GrgicJ, etal. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100278
Wake up and smell the coffee: caffeine
supplementation and exercise performance—an
umbrella review of 21 publishedmeta-analyses
Jozo Grgic,
Ivana Grgic,
Craig Pickering,
Brad J Schoenfeld,
David J Bishop,
Zeljko Pedisic
To cite: GrgicJ, GrgicI,
PickeringC, etal.
Br J Sports Med Epub ahead
of print: [please include Day
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/
Additional material is
published online only. To view
please visit the journal online
(http:// dx. doi. org/ 10. 1136/
bjsports- 2018- 100278).
Institute for Health and Sport
(IHES), Victoria University,
Melbourne, Australia
County Hospital
Schrobenhausen, Germany
Institute of Coaching and
Performance, School of Sport
and Wellbeing, University of
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
Exercise and Nutritional
Genomics Research Centre,
DNAFit Ltd, London, UK
Department of Health Sciences,
Lehman College, Bronx, USA
School of Medical and
Health Sciences, Edith Cowan
University, Joondalup, Australia
Correspondence to
JozoGrgic, Institute for Health
and Sport (IHES), Victoria
University, Melbourne, Australia;
jozo. grgic@ live. vu. edu. au
Accepted 10 March 2019
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2019. No
commercial re-use. See rights
and permissions. Published
by BMJ.
Objective To systematically review, summarise and
appraise findings of published meta-analyses that
examined the effects of caffeine on exercise performance.
Design Umbrella review.
Data sources Twelve databases.
Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Meta-
analyses that examined the effects of caffeine ingestion
on exercise performance.
Results Eleven reviews (with a total of 21 meta-
analyses) were included, all being of moderate or high
methodological quality (assessed using the Assessing
the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews 2
checklist). In the meta-analyses, caffeine was ergogenic
for aerobic endurance, muscle strength, muscle
endurance, power, jumping performance and exercise
speed. However, not all analyses provided a definite
direction for the effect of caffeine when considering
the 95% prediction interval. Using the Grading of
Recommendations Assessment, Development and
Evaluation criteria the quality of evidence was generally
categorised as moderate (with some low to very low
quality of evidence). Most individual studies included
in the published meta-analyses were conducted among
young men.
Summary/conclusion Synthesis of the currently
available meta-analyses suggest that caffeine ingestion
improves exercise performance in a broad range of
exercise tasks. Ergogenic effects of caffeine on muscle
endurance, muscle strength, anaerobic power and
aerobic endurance were substantiated by moderate
quality of evidence coming from moderate-to-high
quality systematic reviews. For other outcomes, we found
moderate quality reviews that presented evidence of
very low or low quality. It seems that the magnitude of
the effect of caffeine is generally greater for aerobic as
compared with anaerobic exercise. More primary studies
should be conducted among women, middle-aged and
older adults to improve the generalisability of these
In 2018, the IOC published a consensus statement
regarding the effects of dietary supplements on
exercise performance of athletes.
The consensus
statement placed meta-analyses at the top of the
evidence pyramid.
In sports nutrition research,
meta-analyses provide a method of pooling avail-
able primary studies exploring the efficacy of a given
supplement on a specific outcome (eg, performance
of an exercise test). As such, meta-analyses are used
to support establishing evidence-based guidelines
and decision making for the effective prescription
of nutritional supplements and ergogenic aids.
One supplement with a long history of use for
its ergogenic effects on performance is caffeine.
Caffeine ingestion is highly prevalent among
athletes, especially since 2004, when it was
removed from the World Anti-Doing Agency list
of within-competition banned substances.
example, 74% of urine samples collected from
2004 to 2008 and analysed as a part of doping
control contained caffeine.
Given inconsistent
evidence in the primary research that examined the
effects of caffeine on exercise performance, several
research groups explored this area using meta-an-
alytical methods.
While these meta-analyses
generally report ergogenic effects of caffeine on
exercise performance, even adequately conducted
meta-analyses tend to focus on the ergogenic effects
of caffeine within just a single performance domain.
As an illustration, Grgic and Pickering
only exam-
ined the effects of caffeine ingestion on isokinetic
peak torque.
Given that each meta-analysis is typically focused
only on a specific aspect of exercise performance, it
is challenging to: (1) compare the effects of caffeine
ingestion on different performance domains; (2)
comparatively assess the availability and strength
of evidence for different performance domains;
(3) establish comprehensive recommendations
on the use of caffeine in sports and exercise; and
(4) provide overall recommendations for future
research on the ergogenic effects of caffeine on
exercise performance. Such recommendations may
increase the uptake of evidence-based findings in
the context of supplement prescription and guide
future research in this area.
Consistency of meta-analytical findings is often
lacking; even meta-analyses that have examined
the same outcome may produce conflicting find-
ings. For instance, Gonçalves Ribeiro et al
did not
observe significant effects of caffeine ingestion on
power. In contrast, a subsequent meta-analysis by
reported that caffeine ingestion is ergogenic
for this outcome. Such conflicting findings hinder
firm evidence-based conclusions from individual
meta-analyses. Ultimately, the methods employed
in a specific meta-analysis (eg, the number of data-
bases searched, the comprehensiveness of the search
syntax and the methods used for analysing the data)
determine the robustness of the pooled results. For
example, a meta-analysis on the effects of caffeine
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GrgicJ, etal. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100278
supplementation on power conducted by Gonçalves Ribeiro et
included only studies that were published between January
2010 and December 2015. Due to these restrictions, studies
published before 2010 were excluded from consideration, and
the authors provided no rationale for their approach. Only four
studies that assessed power during Wingate tests were included
in their review, and no significant pooled effects were found.
conducted a similar meta-analysis without any restric-
tions regarding the year of publication; this analysis included
16 studies and reported significant improvements in both mean
and peak power on the Wingate test following caffeine ingestion.
One proposed method to overcome some of the above,
and other, potential limitations of meta-analyses is to perform
umbrella reviews.
Umbrella reviews (ie, reviews that include
the syntheses and appraisal of existing systematic reviews and
meta-analyses) provide a comprehensive view of the evidence
landscape on a given topic because they encompass larger scale
of evidence.
Such reviews help us to understand the current
strengths and limitations of the entire body of evidence by
comparing and contrasting findings from the entirety of the
published data. Such a treatise on the effects of caffeine on exer-
cise may be a useful resource for researchers, sports nutritionists,
athletes, coaches and others interested in the ergogenic effects
of caffeine on acute exercise performance. To date, there are no
published umbrella reviews focusing on the effects of caffeine on
exercise performance.
The aim of the present paper is threefold: (1) to systematically
review available meta-analytical evidence that has examined the
effects of caffeine on exercise performance; (2) to addresses the
quality, strengths and limitations of the meta-analytical evidence;
and (3) to identify current gaps in the literature and make key
suggestions for future research.
Search strategy
This review followed the guidelines set forth by Aromataris and
We systematically searched through 12 different
databases, including: Academic Search Premier, AUSPORT,
CINAHL, Cochrane Library, ERIC, Health Source: Nursing/
Academic Edition, MasterFILE Premier, PsycINFO, PubMed/
MEDLINE, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science. The
databases were searched from the inception of indexing until
24 September 2018 using the following search syntax: caffeine
AND (meta-an* OR ‘systematic review’) AND (exercise OR
training OR muscle OR ‘physical performance’). The search
syntax for each database is provided in online supplementary
table S1. Quotation marks and the wildcard symbol were used
to narrow down the search. In each full-text that was read, we
also screened the reference list as a part of a secondary search.
The search was carried out independently by two authors
(JG and IG) to prevent any selection bias. The authors inde-
pendently examined the titles, abstracts and, when applicable,
the full-texts of the identified publications. On examination, the
authors compared their lists of included and excluded papers;
any disagreements were resolved by discussion and agreement
between the authors.
Inclusion criteria
We included reviews coupled with a meta-analysis that examined
the acute effects of caffeine ingestion on any exercise perfor-
mance-related outcome. Both peer-reviewed and conference
papers published in English or other languages were considered.
Meta-analyses that included studies that combined caffeine with
other ergogenic compounds, such as taurine, were excluded as
they do not allow for the differentiation of the effects between
the compounds. However, meta-analyses that included studies
comparing caffeine and carbohydrate ingestion versus caffeine
alone were included as long as the effect of caffeine could be
isolated (ie, two solutions were given to the participants—one
with caffeine and one without). As reported by the Partici-
pant-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome (PICO) process, the
following criteria were followed:
Apparently healthy individuals of both sexes and all ages.
Any acute study examining the effects of caffeine ingestion on
exercise performance.
Comparison group
Placebo (provided that the effects of caffeine could be isolated).
Outcome measures
Any form of exercise performance.
Data extraction
The following data were extracted from the included meta-anal-
yses: (1) the list of authors and year of publication; (2) the
number and type of studies included in the meta-analysis; (3)
the pooled number of participants; (4) the type of exercise test
that was evaluated; (5) the pooled effect size with the 95% CI;
(6) p values; and (7) percent changes and I
values. The same
two authors that carried out searches also conducted the data
extraction process. All data were tabulated to a spreadsheet
predefined for this review. After data extraction, the spread-
sheets were cross-checked between the authors for accuracy.
Methodological quality evaluation
The methodological quality of the included meta-analyses
was assessed using the validated Assessing the Methodolog-
ical Quality of Systematic Reviews 2 (AMSTAR 2) checklist.
Two reviewers (JG and IG) independently assessed the meth-
odological quality of the included reviews using the AMSTAR
2 checklist. This checklist contains 16 items that include ques-
tions regarding the use of the PICO description as a part of the
inclusion criteria, the a priori registration of the review design,
the comprehensiveness of the literature search, the number of
authors that performed that search and data extraction, the
description of included studies, the assessment of the quality of
the included primary studies, reporting of sources of funding in
the primary studies, the use of appropriate statistical methods,
assessments of heterogeneity in the meta-analyses and reporting
of the potential conflicts of interest. Full details on the checklist
can be found in the paper by Shea et al.
Each item on this
checklist is answered with a ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘cannot answer’ or ‘not
applicable’. Out of these possible answers, only the ‘yes’ answer
counts as a point in the total score for the assessed review. Based
on the summary point scores, the meta-analyses were catego-
rised as high quality (at least 80% of the items were satisfied),
moderate quality (between 40% and 80% of the items were
satisfied) or low quality (less than 40% of the items were satis-
fied), as performed previously.
18 19
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GrgicJ, etal. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100278
Quality of evidence
To assess the quality of evidence we used the modified Grading
of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation
(GRADE) principles.
For the purpose of this review, we exam-
ined the following GRADE aspects: (1) risk of bias (determined
by the quality of the primary studies, as assessed in the orig-
inal reviews); (2) inconsistency (determined by variables such as
the variation in the effects across the included studies and the
overlap of the 95% CIs between the studies); (3) indirectness
(determined by the generalisability of the findings while consid-
ering the study populations included in the primary research);
(4) imprecision (determined by the total sample size in the anal-
ysis and the width of the 95% CI of the pooled effect size); and
(5) publication bias (determined if the effect size of the largest
study in each analysis was smaller than the pooled estimate from
the meta-analysis and by examining the asymmetry of the funnel
plot). Based on these criteria, the meta-analytical evidence was
classified as high, moderate, low or very low. The GRADE assess-
ment was conducted independently by two authors (JG and IG),
with discussion and agreement for any differences.
Prediction interval(PI)
Using the number of included studies, the pooled standardised
mean difference, the upper limit of the 95% CI and the
tau-squared values (from each analysis), we calculated 95% PI
for all included meta-analyses (spreadsheet available at: https://
www. meta- analysis. com/ pages/ prediction. php). The 95% PI
represents the range in which the effect size of a future study
conducted on the topic will most likely lie. If the tau-squared
values were not provided in the meta-analysis, these data were
either requested from the authors or recalculated based on the
data presented in the included studies.
Search results
The initial literature search identified 405 search records. Out
of that pool of search results, 18 full-texts were read. Seven
reviews were excluded after reading the full-texts.
7 21–26
reasons for their exclusion are provided in online supplementary
table S2. Eleven reviews (with a total of 21 meta-analyses) were
included in this umbrella review.
4–6 8–15
All included reviews
were published in peer-reviewed journals. The flow diagram of
the search process can be found in figure 1.
Characteristics of the meta-analyses
The included meta-analyses were published between the years
2004 and 2018. The median number of studies included per
meta-analysis was 19 (range: 2–44). The prevalence of primary
studies with male-only samples ranged from 72% to 100% across
the meta-analyses. The assessed outcomes in the meta-analyses
included: maximal speed during running, cycling or rowing
(defined as the maximal achieved speed in exercise performance
tests lasting from 45 s to 8 min that had either a fixed duration or
a fixed distance), aerobic endurance (assessed by time-to-exhaus-
tion, time trial and graded exercise tests), peak and mean power
in the 30 s Wingate test, peak torque in an isokinetic strength
assessment, strength in the one repetition maximum (1RM)
test, height in a vertical jump test, muscular endurance (assessed
both using isometric and dynamic tests), duration of time trial
or power during a time trial and maximal voluntary strength
(assessed by pooling isometric, isokinetic and 1RM tests). A
summary of the included meta-analyses can be found in table 1.
Effects of caffeine on exercise performance
The effects of caffeine ingestion on aerobic endurance were
examined in five reviews with a total of nine meta-analyses; the
majority reported ergogenic effects of caffeine (effect size range:
0.22–0.61). The range of included primary studies was from 2
to 44 (average: 23 studies). Doherty and Smith
did not report
significant effects of caffeine on aerobic endurance performance
when considering only graded exercise tests and including six
studies. Gonçalves Ribeiro et al
did not report significant effects
of caffeine on this outcome (analysed using maximum running
distance tests) while including two studies. The 95% PIs for
these analyses are reported in table 1.
Four analyses examined the effects of caffeine on different
measures of muscle strength. In three of these analyses, an ergo-
genic effect of caffeine was observed (effect size range: 0.16–
0.20). The range of included studies was from 3 to 27 (average:
13 studies). In the analysis by Grgic and Pickering,
the 95%
PI was from −0.17 to 0.49. In the analysis by Grgic et al,
95% PI was from 0.02 to 0.39, while in Warren et al’s
the 95% PI was from −0.18 to 0.56. The 95% PI in the analysis
by Polito et al
(this analysis did not report significant effects of
caffeine on 1RM strength) was from −0.09 to 0.27.
Two analyses examined the effects of caffeine on muscular
endurance. Both reported ergogenic effects of caffeine (effect
size range: 0.28–0.38). Polito et al
included 16, while Warren
et al
included 23 studies. The 95% PI was from 0.02 to 0.74
and from −0.29 to 0.85 for the analyses by Polito et al
Warren et al,
Anaerobic power was examined in three analyses. In a
meta-analysis including four studies, Gonçalves Ribeiro et al
did not report significant ergogenic effects of caffeine on power.
The 95% PI in this analysis was from −0.65 to 1.01. In an anal-
ysis including 16 studies, Grgic
reported ergogenic effects of
caffeine on both mean and peak power (effect size range: 0.18
to 0.27). In the analysis for peak power, the 95% PI was from
−0.35 to 0.89, while in the analysis for mean power, the 95% PI
was from 0.04 to 0.32.
One meta-analysis, including 10 studies, examined the effects
of caffeine on vertical jump height and reported an ergogenic
effect of caffeine (effect size: 0.17).
The 95% PI was from
−0.03 to 0.37.
Figure 1 Flow diagram of the search process.
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GrgicJ, etal. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100278
Table 1 Summary of the meta-analyses included in the review
Reference Included studies
Number of included studies
(sample size) Performance test(s)
Effect size (95% CI) and
pvalue* 95% PI Percent change I
(95% CI)
Christensen et al
Single or double-
blind crossover study
Nine studies (n=97). Speed during running, cycling or
0.41 (0.15to 0.68); p=0.002. 0.41 (0.09to 0.73). ~2 0% (0%to 35%).
Conger et al
Crossover study
Carbohydrate versus
caffeine+carbohydrate: 21
studies (n=333).
Caffeine versus placebo: 36
studies (n=352).
Any form of aerobic exercise
if it was 10 min or longer in
Carbohydrate versus
caffeine+carbohydrate: 0.26
(0.15to 0.38); p<0.001.
Caffeine versus placebo: 0.51
(0.41to 0.62); p<0.001.
Carbohydrate versus
caffeine+carbohydrate: 0.26
Caffeine versus placebo: 0.51
(−0.06to 1.08).
Carbohydrate versus
Caffeine versus placebo:+16%.
Carbohydrate versus
caffeine+carbohydrate: 7% (0%to
Caffeine versus placebo: 24% (0%to
Doherty and Smith
crossover study
24 studies (n=217) for aerobic
exercise, 6 studies for graded
exercise tests (n=62) and 12
studies for short-term high-
intensity exercise (n=127).
Exercise testing divided to
aerobic exercise, graded exercise
tests and short-term high-
intensity exercise.
Aerobic exercise: 0.63 (0.50to
Graded exercise tests: 0.17
(−0.02to 0.36).
Short-term high-intensity
exercise: 0.16 (0.01to 0.31).‡
Aerobic exercise: 0.63 (0.06to 1.20).
Graded exercise tests: 0.17 (−0.09to
Short-term high-intensity exercise:
0.16 (−0.18to 0.50).
+12% across all exercise tests. Aerobic exercise: 4% (0%to 52%).
Graded exercise tests: 0% (0%to 42%).
Short-term high-intensity exercise: 0%
(0%to 24%).
Gonçalves Ribeiro
et al
Crossover study
Seven studies (n=91) for
timetrial duration, four
studies (n=52) for power
and two studies (n=31) for
running distance.
Timetrial duration, power and
running distance.
Timetrial duration: 0.40 (0.11to
0.70); p=0.007.
Power: 0.18 (−0.21to 0.56);
Running distance: 0.38
(−0.13to 0.88); p=0.142.
Timetrial duration: 0.40 (0.01to
Power: 0.18 (−0.65, 1.01).
Running distance: unable to
Timetrial duration:+2%.
Running distance:+11%.
Time trial duration: 0% (0%to 19%).
Power: 0% (0%to 43%).
Running distance: 0% (unable to
Crossover study
16 studies (n=246). Peak and mean power in the
30 s Wingate test.
Peak power: 0.27 (0.08to 0.47);
Mean power: 0.18 (0.05to
0.31); p=0.005.
Peak power: 0.27 (−0.35to 0.89).
Mean power: 0.18 (0.04to 0.32).
Peak power:+4%.
Mean power:+3%.
Peak power: 7% (0%to 44%).
Mean power: 0% (0%to 28%).
Grgic and Pickering
Crossover study
10 studies (n=133). Peak torque in an isokinetic
strength assessment.
0.16 (0.06to 0.26); p=0.003. 0.16 (−0.17to 0.49). +5%. 15% (0%to 57%).
Grgic et al
Single or double-
blind crossover study
10 studies (n=149) for
strength and 10 studies
(n=145) for vertical jump.
Strength in the 1RM test and
height in a vertical jump test.
1RM: 0.20 (0.03to 0.36);
Vertical jump: 0.17 (0.00to
0.34); p=0.047.
1RM: 0.20 (0.02to 0.39).
Vertical jump: 0.17 (−0.03, 0.37).
Vertical jump:+3%.
1RM: 0% (0%to 37%).
Vertical jump: 0% (0%to 47%).
Polito et al
crossover study
16 studies (n=239) for
muscular endurance and
three studies (n=46) for the
1RM test.
Muscular endurance (assessed
by repetitions to fatigue) and
strength in the 1RM test.
Muscular endurance: 0.38
(0.29to 0.48); p<0.001.
1RM: 0.09 (−0.07to 0.25);
Muscular endurance: 0.38 (0.02to
1RM: 0.09 (−0.09to 0.27).
Muscular endurance:+6%.
Muscular endurance: 24% (0to 56%).
1RM: 0% (0%to 43%).
Shen et al
Crossover study
40 studies (n=582). Any form of aerobic exercise if it
was 5 min or longer in duration.
0.33 (0.21to 0.45).‡ 0.33 (0.21to 0.45). +3%. 0% (0%to 14%).
Southward et al
Crossover study
44 studies (n=639 for time
trial duration and n=350 for
timetrial power).
Duration of the time trial or
power during a time trial.
Time trial duration: 0.28 (0.17to
0.40); p<0.0001.
Timetrial power: 0.22 (0.07to
0.37); p=0.004.
Time trial duration: 0.28 (0.17to
Time trial power: 0.22 (0.06to 0.38).
Time trial duration:+2%.
Time trial power:+3%.
Time trial duration: 0% (0%to −56%).
Time trial power: 0% (0%to 14%).
Warren et al
group study designs.
27 studies (n=576) for MVC
and 23 studies (n=388) for
muscular endurance.
MVC and muscular endurance. MVC: 0.19 (0.09to 0.29);
Muscular endurance: 0.28
(0.14to 0.42); p<0.001.
MVC: 0.19 (−0.18to 0.56).
Muscular endurance: 0.28 (−0.29to
Muscular endurance:+14%.
MVC: 44% (13%to 65%).
Muscular endurance: 12% (0%to 46%).
*Positive effect sizes and percentages show favouring of caffeine over placebo.
†Defined as the maximal achieved speed in exercise performance tests lasting from 45 s to 8 min that had either a fixed duration or a fixed distance.
‡Pvalues were not provided.
1RM,one repetition maximum;MVC, maximal voluntary contraction; PI, prediction interval.
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GrgicJ, etal. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100278
One meta-analysis, included nine studies, examined speed
during running, cycling or rowing and reported ergogenic effects
of caffeine (effect size: 0.41).
The 95% PI was from 0.09 to
One meta-analysis examined various forms of ‘short-term
high-intensity exercise’ while pooling the effects of caffeine
on: (1) time to exhaustion in various high-intensity short-term
cycling and running efforts; (2) mean power, peak power output
and total work during high-intensity short-term cycling; and (3)
time trial time during 2000 m rowing.
This analysis included 16
studies and reported ergogenic effects of caffeine of 0.16; the
95% PI was −0.18 to 0.50.
Besides the main analysis (presented in figure 2), several
reviews also conducted additional subgroup analyses (eg, for
trained vs untrained individuals, for upper vs lower body muscu-
lature) and these results are summarised in online supplementary
table S3.
Methodological quality evaluation
The methodological quality of the 11 included reviews is
summarised in table 2. The reviews scored from 44% to 88% of
the maximum 16 points. Three reviews were classified as being
of high quality, while eight were classified as being of moderate
methodological quality. None of the reviews were considered to
be of poor methodological quality. Several criteria on AMSTAR
2 checklist were under-reported in the analysed reviews: (1)
none provided an a priori design (ie, registration of the review
methods in advance); (2) in four and five analyses the number of
authors conducting the search and data extraction was not clear,
respectively; (3) the list of excluded studies was not provided in
any of the included reviews; and (4) sources of funding for the
studies included in a given review were discussed only in three
Quality of the evidence
Based on the GRADE assessment, the included analyses were
considered as providing very low (3 meta-analyses), low (7
meta-analyses) or moderate quality of evidence (11 meta-anal-
yses). For risk of bias, several reviews did not assess the quality
of the included studies and thus were given ‘unclear’ on this
criterion. The meta-analyses were considered as not having
serious inconsistency but were considered as having serious indi-
rectness. The analyses were mostly considered as being ‘precise’
on the imprecision GRADE item. Finally, three meta-analyses
were considered as ‘strongly suspected’ on the publication bias
GRADE item. The results for each analysis are presented in
online supplementary table S4.
Based on the 11 included reviews, it can be concluded that
caffeine is ergogenic for different components of exercise perfor-
mance including aerobic endurance, muscle strength, muscle
endurance, power, jumping performance and exercise speed.
Ergogenic effects of caffeine on muscle endurance, muscle
strength, anaerobic power and aerobic endurance were substan-
tiated by moderate quality of evidence coming from moderate-
to-high quality systematic reviews (online supplementary table
S5). For other outcomes, we found moderate quality reviews
that presented evidence of very low or low quality. In addition,
Figure 2 Summary of the effect sizes, 95% CIs (presented in the black lines), and 95% prediction intervals (95% PIs; presented in the grey lines)
from the included meta-analyses. If there is no 95% PI presented, it was the same as the 95% CI.
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GrgicJ, etal. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100278
not all analyses provided a definite direction for the effect of
caffeine when considering the 95% PI. Several important aspects
that refer to the generalisability of the meta-analytical findings
as well as the spread of summary effects need to be considered
when interpreting these findings from a practical standpoint.
Generalisability of the results
Based on the GRADE assessment for directness of evidence, the
included reviews were rated as having serious indirectness given
that the evidence is not direct enough to apply to all popula-
tions. Scrutiny of the meta-analyses included in this umbrella
review highlights that primary studies conducted among women
are lacking. Specifically, in all of the included meta-analyses,
72%–100% of the pooled sample participants were men. Women
may metabolise caffeine differently than men given that changes
in circulating steroid hormones during phases of the menstrual
cycle can impact caffeine elimination in women,
27 28
which might
also impact the ergogenic effect of caffeine on exercise perfor-
mance in this population. When conducting studies in women,
the differences in caffeine metabolism across the follicular and
luteal phase of the menstrual cycle may increase the complexity
of the study design, which might partially explain why studies in
this population are lacking. While there are studies conducted
in both sexes that suggest both men and women may experience
similar acute effects of caffeine ingestion on exercise perfor-
29 30
the generalisability of the meta-analytic findings is,
however, limited mostly to men.
The majority of the primary studies were conducted in young
individuals, and therefore, several meta-analyses are limited
exclusively to young individuals.
4 8 9 11–14
This may be relevant to
highlight given that in animal models, with ageing, there appears
to be a reduced ergogenic effect of caffeine.
Caffeine has been
shown to elicit positive effects on mood and cognitive perfor-
mance in older adults.
If caffeine also increases exercise perfor-
mance in older adults, it might also enhance performance during
activities of daily living in these individuals. This is particularly
important from a public health point of view, given that reduced
physical functioning (eg, in terms of reduced strength) may
impact the quality of life in this population group.
some of the studies conducted in older adults showed an ergo-
genic effect of caffeine on exercise performance,
34 35
studies that directly compare the effects of caffeine between
young versus older individuals are needed to explore if the
effects of caffeine differ between age groups.
Methodological quality
While the meta-analyses included in the present umbrella review
show that caffeine ingestion may indeed be ergogenic across a
large range of exercise tasks, some additional considerations may
help to improve future meta-analyses on this topic. Several of
the included reviews did not adhere to the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
guidelines, which currently represent a widely accepted standard
for reporting meta-analyses. It should be taken into account that
the PRISMA guidelines were published in 2009, which is 5 years
after the review by Doherty and Smith.
Nonetheless, several
meta-analyses that did not follow the guidelines were published
following the release of the PRISMA statement.
4 5 8 15
None of the 11 reviewes registered their protocol for a review
and thus did not receive a point on item 2 of the AMSTAR 2
checklist. Protocols of systematic reviews can be registered in
the PROSPERO database. If registered, such protocols can help
reduce the risk of wasteful duplication of reviews by independent
Table 2 Results of the Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews 2 (AMSTAR 2) quality assessment
AMSTAR items
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Score
Christensen et al
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Cannot answer No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 75% moderate
Conger et al
Yes No Yes Yes Cannot answer Cannot answer No Yes No No Yes Not applicable Not applicable Yes Yes Yes 50% moderate
Doherty and Smith
Yes No Yes Yes Cannot answer Cannot answer No Yes No No Yes Not applicable Not applicable Yes Yes No 44% moderate
Gonçalves Ribeiro et al
Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 63% moderate
Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 69% moderate
Grgic and Pickering
Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 75% moderate
Grgic et al
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 88% high
Polito et al
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 81% high
Shen et al
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 81% high
Southward et al
Yes No Yes Yes Cannot answer Cannot answer No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 69% moderate
Warren et al
Yes No Yes Yes Cannot answer Cannot answer No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 75% moderate
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GrgicJ, etal. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100278
research groups. However, the PROSPERO database is primarily
focused on health outcomes and not exercise performance. As
stated on their website, ‘PROSPERO includes protocol details
for systematic reviews relevant to health and social care, welfare,
public health, education, crime, justice, and international devel-
opment, where there is a health related outcome’. The authors
are not aware of any registries that focus on the publishing of
protocols for systematic reviews in the sport and exercise field.
Given that the number of published systematic reviews has
increased over the last years, the formation of such a register for
this line of research appears warranted.
Publication bias, as highlighted by Borenstein et al,
occur because studies that report higher (and significant) effect
sizes are more likely to be published than those with low or
non-significant effect sizes (ie, the file drawer problem).
Therefore, the inclusion of only published studies in a given
meta-analysis can lead to publication bias and may be a concern
for the validity of the results. Four meta-analyses included in
this umbrella review also examined unpublished literature in
the form of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations.
5 11 12 15
In the meta-analysis by Conger et al,
the effect size of the
unpublished studies was 0.13 (95% CI –0.08 to 0.33), while the
effect size of the published studies was 0.32 (95% CI 0.19 to
0.46). These results might indeed suggest that studies with
smaller effect sizes tend to remain unpublished and to avoid
publication bias future meta-analyses should consider including
unpublished results as well. The reviews that included unpub-
lished literature highlight that, in many cases, such unpublished
documents may be of equal or even greater methodological
quality as those found in peer-reviewed journals. The influence
of unpublished results can be examined by conducting a sensi-
tivity analysis in which the pooled results are inspected after
the exclusion of these studies. In this context, journal editors
and reviewers are also encouraged to facilitate greater accep-
tance and publication of studies with results that would appear
to be ‘less favourable’ (or statistically non-significant) to truly
progress this area of work.
The spread of summary effects
Based on the GRADE assessment of inconsistency, the reviews
were classified as not possessing serious inconsistencies. Indeed,
the effect sizes across individual studies indicate that the studies
rarely show a negative effect of caffeine supplementation on
exercise performance. The effects in the primary studies were
either positive or around the null value. In addition, the 95% CI
from the primary studies largely overlap.
One interesting aspect refers to the spread of summary
effects. Historically, caffeine ingestion has been suggested
to predominantly provide a performance-enhancing effect
on aerobic exercise performance.
As shown both here and
by others,
38 39
it is evident that caffeine ingestion enhances
performance in anaerobic exercise tasks as well. However, it is
possible that the magnitude of the effect of caffeine is greater
for aerobic as compared with anaerobic exercise. The effect
sizes for meta-analyses that focused on aerobic tests of perfor-
mance are generally higher than those that used anaerobic tests
of performance (figure 2). Future studies may consider inves-
tigating the effects of caffeine ingestion on both aerobic and
anaerobic tests of performance in the same sample to further
explore whether the effect size magnitude differs between
tasks that rely on predominantly oxidative or predominantly
non-oxidative energy pathways.
The optimal dose of caffeine
While the included meta-analyses report that caffeine ingestion
may be ergogenic across a broad range of exercise activities,
the ‘optimal’ dose of caffeine remains elusive. If we observe the
dosage used in the primary studies (across all of the included
meta-analyses), it is clear that most of the studies used a single
dose of caffeine (most commonly 6 mg/kg). Warren et al
ined the dose–response effects between the amount of caffeine
ingested and its ergogenic effect on muscular endurance. This
analysis found that for an increase in caffeine dose by 1 mg/
kg, the relative effect size for muscular endurance increased by
0.10. However, these results should be interpreted with caution
given that the dosage explained only 16% of the between-study
variance. To explore the optimal doses of caffeine for exercise
performance future dose–response studies are needed. The
optimal doses may differ based on the source of caffeine,
cise test,
muscle action type
and between individuals,
46 47
which needs to be taken into account when prescribing caffeine
Is coffee a good way to consume caffeine?
While the results of this umbrella review suggest that caffeine is
ergogenic in the majority of exercise situations, it is important to
keep in mind that the majority of studies use caffeine anhydrous
(highly concentrated caffeine powder) as the caffeine source,
with a smaller group of studies utilising caffeine-containing
supplements such as energy drinks, bars and gels. Coffee—the
most widely used method of caffeine ingestion globally—is rela-
tively underexplored as a pre-exercise performance enhancer.
Hodgson and colleagues
reported that caffeine anhydrous and
coffee, standardised to deliver a caffeine dose of 5 mg/kg, were
similarly effective in enhancing aerobic endurance performance.
Similar results have been reported for resistance and sprint exer-
49 50
As a result, coffee is likely an effective ergogenic aid; the
main issue here is a practical one. To be ergogenic, the caffeine
dose from coffee likely has to fall within the 3–6 mg/kg range.
The caffeine dose received from coffee depends on many factors,
including bean type, preparation method and size of the cup;
there are large differences in caffeine concentrations between
different coffee brands and flavours and within the same brand
across time.
As a result, while the ‘average’ cup of coffee
contains around 100 mg of caffeine—meaning that two cups
would deliver ~200 mg, representing ~3 mg/kg for a 70 kg indi-
vidual—this amount is hard to quantify in the specific cup of
coffee that person is drinking.
While keeping those caveats in
mind, as a broad rule of thumb, two cups of coffee, consumed
around 60 min before exercise, should exert an ergogenic effect
in most individuals.
Suggestions for future research
Subgroup analyses conducted in the included meta-analyses
in most cases are based on a low number of included studies
(or effect sizes), which limits any definitive conclusions. Many
areas remain unclear when it comes to caffeine supplementation.
Some of these areas include:
The effects of caffeine habituation
Does habituation to caffeine reduce (or eliminate) its ergogenic
effect following acute caffeine supplementation? The included
meta-analyses could not explore the differences in effects
between low and high habitual caffeine users as currently there
is a lack of primary studies investigating this topic. The body of
research is limited and equivocal, with some studies suggesting
on September 1, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://bjsm.bmj.com/Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-100278 on 29 March 2019. Downloaded from
GrgicJ, etal. Br J Sports Med 2019;0:1–9. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-100278
that low habitual caffeine users experience greater ergogenic
effects than the high habitual users, while others report similar
acute responses to caffeine ingestion in terms of exercise perfor-
mance regardless of habituation.
54 55
Pickering and Kiely
suggested the possibility that the response may be dose depen-
dent, which may be an interesting aspect to explore in future
Optimal timing of caffeine ingestion
Most studies provided caffeine supplementation 60 min pre
exercise; therefore, it remains unclear if smaller/greater effects
of caffeine would be observed with shorter/longer wait time
from ingestion to exercise. This area needs further exploration,
and there is potential that different timing may be required for
different doses
or genotypes.
Effects of different sources of caffeine
Most of the included studies in the meta-analyses used the
capsule form of caffeine. It remains unclear if comparable
results can also be seen with alternate sources of caffeine, such
as caffeine mouth rinsing, caffeine gels and chewing gums. A
detailed review on the topic of alternate forms of caffeine can be
found elsewhere.
Effects of caffeine among trained versus untrained individuals
While it has been suggested that trained individuals might
respond better to caffeine ingestion, the current evidence on
this topic is scarce and conflicting.
The meta-analyses that
have tried to explore this matter were commonly performed
on a limited number of studies. For example, Grgic et al
included seven and four studies for their subgroup analysis of
the effects of caffeine among trained and untrained individuals,
respectively. The majority of the studies pooled in the mentioned
subgroup analysis only examined the effects of caffeine on
strength performance in either trained or untrained individ-
uals. The only study included in the review by Grgic et al
directly compared the effects of caffeine between trained and
untrained individuals reported ergogenic effects of caffeine in
untrained but not in trained individuals.
These results are in
contrast to the common belief about greater responsiveness to
caffeine in trained individuals. Future work is needed on this
topic (for additional discussion on this topic see the reviews by
Tallis et al
and Burke
Chronic effects of caffeine on exercise adaptations
While many studies have examined the acute effects of
caffeine supplementation on exercise performance, it remains
unclear whether these acute increases in performance also
impact chronic adaptations to training and in which way. Ulti-
mately, individuals interested in the acute performance-en-
hancing effects of caffeine are likely candidates to continue
to use caffeine supplementation over the long term. Aspects
of long-term supplementation that refer to habituation and
to the attenuation of caffeine’s effects, as well as the effects
of chronic caffeine supplementation on training adaptations,
need to be further investigated.
We hope that highlighting some of these areas will help
catalyse future high-quality research.
Caffeine ingestion may be ergogenic for a broad range of exer-
cise tasks. The performance-enhancing effects of caffeine on:
(A) muscle endurance, (B) muscle strength, (C) anaerobic power
and (D) aerobic endurance were supported by moderate-to-high
quality reviews and moderate quality of evidence. For other
outcomes, even though the reviews were of moderate quality,
the evidence was of very low or low quality. The magnitude of
the effect of caffeine is generally greater for aerobic as compared
with anaerobic exercise.
What is already known
Given the often narrow scope (ie, focus on only one test of
performance) of a meta-analysis, the credibility of this type of
evidence for the effects of caffeine on exercise performance
across the totality of the evidence is unclear.
Caffeine is ergogenic for exercise performance; it remains
unclear if the effect of caffeine differs between various
exercise tests/tasks.
What are the new findings
Of the 11 included reviews, all report significant
improvements in at least one component of exercise
performance following caffeine ingestion with the effect size
magnitude ranging from small to moderate.
The effect sizes for meta-analyses that focused on aerobic
tests of performance are generally higher than those that
used anaerobic tests of performance.
The meta-analytic findings apply mostly to men and young
Caffeine ingestion (as studied here) does not translate readily
to ‘coffee’—the drink, but begs an obvious question. As a
broad rule of thumb, two cups of coffee, consumed around
60 min before exercise, should exert an ergogenic effect in
most individuals.
Contributors JG and ZP conceived the idea for thereview. JG and IG conducted
the study selection the data extraction and qualityassessment. ZP contributed to
data extraction and conceptualisation of qualityassessment. JG drafted the initial
manuscript. CP, ZP, IG, BJS, and DJBcontributed to writing the manuscript.
Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication Not required.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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