Electronic Course Evaluation
Basic Training
A quick step-by-step guide to accessing your
evaluation results.
Institutional Research
(254) 710-2061 · ir.web.baylor.edu
Updated: 8/17/2023
Select any of the topics below:
Accessing Course Evaluations
Viewing Response Rates
Viewing Evaluation Results
Accessing Course Evaluations
Login to the course evaluation website
(http://www.baylor.edu/course_evaluations) using your BearID and
You can also access course evaluations through Canvas. Login to Canvas
(http://canvas.baylor.edu) using your BearID and password.
Select “Account” from the menu on the left of the page, then select
“Profile”. Select “Course Evaluations” from the menu in your profile.
Accessing Course Evaluations
Accessing Course Evaluations
You are now at the Course Evaluations & Surveys dashboard.
If you are both an Instructor AND a student, you can change your role by
clicking on the drop-down box in the upper right-hand corner. To view
evaluation results you must select the Instructor role.
Viewing Response Rates
When evaluations are open, the Response Rate Tracker on the right side of the
page will show the current average response rate for all courses combined.
You can view response rates for individual courses by clicking Results > Response
Rate Tracker from the menu bar. Then select the project name (e.g., Fall 2023
Course Evaluations) to view response rates for courses in the project.
Viewing Response Rates
If the evaluations have ended, change the Status drop-down menu to Ended. You
can enter the name of the term (e.g., Fall 2023) in the name search box to narrow
the results.
Click on the project name to view response rates for individual courses.
Viewing Evaluation Results
Once the course evaluation period has ended and reports are available,
you can view results for each course by selecting Results > Project Results
from the menu bar. Then select the project name (e.g., Fall 2023 Course
Evaluations) to view results for courses in the project.
Viewing Evaluation Results
From here, you can choose between three different formats for results:
BU Report: a PDF report with results from the course with the comparison group and
comments for free-text items (comments for Likert items are not included).
Detailed Report + Comments: a PDF report with results from the course with the
comparison group and comments for both Likert items and free-text responses.
RAW DATA: an Excel spreadsheet with one record for each response (no identifying
information is included), which you can use to match open-ended comments with
evaluation responses
Viewing Evaluation Results
If you have multiple courses in a project, you can select a group of courses
and generate a Batch Report. This produces either one PDF file containing
individual course reports or multiple PDF files, one for each course, in a
ZIP file. You can choose to include or exclude the written comments.
Tutorials for accessing results and building reports are provided by
EvaluationKit in the Help Center.
If you have any questions about accessing electronic course
evaluations, please contact:
Melinda Dunn
Institutional Research
(254) 710-8834
For more details about course evaluations at Baylor, please
refer to the IR website at ir.web.baylor.edu