adobe Acrobat, a Web browser, or a word processing
program), configuration files that hold settings for the programs on the machine, and the data
stored on the system by the application and its users, such as
document files. Files are located
inside of directories (also called folders on some operating systems). The directories themselves
may contain subdirectories. This results in a hierarchical structure.
Today, many computer users take this structure for granted, and may assume
that this
organization of content is the way that computers necessarily work. But
early computers did not
have such a structure. Development of the hierarchical file structure revolutionized human
interactions with machines. A hierarchical file system is useful because it provides an
unambiguous way to refer to files, indication that there is a relationship between filesfor
example, files in the same directory are likely to have some common purpose—and a method
for navigation between files. This paradigm is so useful for information storage that it is found in
all of the major general-purpose operating systems available today
including Windows, Linux,
UNIX, Mac OSX, and others—across various kinds
of computing equipment, including laptop
computers, desktops, and servers as
well as many cell phones, music players, and video storage
devices. Even systems
without hard drives are increasingly likely to use a file system
implemented in memory.
Another common method for storing content involves a relational database. As illustrated
in figure 4–10, a relational database stores information in a series of tables. The tables specify a
number of fields under which specific types of data, called values, are stored. In the value
section of each field, all of the elements in a given row of the table relate to each other as a
single record in the database.
Two or more tables may have the exact same field in them to forge
a relationship between them. Such a relationship is illustrated by field C in the figure.
Figure 4-10 A Simple Relational Database
For example, suppose the database in the figure is associated with electronic commerce.
Table 1 might hold transaction information, perhaps indicating items
various people have bought
from an online store. Table 2 might hold customer
credit card information. Within table 1, fields
A, B, and C could be, respectively, the date, the item purchased, and the account number of the
purchaser. Table 2
could also hold field C, the account number, and, in addition, field D, the
credit card number for that customer. Data are presented in these tables discretely, for flexible
search and update. A program or user could write a query and pull out or update information
directly from table 1, analyzing transactions or adding new ones as purchases are made.
Because of the relationship between the tables,
which is embodied in field C (the account
number), database query software can research, for example, the number of times a given credit
card number (table
2 data) was used on a given date (table 1 data). This “join” operation
significant flexibility in handling and manipulating content. Of course, figure
4–10 is a
highly simplified diagram to illustrate the fundamental constructs of a relational database.
Most real-world databases have dozens or hundreds of tables, each with 2 to 20 or more fields
and thousands to millions of rows.
Relational databases are the most popular form of database storage today
in market
share. However, other kinds of database storage options are available,
including hierarchical
databases, object-oriented databases, and flat files, each offering different performance and
functions from relational databases.
Although relational databases and hierarchical file systems are fundamentally different
paradigms for organizing content, the two have some connections.
Relational databases are, for
example, almost always implemented as software running on top of a hierarchical file system.
That is, the database programs themselves consist of a group of hierarchically organized files.
The database tables and their contents exist inside of files as well. Just as large-scale packet-
switched networks are often built up of point-to-point links from circuit-switched
relational databases are an overlay on top of a file system, offering a more flexible way of
organizing information for query and update. In addition, most applications in cyberspace today
are a mixture of files interacting with a back-end database using a variety of application
architectures that manage the
interaction of the files and the database. Such systems are referred
to as back-end infrastructure to differentiate them from the front-end systems such as browsers
that users run to initiate transactions.
Application Architectures
From the 1950s through the 1970s, computer applications typically resided on
mainframe computers. Users logged into the system from “dumb” terminals.
These terminals
displayed information stored and processed on the mainframe but did no processing themselves.
They were connected to the mainframe using
fairly limited network protocols. All aspects of the
application were stored on the mainframe itself.
Starting in the 1980s, personal computers (PCs) with limited processing
power began
replacing dumb terminals. In the 1990s, many mainframes were
replaced with lower cost and
smaller server machines. Both enterprise and public
networks connecting PCs and servers began
to make significant use of IPv4. A variety of new, distributed application architectures arose.
Figure 4–11 depicts
some of the common consumer and business application architectures in
today on enterprise networks and on the Internet.
The common applications architecture depicted on the left of figure 4–11 is a traditional
client-server application. The client consists of a custom program dedicated to that application
running on a desktop or laptop computer. The
client handles the user interface, some data
processing, and communications
with a server, accessed across the network. The server may
include database
software, although some client-server applications instead place the database
on a separate machine, as shown in the second architecture of the figure. This separate database
can then support multiple application servers.
Figure 4-11 Common Modern Application Architectures
One of the concerns of the architectures on the left half of figure 4–11 is the
distribution and update of specialized client-side software. Each application has a custom
program that controls access to the server. Thus, synchronization of updates to several different
client applications is rather complex. In the mid-
1990s, various applications began to move to the
third architecture of the figure, which involves using a Web browser as a generic client that
formats, displays, and processes information for the user, relying on a single programthe
for multiple applications, thus simplifying client-side updates. This generic
accesses a server across the network, which in turn accesses a back-end
database server. This so-
called three-tier architecture is the dominant enterprise and Internet application architecture
today. Some applications introduce an additional element, an application server, shown in the
fourth example of the figure. The application server handles some of the critical information
capabilities that were previously handled by the Web server.
While the three-tier architectures shown on the right side of figure 4–11 will continue to
be dominant for several years, a newer architecture paradigm started
to emerge in the mid-2000s:
the so-called service oriented architecture (SOA)
model. Figure 4–12 illustrates this approach. In
this model, client-browser software still accesses Web servers; often, this interaction relies on the
Extensible Markup Language (XML), a flexible format for defining data structures to be
exchanged on the network. Web servers may, similarly, interact with other Web servers
XML to pull together information for the client, processing information in a distributed,
coordinated fashion on the network. This is sometimes called
computing “in the cloud.” Using
this SOA model, different functions, such as
geographical mapping, product search, or price
calculation and comparison, can be distributed across different servers. Applications can be
stitched together by
information flows between different Web-enabled services. An example
might offer a user a way to create a consumer grocery shopping list that minimizes
cost and
travel time. A user enters a desired grocery shopping list and starting
location into a browser.
The browser sends XML requests to a grocery pricing Web service that responds with prices at
various local grocery stores. This Web
service might pass on a request to a separate street maps
Web service, asking for directions between the consumer and different stores. The service might
forward a request to a traffic service that provides information about clogged highways.
All of the information is reassembled at the user’s browser, indicating
the most efficient options
for buying the desired groceries.
Common Application Types
The architectures shown in figures 4–11 and 4–12 are used to create many
application types on internal networks and the Internet. New applications are constantly being
devised and becoming popular. Some of the most common applications on today’s Internet
include email, instant messaging, search engines,
and others described below.
Email is one of the oldest and most widely used applications of the
Internet. Many
companies are heavily dependent on their email infrastructure
for communication between
employees and also as the technical underpinnings of vital business processes. Email servers
exchange email messages, which are accessed by users running either specialized email reading
software or a general-purpose Web browser. In addition to user-to-user email, hundreds of
of mailing lists are used by communities with shared interests to exchange
information to all subscribers. Email is also used to spread malicious code and online scams.
Figure 4-12 A Service-Oriented Architecture
Email is store-and-forward technology: messages wait for users to access
them. By
contrast, instant messaging focuses on real-time exchange of messages between users. Many
such chats occur one-on-one, as two users send
information to each other. Chat rooms allow many
users to exchange information simultaneously. America OnLine, Yahoo! Messenger, and
Microsoft Messenger,
as well as independent, open standards for messaging such as Jabber and
Relay Chat, are widely used on the Internet. An alternative technology used for cell
phones, called Short Messaging Service, has much the same functionality but
different underlying
communication protocols.
Search engines are another important set of applications on the Internet.
Search engines
employ their own specialized browsing machines, known as
crawlers, to fetch billions of
pages from the Internet by following links from one page to the next, discovering new pages
as they are posted and linked to
other pages. The search engine company’s software then
assembles a searchable index of the pages fetched by the crawlers, offering users a Web-based
end service by which users can search the massive index, which is stored in a
distributed database maintained by the search engine company.
E-commerce applications have burgeoned since the late 1990s, as retailers
have set up
Web sites to sell products and services to users. Consumer e-commerce companies such as and Apple’s iTunes Store are among the most
familiar. Numerous business-to-
business e-commerce applications are also in use.
Business management systems have moved
online to automate business
purchasing, payroll, supply-chain management, and other vital
aspects of enterprise operations. Many organizations have deployed enterprise resource planning
and enterprise resource management systems such as those offered by SAP, PeopleSoft,
Oracle, and Microsoft.
Wikis are Internet-based applications that use specialized Web server software to inventory,
categorize, and store information about a given topic or group of topics and allow it to be created
and updated quickly. The most widespread and widely used wiki is Wikipedia, a comprehensive
encyclopedia of information that can be updated by anyone who wishes to contribute to the
Blogs (a shorted form of “web logs”) are another important kind of Internet
made up of online diaries that are frequently updated. Most blogs are devoted to a single topic,
such as politics, news, sports, a business or industry, or hobbies. Hundreds of thousands of blogs
are available today, and some acquire
readership numbering in the hundreds of thousands of
users per week.
Social networking sites, another fast-growing form of Internet application, allow users to
store information online in a personal profile and then link that profile to those of friends or
business associates. By following these links, people with related interests can reach out to each
other, keeping personal relationships up to date via socially oriented services such as MySpace or
Friendster, or making business connections using professional services such as LinkedIn and
In other applications, users are increasingly turning to the Internet for audio and
video news, information, and entertainment. Such services are pack-
aged as podcasts, audio or
video shows that are automatically downloaded to
user machines periodically when new content
is published by the podcast author.
Radio shows, television programs, and content from other
mass media are published in tens of thousands of free and commercial-subscription podcasts
on a daily basis. Downloadable and streaming video services with short-form
videos are also
becoming quite popular; offerings include those of YouTube and Google Video. Increasingly,
entire television programs and movies are available on the Internet through related services,
such as Amazon’s Unbox and the
television studios themselves.
Peer-to-peer file-sharing services allow large number of users to share files
on the
Internet, copying music, movie, and other files automatically between user systems. User
machines that join the peer-to-peer network are used to store files
that are redistributed to other
users without any direct user interaction. Some of the most popular peer-to-peer networks are
BitTorrent, Gnutella, and eDonkey.
Many of these networks are used to exchange song and
movie files in violation of copyright, but they are also increasingly used by legitimate
publishers to
distribute movies and television shows on a pay-per-view basis.
Internet telephony applications such as Gizmo and Skype offer free or very
telephone calls from a user’s computer across the Internet. Gizmo and Skype carry calls from
end-user machine to end-user machine without traversing
any intermediary servers. Vonage, on
the other hand, carries calls via VoIP
servers, which provide value-added services, such as
voice mail. Because they
often undercut the cost of long distance and international calls, both
kinds of Internet telephony services are starting to supplant more expensive traditional
telephone calls.
Another important kind of Internet application bridges cyberspace and the
real world:
mapping applications. These tools, often offered for free on the Inter-
net, provide comprehensive
street maps and driving directions on the Internet;
MapQuest and Google Maps are dominant.
With virtual reality sites, users are presented with a well-developed “virtual
world that
they can explore using an avatar, a digital icon representing their
online persona. People meet
in virtual reality sites for a variety of reasons,
including social interactions, business
relationships, and online gaming. Second
Life is one of the most popular virtual reality sites, in
which users interact in social and business settings. Many online games are also a form of virtual
simulation, including the popular World of Warcraft game. Within some virtual
simulations, different “cities” are founded with different focuses, such as
a given hobby or
business pursuit.
While these are among the most popular applications on the Internet today,
the content
and applications domain of the Internet is constantly changing and growing. New applications
rise to prominence frequently, as they empower people
to interact with their information and with
each other on a more flexible basis.
The People and Social Domain
Cyberspace is a human-made artifact, created to gain access to information and share it
between people and machines. With the increasing presence of cyberspace
in modern life, the
underlying systems domain and content and applications domain have given rise to a new
people and social domain as individuals build communities in cyberspace. Numerous types of
online communities exist in cyberspace, visited by users from around the world who share
personal, business,
political, or other interests. These communities are sometimes built using a
application: a community may be entirely based on an email list of hobbyists. More
commonly, however, online communities consist of people who use multiple
applications for
different aspects of their community; the hub might consist of a particular blog, augmented with
mailing lists, sections in video-sharing sites, chat rooms, or cities within a virtual reality
simulation, as shown in figure 4–13.
Figure 4-13 Online Communities Built of One or More Applications
Such cyberspace communities have been founded for numerous purposes.
communities form on a regular basis and older communities dry up.
communities today include those built around social interactions,
such as dating sites, teenage
hangouts, and corporate “virtual water coolers.”
Nearly every hobby imaginable - model
rocketry, chess, recipes, and morehas a Web site, and many have full-blown online
Online news
communities include the Web sites of major news services
such as CNN and the New York
Times, local newspapers, local television news,
professional bloggers who work as independent
journalists supported by online ads, and amateur bloggers who fact-check other news sources
and provide
commentary. Over 50 million Americans read news online, according to a
2006 survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, and the number is
trending upward
Numerous online communities are devoted to discussions of a given type
of technology,
helping users understand and relate to the technology more effectively, such as the Web sites
Slashdot, devoted to open-source software and related technologies, Ars Technica, focused on
detailed aspects of PC hardware and software, and Gizmodo, focused on technical gadgets and
Many health careoriented online communities help doctors and patients
information to better understand and cope with various medical conditions.
Online support
communities offer help for people suffering from particular
Adherents of many religions, major and minor, have created online communities for
proselytizing, fundraising, and placing their messages and beliefs in front of a wider audience.
Political communities on the Internet are used for debate, analysis, and fundraising
activities. Several popular blogs from nearly every aspect of the
political spectrum, and their
associated mailing lists and online video distribution
sites, are increasingly helping to shape
political messages and candidacies.
Both business-to-consumer and business-to-business communities have
flourished in
cyberspace, helping to make business processes more efficient. Sites such as eBay and offer storefronts through which numerous other organizations and individuals sell to
consumers. Some industries have established
their own online communities to improve
efficiencies in bidding and service delivery. For example, American and some international
automotive companies
created the Automotive Network Exchange.
Not all communities in cyberspace have beneficial impacts. Terrorists rely on
cyberspace to recruit, plan, and spread propaganda. International criminals likewise use
cyberspace to commit crime and track their business ventures, as
described in more detail in
chapter 18, “Cyber Crime.”
The walls between these types of communities are permeable: a single
individual may
participate in numerous communities. The communities themselves may also interconnect:
communities created for social interactions may
flow into hobbyist communities or start to
engage in political debate.
As cyberspace continues to expand, the diversity of elements in all of the
discussed in this chapter is likely to increase. The underlying networks will become more
complex, pulling in other kinds of technologies and other protocols. The application mix will
be updated as people apply technology to
new uses. Online communities will continue to evolve
and merge as technology
grows more immersive and people grow more accustomed to living
various aspects of their lives in cyberspace.
This evolution of cyberspace also appears to be increasing in speed. Much of cyberspace
got started in the 1970s as computers were interconnected
and primitive email systems
were established. In the 1990s, Web sites for information distribution became popular. In
the early 2000s, search engines
and e-commerce flourished. Many of the most popular
applications and online communities are even newer, such as blogs, wikis, and virtual reality
applications. With this pace of evolution continuing to accelerate, cyberspace is
likely to have an
increasing impact on the economy and society in coming years.
For this reason, policy
decisionmakers need to understand the underpinnings of the technology and its rapidly changing
status to help inform their actions.
While IP-based networks are packet-switched technologies, individual links, especially
stable point-to-point links with constant
connectivity, are usually carried over circuit-
switched technology provided by legacy telecommunications, cable, or cellular net-
IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses.
The hierarchical file system may or may not be visible to the user. Some operating systems and applications hide this organizational
structure from users, trying to simplify human interactions with the machine.
Queries for relational databases are usually formatted in the Structured Query Language
(SQL), a standardized language for interacting
with databases. Relational database software is available from a large number of commercial software companies, such as Oracle and
Microsoft. An open-source relational database called MySQL is also popular.
The Slashdot Web site is <>; Ars Technica is available at <www.>; and the Gizmodo Web
site is <>.