King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
Industrial Training Report
Academic Year 2016
June 5
- July 28
Mr. John Lawry
Student ID: 007
School of Information Technology
B.Sc. Computer Science
Company’s Name: Siam Commercial Bank
Workplace Supervisor: …………………
SIT Advisor: Prof. Dr. …………………
Address: Ratchadaphisek Road in Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand
Telephone Number: 02-000-0000
Executive Summary
This report describes the internship I undertook at Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) Bangkok.
SCB was the first bank established in Thailand and today provides a variety of financial
products and services through several SCB core business groups. Undergoing the internship
program is a requirement for all undergraduate Computer Science students in order to
successfully complete their degree. The objective of the internship is to provide students with
a real IT workplace experience and gain knowledge through hands-on observation and job
The report presents the major tasks completed during my summer internship at SCB. I was
assigned to the Young Talent Program. There were 2 projects in this program, one was for the
IT department and the other was for the finance department. The project I participated in
required the creation of a balance inquiry page for a mobile application, and included research
and design of a prototype balance inquiry application based on user requirements.
I had the opportunity to learn, practice and gain valuable experience at SCB. I have learned
many new things and acquired knowledge related to IT in the fields of System Analysis and
both Android and IOS programming. This internship also taught me how to be responsible in
conducting tasks and be independent to learn new things. All the tasks given required
cooperation between other colleagues. So, I am now confident to be able to work as a part of a
team and be a valuable team player.
A good abstract should address the following
4 sections
1. Introduction/background: Summarize, preferably in two/three sentence(s), information (history,
nature of the business, competitive advantage) of the organization
2. Objective(s) of the Industrial Training Programme: Here, you should state the objective(s) of
the industrial training programme.
3. Your Duties in the Organization: In a few short sentences, explain your duties/responsibilities
when you were conducting your industrial training programme
4. Results It is important to give the results of the industrial training on what have you
learned. Check the above abstract are all these requirements present?
The internship opportunity I had with [Name of the Company] was a great chance for learning
and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was
provided with a real IT workplace opportunity. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet
so many wonderful people and professionals who led me though this internship period.
I express my deepest thanks to Mr./Ms. [Name Surname], [Position in the Company], Mr./Ms.
[Name Surname], [Position in the Company], Mr./Ms. [Name Surname], [Position in the
Company] and Mr./Ms. [Name Surname], [Position in the Company] for their careful advice
and guidance which were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and practically.
I choose this moment to acknowledge my advisor Mr. [ Name Surname] for his/her support
throughout my internship.
Only thank the people who were directly involved in your internship. Do not thank your cat
for keeping you company at night, or your mum and dad for giving birth to you and providing
you enough money to buy MaMa every night.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables ............................................................................................................. v
List of Figures ........................................................................................................... vi
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 My Internship Objectives .................................................................................... 1
2. Internship Organization ......................................................................................... 2
NOTE: Obviously this cannot be written until the final draft. It is an essential part
of all reports. You must include all relevant sections. List of figures /tables must
appear after the table of contents. In this example pages v and vi.
And Appendix.
Your Appendix should include:
1. Certificate of Internship/completion
2. Internship program report (signed and original)
3. Weekly reports (signed and original)
The final section of the report will be the reference page.
Follow the IEEE referencing guide for all computer science papers.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Overview
An internship, which has to be carried out outside the university, is a part of the Computer Science
curriculum of the School of Information Technology KMUTT. For me, this was a great opportunity to
apply my knowledge in a practical environment and to increase my competences. I commence the report
with my own objectives: the outcomes I hope to achieve from the internship. Then the report gives an
overview of the internship activities that I worked on during my internship, from 9 June 2017 to 5 August
2017, at COMPANY NAME. My supervisor was Mr/Ms…. ………….. , and my hours of work were
from 8am4:30pm Monday to Friday. The first part of the report offers an overview of the organization,
then an outline of all the duties carried out during this time. I worked on one major project and several
smaller projects. This report focuses for the most part on the major project and the smaller projects are
more briefly described. The conclusions section provides a summary of key conclusions derived from
my internship experience. Finally, based on my experience I offer recommendations to both the School
of Information Technology and my internship provider (Name of Company or organization)
1.2 My Internship Objectives
I want to relate and apply the academic theory that I have learned at SIT to the work
environment. Specifically, the following:
I hope to have the opportunity to develop the following work related skills:
I wish to develop my interpersonal, or soft skills, to fit with the company’s culture to help me
work well with others by:
Observing how people dress and speak in a workplace setting
Observing how they interact with one another
Practicing my ability to cope with change and adapt
Developing a positive attitude towards tackling challenges and a willingness to
take personal responsibility
Chapter 2. Internship Organization
2.1 Company Overview and Background of the Organization
The Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) was the first bank in Thailand, and established in 1904 as
the Book Club by Royal Charter. Later on 30 January 1907, the company’s name was changed
to Siam Commercial Bank (SCB). The bank would soon grow to become a "prototype for Thai
banking", and help to achieve Thailand’s financial independence. In 1911, the coat of arms was
replaced by the mythical Garuda as the bank’s official insignia by King Vajiravudh (Rama VI).
Siam Commercial Bank provides a variety of financial products and services through SCB core
business groups that are: The Retail Banking Group, The Corporate Banking Group, The
Business Banking Group, Global Transaction Services, The Special Assets Group and The
Treasury Group.
The primary goal and target of SCB is to be the bank of choice for customers, shareholders,
employees and the community. The mission is to be the best universal bank in Thailand. The 4
core values of the Siam Commercial Bank are: Innovation, Social Responsibility, Customer
Focus, and Building Our People [1].
2.2 Company Location
Figure 1. SCB Company Location
NOTE: Include products, services, client base, and organizational goals.
2.3 Organization Structure
The present management structure of Siam Commercial Bank (SCB)
Figure 2. SCB Organization Structure
Chapter 3: Tasks, Projects, and Activities
3.1 Internship Task Background
After a brief orientation of the AIS company policies and rules, I was assigned to work in the
SIM scratch card development department and SIM and Handset Application (SHA) section.
The SHA department control the specifications of SIM cards and handset devices of the
Advance Info Systems (AIS) company. This section deals with various SIM vendors by
providing them with SIM specifications with which the vendors manufacture the SIM cards
accordingly. After completion of the manufacturing process by the vendors the SIM prototypes
are returned to the SHA department to be inspected to make sure the SIM cards meet the given
3.2 SIM Profile Validation Process
I was directly involved in the SIM profile verification process. This required me to use the
standalone “SIM Profile Validation” program to check and verify sample SIM cards to see
Using your daily job logbook provide a narrative of the internship
work carried out. You may have worked on one project or you may have
worked on several smaller projects. This section should be in your own
words describing the project or projects you worked on. If you spent a lot
of time learning some software or hardware, you can briefly describe
those tools in separate subsections. Use headings and beware of writing
an essay. Provide details of the project: include scope, methods, and tools.
Provide screen shots or coding examples if relevant to your project.
Describe results. Describe problems and solutions. A brief example is
given below, but I believe it lacks sufficient day to day detail. The example
refers to Advance Info Systems (AIS)
whether they meet the specific requirements that where given to each of the SIM vendors. This
standalone program had to be installed on each local computer without a central database
system to control the standards and keep verification records. Therefore, once new
specifications or changes were made then each program on each local computer had to be
individually updated to the current version. I was directly involved in this process.
3.3 SIM Profile Validation Process as Web Based Application
This project was of great interest to me and required extensive use of many of the IT skills I
had developed at SIT, and several skills that I had to learn very quickly and independently. The
“SIM Profile Validation” project would serve as a cloud-based web application usable through
the Ethernet by all of their current employees. No longer would it be necessary to continually
update programs on each local computer. Numerous vendors with various standardizations
could then be converted into our formats and kept in a centralized database system for further
reference. Comparisons between matches and mismatches of individual content could be
achieved and easily clarified as well as being centrally recorded in the database.
Figure 3. Web Application Data Template
3.4 Identify Stakeholders, Requirements, Project Design
The process for design required me to, in the early stages, install programs individually on local
computers, and study with my trainer, technical issues surrounding SIM card development and
production. Now it was necessary to identify stakeholders of the new system. Once the
requirements were obtained, I commenced the design and creation of the web application to
check quality of SIMs from the user. Then I defined the system functional requirements with
my colleagues. After I obtained the functional requirements, I created a time plan of the whole
project. From then the project required firstly designing and then coding of the application.
Figure 4. JSP script used for web implementation.
3.5 Requirements and Project Presentation
The requirements identified were as follows:
Create web application to check quality of inserted SIM card with standard template.
Insert data from SIM into database.
Compare data between inserted SIM card and standard template.
Report results of comparison.
During the internship I was involved directly with the above requirements. I was required to
present my work to the related supervisor. After they were satisfied with my work I then
continued to finish the web based application. I tested the SIM card and function on a mobile
phone. My last assignment was a simple ask of arrangement and clearing stock of mobile
Please your project will be unique to your place of internship
am offering you only guidelines for each section. But as I have said
everything will relate to the data you collect every day of your
internship. Every heading and sub-heading will relate directly to the
assignment or tasks you were involved in.
Chapter 4: Conclusions
4.1 Internship Experience Summary
The past two months of my internship have been very instructive for me. [Name of Company]
has offered me opportunities to learn and develop myself in many areas and achieve my training
objectives. A lot of the activities that I have worked on during my internship were familiar with
what I have studied at SIT. Many tasks though, such as [ name tasks , coding, programing ,
interpersonal skills that were new to you]. Participating and learning new skills, both hard and
soft, has given me a chance to find out which areas I want to work in after I complete my degree.
4.2 Internship Personal Experience Summary
After completing my work placement, I have really changed my attitude and views and t feel
like I have matured throughout the process The placement has been a great experience as I have
done so many things that have been a success, but I have also learnt from my mistakes and
learnt how to evaluate the work that I am carrying out. I believe that I have developed greatly
over the last two months, and I do not think I would have developed to the same extent if I had
not done an internship placement.
NOTE: Refer back to your objectives. Did you achieve them? What other
skills did you develop that were not part of your own objectives. Be
specific .
Chapter 5: Recommendations
5.1 Internship Recommendations for SIT
The part that I found most interesting during my internship at Pronto Marketing is the social
media. It has changed my perceptions of the importance of Internet and online social media
communication tools. That is why I am recommending my university to introduce a social
media course, where the students learn the basic online tools that are needed in todays online
5.2 Recommendation for Internship Company
Pronto marketing is a great learning company for interns. It is not a small company but it is like
a family and helps interns improve and develops their skills. I would recommend this internship
opportunity to future SIT Computer Science seniors.
[1] Mr. Kanin Lekapojpanich
SCB Digital Strategist, Supervisor
Siam Commercial Bank SCB Park Plaza, Ratchadapisek Rd., Chatuchak,Chatuchak,
Bangkok 10900
Tel: 0-2949-1000 Fax: 0-2949-1001
Your Appendix should include:
1. Certificate of Internship/completion
2. Internship program report (signed and original)
3. Weekly reports (signed and original)