May 2018
Dear Student:
Congratulations on your acceptance to SUNY Oneonta! Enclosed you will find important
information regarding your mandatory attendance at the Educational Opportunity Program/Access to
College Excellence (EOP/ACE) Summer Academy. EOP/ACE at Oneonta will provide you with
leadership, guidance, support, and encouragement that will promote your individual development as well
as make your stay at Oneonta a meaningful and enjoyable experience.
Participation in our Summer Academy will provide you with academic preparation and advantages
as you prime yourself for the demands of college studies. In order to succeed here, academics must be your
first priority, so your attendance and active participation in this program is required.
The program will begin Sunday, July 8 and will end Friday, July 27. You must be on campus by
2:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 8. While you will be responsible for your own transportation to and from
Oneonta, SUNY Oneonta will cover your room and board. Both Trailways and Greyhound travel to and
from Oneonta. We can meet you at the Oneonta bus terminal and bring you to campus.
You must bring the following required items: 1) official identification including a NYS driver’s
license, a NYS non-driver’s i.d. card (available from Department of Motor Vehicles) or official high school
i.d. card with picture; 2) Federal financial aid PIN (FAFSA personal identification number); and, 3) SUNY
Oneonta PIN. Also remember to bring enough personal items to last the entire three weeks of the program.
The following is a small sample of what you need: alarm clock, pillow, linens, blankets, umbrella, some
warm clothing (for cooler evenings), sneakers, toiletries, and prescription medication. Do not bring pets,
microwaves, toaster ovens, hot plates, or anything that could be deemed contraband. Limited cell
phone use will be strictly enforced.
Understand that completion of our Summer Academy is mandatory. Failure to complete Summer
Academy will result in loss of your opportunity to enroll as a student at SUNY Oneonta for the Fall
semester. You will also participate in the campus-wide orientation in late August before you begin your
fall classes. Please respond to all information about the College Orientation Program.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact a department Counselor at (607)
436-2496. We look forward to hearing from you!
Lynda D. Bassette-Farone
Director of Opportunity Programs (EOP/ACE)
Oce of Opportunity Programs 116 Alumni Hall SUNY Oneonta Oneonta, NY 13820
Thursday, May 31 Deadline for ALL Documents
Sunday, July 8 by 2:00 p.m. Summer Academy Arrival
Friday, July 27 by Noon Summer Academy Departure
E O P / A C E S U M M E R A C A D E M Y D O C U M E N T S C H E C K L I S T
Complete and Return all Documents
by May 31st
Summer Academy Agreement form
Student Abilies Self-Inventory
Summer Course Interests form
Interest Group Sign-up sheet
Parent Medical Consent
Parent Permission and Release
Summer Food Service Program
Income Eligibility form
Stamped, addressed envelope for
returning your documents is enclosed
2018 EOP/ACE Summer Academy Agreement
I, ________________________________________________ (name), agree to attend Summer Academy at SUNY
Oneonta from Sunday, July 8, at 2:00 p.m. until Friday, July 27, 2018 at noon.
I understand the purpose of the Summer Academy is to prepare me to excel academically while pursuing a Bachelor’s
degree at SUNY Oneonta. I agree to make academics my top priority while I am here during the Summer Academy
and throughout my college career. I will arrive on time for my classes, be prepared and participate. I understand if the
staff determines that academics are not my priority while I am here during the Summer Academy a decision will be
made determining whether I may stay or be sent home.
I will be expected to abide by all College policies as well as the rules and regulations established by the Summer
Academy staff including restricted cell phone usage (all policies and rules will be explained in detail on July 8, 2018).
Adherence to regulations as outlined below is expected, as well as information presented by the Summer Academy
staff on July 8, the information included in the College Catalog, as well as the Student Code of Conduct
Possession, or being in the presence, of alcoholic beverages
Illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia
Illegal, disruptive, disorderly behavior or excessive noise
Weapons; possession or keeping of a deadly instrument on campus or use of
any object with intent to harm another is prohibited.
Candles, any open flame devices, or fuel of any type
Halogen lamps
I understand the terms of our agreement and am determined to make academics my priority throughout my
college career.
Students who have conditions that require special accommodations MUST contact Accessibility Resources at (607)
436-2137. EOP/ACE can assist you in contacting Accessibility Resources, if you choose, by calling 436-2496.
Students with special dietary needs must describe them here: other ___________________________________
vegan gluten-free lactose intolerant vegetarian
I authorize Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)/Access to College Excellence (ACE) to register me in Summer
Academy courses and Introduction to Higher Education and/or Turning Point as required. EOP/ACE has permission
to make adjustments to my schedule to facilitate enrollment in EOP/ACE courses.
Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________________________
The best time to contact me is ____________ (time), at _____________________(phone). My t-shirt size is: ______________
I will not be attending the EOP/ACE Summer Academy at SUNY Oneonta and, therefore, forfeit my admission
through the Educational Opportunity Program or Access to College Excellence.
Signature __________________________________________ Date ______________________________
2018 EOP/ACE Summer Academy
Student Abilities Self-Inventory
Last Name _________________________ First Name ______________________________
1. During high school and/or grammar school, did you ever have an Individual Education Plan
(IEP) or an IEP planning meeting with your teachers, guidance counselor and possibly your
_____ no
_____ yes
_____ not sure
2. Were you ever tested by a Psychologist or other professional to find out if you needed help
with learning, testing or understanding anything that was taught in your classes?
_____ no
_____ yes; Approximate age tested ______
_____ not sure
3. Were you ever given any special type of educational or learning support services due to a
disability such as: (Check all that apply)
_____ Audio books or a reader
_____ Someone to assist you with note taking
_____ Longer time periods to take tests and exams
_____ Resource room services
_____ Oral testing options
_____ Image Enhancing Text
_____ Tape recorders so that you can replay lectures
_____ Other; Describe ________________________________________________
4. What is the first language that you learned? _________________________
5. _____ I have chosen not to respond to this questionnaire.
All students please sign:
Student Signature ______________________________________________
2018 EOP/ACE Summer Academy
Course Interests
Last Name ______________________________ First Name _________________________
Student ID# _____________________________
EOP/ACE will assign you to courses for Summer Academy.
This form is to gather information about your interests; it does NOT guarantee enrollment in any
specific course or major.
At this time, the major(s) you are most interested in is (are):
1. Major: ________________________________________
2. Major: ________________________________________
Please rank your interest in each of the courses listed below:
1 = most interested; 2 = somewhat interested; 3 = not interested
_____ "Baldwin, Morrison and the Black Intellectual Tradition" (Africana & Latino Studies, ALS 194)
_____ Music Ensemble (MUSC 280)
_____ Survey of Career Fields (PROF 100)
_____ Test Taking Strategies (PROF 114)
_____ College Biology prep
Please list your highest Score(s):
SAT Math
SAT Verbal
ACT Overall
List completed high school
Math classes:
List completed AP or other
College coursework:
2018 EOP/ACE Summer Academy
Interest Group Sign-Up Sheet
Name ___________________________________________________
Choose 3 groups that most interest you. Number them from 1-3 on the lines provided (1 being your
top choice).
______ Variety Show Committee
Purpose: to organize, produce, and host the Summer Academy Variety Show. This Interest Group will be
responsible for soliciting acts from Summer Academy participants, faculty, and staff, as well as creating
advertisements, programs, and other essential pieces for the show. With residential staff assistance, this group
will conduct dress rehearsals and brief workshops about stage presence prior to the show. The group will also
create at least two different performance pieces to be included in the show, whether it be a dance routine, skit,
dramatic monologue, etc.
______ Student Opportunities and Leadership Committee (SOAL)
Purpose: to acquire leadership skills and poise in preparation for potential service on the Committee as a
Freshman Class Officer. Interest group members will be responsible for creating a video Yearbook that will
serve as a visual record of Summer Academy.
______ Morale & Academic Excellence Recognition Committee
Purpose: to recognize, motivate, and inspire staff and student participants of Summer Academy. The group will
be charged with the task of awarding weekly recognition of students with “shout outs” as well as developing
advertising campaigns to promote academic excellence, community building, respect, peer-to-peer support,
spirit days, and civility.
______ Art Design Club
Purpose: to demonstrate students’ artistic talent and design artwork for the following projects: variety show
banner; and display group or individual artwork on residence hall bulletin boards.
______ Sports/Fitness/Health
Purpose: to design activities and educational events to promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Assist
with planning and organizing athletic and/or healthy activities. The group will coordinate teams and produce a
game that can be supported by the rest of Summer Academy by the end of the summer program.
______ Study Group
Purpose: an opportunity to work independently or in groups on class assignments and projects.
______ Design Your Own (DYO)
Don’t see something that interests you? Make a suggestion below.
Name of Interest Group: ______________________________________________________________________
What would the goal(s) of your group be? _______________________________________________________
What to Bring to Summer Academy
Limited cell phone use will be strictly enforced.
SUNY Oneonta