Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/04/27,
All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by
California Department of State Hospitals
California Department of State Hospitals
Policy Manual
Public Recording of Law Enforcement Activity
This policy provides guidelines for handling situations in which members of the public
photograph or audio/video record law enforcement actions and other public activities
that involve employees of the California Department of State Hospitals (DSH). In
addition, this policy provides guidelines for situations where the recordings may be
419.2 POLICY
DSH recognizes the right of persons to lawfully record employees of DSH who are
performing their official duties. Employees of DSH will not prohibit or intentionally
interfere with such lawful recordings. Any recordings that are deemed to be evidence of
a crime or relevant to an investigation will only be collected or seized lawfully.
Officers should exercise restraint and should not resort to highly discretionary arrests for
offenses such as interference, failure to comply or disorderly conduct as a means of
preventing someone from exercising the right to record employees performing their
official duties.
Members of the public who wish to record law enforcement activities are limited only in
certain aspects.
(a) Recordings may be made from any public place or any private property
where the individual has the legal right to be present (Pen. Code § 69; Pen.
Code § 148).
(b) Beyond the act of photographing or recording, individuals may not interfere
with the law enforcement activity. Examples of interference include, but are
not limited to:
1. Tampering with a witness or suspect.
2. Inciting others to violate the law.
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/04/27,
All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by
California Department of State Hospitals
California Department of State Hospitals
Policy Manual
3. Being so close to the activity as to present a clear safety hazard to the
4. Being so close to the activity as to interfere with an officer’s effective
communication with a suspect or witness.
(c) The individual may not present an undue safety risk to the officers,
him/herself or others.
Officers should promptly request that a supervisor respond to the scene whenever it
appears that anyone recording activities may be interfering with an investigation or it is
believed that the recording may be evidence. If practicable, officers should wait for the
supervisor to arrive before taking enforcement action or seizing any cameras or
recording media.
Whenever practicable, officers or supervisors should give clear and concise warnings to
individuals who are conducting themselves in a manner that would cause their
recording or behavior to be unlawful. Accompanying the warnings should be clear
directions on what an individual can do to be compliant; directions should be specific
enough to allow compliance. For example, rather than directing an individual to clear the
area, an officer could advise the person that he/she may continue observing and
recording from the sidewalk across the street.
If an arrest or other significant enforcement activity is taken as the result of a recording
that interferes with law enforcement activity, officers shall document in a report the
nature and extent of the interference or other unlawful behavior and the warnings that
were issued.
A supervisor should respond to the scene when requested or any time the circumstances
indicate a likelihood of interference or other unlawful behavior.
The supervisor should review the situation with the officer and:
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/04/27,
All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by
California Department of State Hospitals
California Department of State Hospitals
Policy Manual
behavior to be unlawful. Accompanying the warnings should be clear directions on what
an individual can do to be compliant; directions should be specific enough to allow
compliance. For example, rather than directing an individual to clear the area, an officer
could advise the person that he/she may continue observing and recording from the
sidewalk across the street.
If an arrest or other significant enforcement activity is taken as the result of a recording
that interferes with law enforcement activity, officers shall document in a report the
nature and extent of the interference or other unlawful behavior and the warnings that
were issued.
A supervisor should respond to the scene when requested or any time the circumstances
indicate a likelihood of interference or other unlawful behavior.
The supervisor should review the situation with the officer and:
(a) Request any additional assistance as needed to ensure a safe environment.
(b) Take a lead role in communicating with individuals who are observing or
recording regarding any appropriate limitations on their location or behavior.
When practical, the encounter should be recorded.
(c) When practicable, allow adequate time for individuals to respond to requests
for a change of location or behavior.
(d) Ensure that any enforcement, seizure or other actions are consistent with this
policy and constitutional and state law.
(e) Explain alternatives for individuals who wish to express concern about the
conduct of Office of Protective Services (OPS) employees, such as how and
where to file a complaint.
Officers should not seize recording devices or media unless (42 USC § 2000aa):
(a) There is probable cause to believe the person recording has committed or is
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/04/27,
All Rights Reserved. Published with permission by
California Department of State Hospitals
California Department of State Hospitals
Policy Manual
committing a crime to which the recording relates, and the recording is
reasonably necessary for prosecution of the person.
1. Absent exigency or consent, a warrant should be sought before seizing
or viewing such recordings. Reasonable steps may be taken to prevent
erasure of the recording.
(b) There is reason to believe that the immediate seizure of such recordings is
necessary to prevent serious bodily injury or death of any person.
(c) The person consents.
1. To ensure that the consent is voluntary, the request should not be made
in a threatening or coercive manner.
2. If the original recording is provided, a copy of the recording should be
provided to the recording party, if practicable. The recording party
should be permitted to be present while the copy is being made, if feasible.
Another way to obtain the evidence is to transmit a copy of the recording
from a device to a department- owned device.
Recording devices and media that are seized will be submitted within the guidelines of the
Property and Evidence Policy.