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How does the Ergogenic Bene7ts, Consumption, and Overall How does the Ergogenic Bene7ts, Consumption, and Overall
Perspective of Caffeine Differ between Athletes in Different Perspective of Caffeine Differ between Athletes in Different
Sports? Sports?
Steven La8amme
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La8amme, Steven, "How does the Ergogenic Bene7ts, Consumption, and Overall Perspective of Caffeine
Differ between Athletes in Different Sports?" (2023).
Undergraduate Honors Theses
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How does the Ergogenic Benefits, Consumption, and Overall Perspective of Caffeine Differ
Between Athletes in Different Sports?
An Honors Thesis
Presented to
The University Honors Program
Gardner-Webb University
27 April 2023
Steven Laflamme
Accepted by the Honors Faculty
Dr. Jonathan Ahearn, Thesis Advisor
Dr. Wilson Hawkins, Director of Univ. Honors
Dr. Robert Bass, Honors Committee
Dr. Elizabeth Amato, Honors Committee
Dr. Angelina Smith, Honors Committee
Dr. Abby Garlock. Honors Committee
Caffeine has been a very popular ergogenic aid that has been widely used by athletes at
all levels of sports performance (Pickering & Grgic, 2019). The effects of caffeine have shown
performance-enhancing symptoms among athletes along with multiple cognitive benefits such as
reaction time and overall mood during exercise. According to McArdle, Katch, and Katch
(2015), caffeine acts as a stimulant for the central nervous system. It acts as a blocker for
adenosine receptors and allows for more neuron firing in the brain as well as increased blood
flow from the heart to other body systems. In interest of caffeine’s ergogenic effect and overall
improvement of performance, there has been several research studies that aim to prove whether
caffeine makes a significant difference in quality of athletic performance. Further research is
needed to conclude whether these factors affect the benefit of caffeine in everyday athletic
performance as well as caffeine use in a competitive field. Therefore, the aim of this study was to
determine the ergogenic effects of caffeine among male and female collegiate athletes and how
these effects can be correlated to school schedule, hours of practice, competition usage, as well
as side effects. It was hypothesized that caffeine will be a very common agent in the benefit of
student athletes across a variety of sports with different intended purposes.
Table of Contents
Review Of Literature………………………..….………………………………………………....6
Caffeine Metabolism and Factors……………………………………....………………....6
Caffeine and Specific Sport Training……………………………….…………...…..........9
Research Design…………………………………………………………………….……16
Ethical Consideration………………………………………………….…………..…..17
Limitations………………………………………………… ………….…………….......18
According to Tran (2015), caffeine originates from the cocoa bean and has been in use
since the 1800s. It was primarily used as a stimulant in order to get over drowsiness and increase
alertness in an individual. The drug was often consumed in the morning after waking up to start
the day and fight fatigue. It is a drug that is used today and is found in coffees, teas, and has even
escalated to common over the counter medications and energy drinks. Caffeine has grown to be
loved around the world and can commonly be found in soft drinks and coffees that are
stereotypically used by most people to start the day. It can be consumed by the individual as part
of a normal diet or sometimes prescribed as a medication to help a person overcome severe
drowsiness and sometimes even migraines.
The United States Food and Drug Administration established caffeine as a safe product of
consumption. The average caffeine consumption of an active individual was approximately 70-
100 milligrams (mg) of caffeine per day (Heckman et al., 2010). It was found that in the age
group of children (10-13), soft drinks and tea were the highest consumed products containing
caffeine, however in a college setting, energy drinks and coffee intake became more common.
The European Food and Safety authority established that safe levels of caffeine consumption in
one sitting should be 200 mg of caffeine and should not reach above 400 mg in a single day.
When individuals exceed these guidelines, the data and effects of caffeine can be misunderstood.
There is a large variability in caffeine consumption and how it can affect the human body.
Caffeine can exert wide ranges of effects on the body, both positively and negatively, that partly
influence individual’s behaviors and opinions regarding caffeine consumption (Nehlig, 2018).
According to Shabir et al. (2018), caffeine acts as an alkaloid metabolic stimulant. It can
have powerful physiological effects as it naturally stimulates heart rate, relaxes smooth muscle
structures, such as coronary arteries and bronchi, as well as serve as a diuretic. Caffeine’s main
purpose is seen with the central nervous system (McArdle et al., 2015). It serves as an
interference of a neurotransmitter for adenosine and its respective nerve cell receptor. This
triggers the “fight or flight” receptors of the nervous system in an individual and can have
various effects with different dosages. However, with the overuse of caffeine, a tolerance is built
for the individual and the adenosine receptors. This requires the individual to consume more
caffeine in order to retrieve a response from the nerve receptors. Caffeine will have a peak
performance in an individual after it transitions into the bloodstream. After the peak the
individual will have a decline in performance and enhanced qualities will start to diminish. This
decline is known as a “crash” and will allow the body and the receptors to transition to a normal
status (Tunnicliffe et al. 2008).
The use of caffeine as a stimulant has been applied to sports due to the ergogenic effect
and performance enhancements that improve athletic prowess in an athlete’s respective field.
Pickering & Grgic, (2019), describe the use of caffeine in sports since 1907 and the uses of the
performance-enhancing aid has evolved across wide ranges of aspects in sports. The acute effects
of caffeine were seen to improve workouts in athletes and allow for a decrease in fatigue during
exercise. This allowed for more repetitions in movements such as bench press and squats.
Another effect that was seen was improved performances for running sprint times. The primary
ingestion method for athletes was by using a pre-workout supplement or energy drink that was
easy to consume before a workout. In a competitive setting, athletes used caffeine as an enhancer
to improve performance in time or strength.
The usage of caffeine can have a varying effect dependent on the individual and time of
season for the sport. Athletes could use caffeine supplementation purely for competition
purposes, or in an everyday training environment. The ingested caffeine time, or relative practice
time was also a factor of scheduling for athletics that could influence caffeine consumption on
the athlete basis. Sports that require more anerobic power are more likely to apply caffeine
supplementation before their workout routine, as caffeine will have a peaking effect on the
central nervous system and offer the athlete the most in its ergogenic aid at time of competition.
In more aerobic, long-lasting sessions of exercise, caffeine would have a lower appreciation as
the peak effect time will not last the whole session and could cause performance decline due to
crashing of the central nervous system.
According to Shabir et al., (2018) caffeine can have an influence on cognitive
performance on par with its effect on physical attributes. Caffeine has been seen to improve
cognitive performance in relation to sport such as alertness, reaction, concentration, and overall
level of fatigue. However, caffeine could have adverse effects on the individual if too much is
consumed during performance. These adverse effects can be related to insomnia, increased
anxiety, decline in motivation without caffeine, and overall decline in concentration. It is
important to educate the community on how too much intake of caffeine can affect performances
in the sport as well as outside of sport. School scheduling and practice schedule can play a part in
the consumption time of caffeine, which may positively impact the benefits of education and
overall performance of the individual.
According to Del Coso and colleagues (2011), the use of caffeine, most prominently the
substance guarana, gained popularity among athletes, therefore the National Collegiate Athlete
Association (NCAA) set a ban on the substance where if an athlete was found dosing above a
certain level, they would be disqualified from the event and stripped of their awards won. The
International Olympic Committee (2018) describes that having a urine output of 15 milligrams of
caffeine per milliliter of urine, or roughly 500 milligrams of caffeine would be deemed as illegal,
and the athlete will be banned. This was considered a fair amount as a no energy supplement
could be sold containing anything above 300 milligrams of caffeine.
In interest of caffeine’s ergogenic effect and overall improvement of performance, there
has been several research studies that aim to prove whether caffeine makes a dramatic difference
in quality of athletic performance. Pickering and Grgic, (2019), goes into detail of several factors
that could affect how caffeine works such as type of ingestion, time of day of consumption,
amount of caffeine ingested, as well as differences between sex and caffeine. Further research is
needed to conclude whether these factors affect the benefit of caffeine in everyday training
performance as well as caffeine use in a competition environment.
There is also research indicating the negative side effects of excessive caffeine usage.
Varying from a decline in physical and mental ability, the overuse of the product of caffeine can
be detrimental to the training aspects of an athlete. According to Shabir et al. (2018), an
increased caffeine usage may result in cardiovascular permutations such as increased blood
pressure, increased resting heart rate, troubled and irregular breathing, as well as trouble
attaining proper recovery from a workout. The need to better educate different athletes on the
uses of caffeine will help pinpoint the individual’s use of caffeine in an individual of a college
level. The educational improvements will provide the athlete with the most ergogenic benefit
without the decrease in cognitive of physical performance, as well as promote healthy use of
caffeine supplementation.
The purpose of this study was to assess if the usage of caffeine differed among a college
population of student athletes. These results were correlated with outside factors affecting
caffeine such as class schedule, intended use of caffeine, amount consumed, practice schedule, as
well as assessed the prevalence of any negative side effects due to overuse of caffeine. These
results will be compared to gain a better understanding of a college athlete population and if
further education of caffeine is needed for students to gain the most ergogenic benefit of the
product in their diet.
Operational Definitions
Caffeine: Common stimulant that is found in coffee and tea which enhances physical and
cognitive awareness and activation potential.
Ergogenic: Intended to enhance performance, stamina, and recovery
Anaerobic Training: Training or specific movement that limits oxygen consumption for a short
amount of time.
Fatigue: Feeling of exertion after some form of labor, stress, or work.
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE): A form of measurement on how subjects feel after
completing an exercise. How hard one feels the body is working.
Review of Literature
Caffeine Metabolism and Factors
Caffeine has been a very popular ergogenic aid that has been widely used by athletes at
all levels of sports performance (Pickering & Grgic, 2019). The effects of caffeine have shown
performance-enhancing benefits among athletes along with multiple cognitive benefits such as
decreased reaction time and improved overall mood during exercise. Caffeine can be ingested in
several different shapes and forms such as a pill, energy drink, or is found in everyday food and
beverages such as coffee. With caffeine being readily available to the public, athletes have
utilized this accessible performance-enhancer in order to better improve power output and
overall endurance in their respective sports and competitive fields (Pickering & Grgic, 2019).
According to McArdle, Katch, and Katch (2015), caffeine acts as a stimulant for the
central nervous system. It acts as a blocker for adenosine receptors and allows for more neuron
firing in the brain as well as increased blood flow from the heart to other body systems. Caffeine
increases the firing rate of the heart and allows more oxygenated blood to reach the muscles
during exercise and transport carbon dioxide away from the site, therefore inhibiting the effect of
fatigue in the athlete. According to Thorn and colleagues (2012), caffeine is metabolized in the
liver, specifically the cytochrome P450 pathways. It was found that when taken with another
substance, such as food, the metabolism of caffeine was significantly reduced. Multiple studies
seen in Pickering and Grgic (2019) found that other factors, such as sex and time of caffeine
ingestion, could impact the ergogenic effect caffeine has on the athlete.
The type of caffeine that is being digested also could have a role in determining the most
ergogenic effect on performance. Caffeine can be administered through regular substances such
as coffee. In a study by Trexler, Roelofs, Hirsch, Mock, and Smith-Ryan, (2015) the effects of
coffee and caffeine anhydrous were compared to see which had the greater ergogenic benefits in
athletic performance. It was found that subjects who ingested a caffeine anhydrous pill one hour
before performance showed greater ergogenic effects in power output and in number of
repetitions for bench press, leg press, as well as time improvement for a 20-meter sprint.
However, the previous study did not look at which source of caffeine provided the most
ergogenic benefits.
In a study done by Pickering and Grgic (2019), it was shown that the dosage of 3
milligrams of caffeine per kilogram (mg/kg) of body weight to 5 mg/kg ingested through a pill
were the most effective for improving athletic performance such as reaction time and overall
power output of strength. The amount of caffeine varied for each specific tasks and has a
different effect on the reaction time, focus, power and fatigue. Caffeine elicits physiological
responses that reduces the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in an athlete. It was found that
having roughly 3 mg/kg of caffeine was an appropriate dosage caffeine to achieve a block of
adenosine receptors in the body and inhibit fatiguing and overall exertion for aerobic and
anaerobic exercise. The amount of caffeine also shares a direct impact on the increase in muscle
strength, endurance, and power performance. This is related to the ability to augment muscle
fiber conduction and velocity of motor unit recruitment (Pickering & Grgic, 2019). Another
study by Fernández and colleagues (2021), supports this claim as they also used the dosage of 3
mg/kg in order to test the effects of caffeine on unilateral and bilateral jumps. Therefore, the
recommended dosage of caffeine was found to be 3 mg/kg in order to receive the most ergogenic
benefit. The proper dosage will be assessed in this study among the athlete population to
determine if caffeine is being used justly by participating athletes.
Pickering and Grgic (2019) describe how the time frame of caffeine ingestion can play a
vital role in maximizing the benefits of ergogenic effects. Given its stimulatory role, caffeine
may potentially mitigate fatigue and increase performance in morning hours. However, most
performance of a given task saw more benefits when performed in the early afternoon. This was
shown through Guette and colleagues (2005), as athletes showed a strength performance of 99%
of their maximum weight repletion in the afternoon and 90% of their maximum in the morning.
This was theorized as most athletes who have morning training had an increase in motivation to
perform in the afternoon. (Pickering & Grgic, 2019). Various sports have different practice
schedules, some even consisting of practicing once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
The time of day will impact caffeine consumption in order to meet the metabolic needs for
energy and stimulation to perform in these conditions. It is important to identify which sports
include vigorous schedules and how many hours the athlete participates for their season.
The time before exercise when caffeine is ingested also plays a pivotal role. In a study
done by Graham (2002), it was found that caffeine ingested through a capsule or supplement
created the greatest benefits when ingested 30 minutes to 60 minutes prior to performing a
maximal effort cycling exercise. This is due to the caffeine capsule not being fully digested in
the digestive tract until around 45 minutes after consumption. This is seen in another study done
by Smirmaul, Moraes, Angius, & Marcora (2016), who had participants consume a caffeine pill
and then perform a cycling test 60 minutes after consumption. This demonstrates how the athlete
population could have various times of consumption for caffeine in order to meet their sport’s
demands. It is important to distinguish scheduling and time of consumption to gain a better
understanding of how caffeine is being consumed.
Caffeine and Specific Sport Training
Lara and colleagues (2015), describes a study in which the consumption of a caffeine
drink was compared to aspects of swimming performance. A group of 14 male participants were
asked to perform a countermovement jump and maximal handgrip test in order to assess power
output. A 50-meter freestyle and a 45 second swim ergometer test were performed to represent
the simulation of competitive aspects in swimming, such as racing and fatigue. It was theorized
that caffeine would improve aspects such as alertness, vigor, and overall performance in
situations of physical and mental stress. The previous study yielded valid results among 14 male
participants however, the lack of inclusion of female athletes provided bias of what gender is
affected more by the ergogenic effects of caffeine.
According to Tunnicliffe et al. (2008) caffeine was a very popular agent among Canadian
athletes. It was found that caffeine, specifically from coffee, was used frequently in the athlete’s
diet and used for performance in early morning practices. In a university of various sports with
varying practice schedules, it would seem to be more common that students will ingest caffeine
early in the morning in order to have the energy and metabolic needs to perform tasks throughout
the day. It was also found that overuse of caffeine in the morning led to a various amount of
discomfort such as indigestion, gastric withdrawals, sleep disturbances, and interactions with
other dietary supplementations. These side effects from an overuse of caffeine should be
included in the study to better elucidate how caffeine can negatively impact performance and
training if it is used incorrectly.
Similarly, a study done by Pickering & Grgic (2019), the measurement of 3 mg/kg was
used as it was the most effective dosage when looking at an overall increase in performance. It
was found that the consumption of caffeine improved jump height by 3%. There was no
correlation found in overall muscle power output, but rather caffeine was shown to increase
muscle activation and reaction time. The handgrip test showed similar results as there was in
increase in performance of the dominant hand by 3-5%. However, no improvement was seen in
the nondominant hand. During the 50-meter swim, there was no improvement in swim stroke
rate or length in both trials. Participants reduced their time by roughly 3%. The peak power
output of the swim ergometer test was also improved by 11%. After the trials, participants were
asked to evaluate subjective aspects of the trials such as overall feeling of power, fatigue, and
alertness to determine the effects of the caffeinated drink (Lara et al., 2015). As caffeine is
commonly supplied in energy drinks, this study took into consideration that most athletes will be
ingesting caffeine in this manner.
In athletics, improvement in overall power and efficiency can have a dramatic effect on
improvement and skill for the specific sport. In a study by Chtourou and colleagues (2019),
vertical jump height and execution can be directly correlated with the block start or to jumping in
sports such as basketball and soccer. This study used a dosage of 5 mg/kg. Participants, when
performing the jump, had their choice of depth before jump as long as a three second isometric
hold was done before jumping. It was found that the effects of the caffeine pill improved vertical
jump height as well as reaction time and explosive output. This relates to several aspects of
sports, such as blocking in volleyball, jumping to catch in football, and having a faster
reaction/prediction in tennis. Psychological and physiological aspects should be considered when
analyzing the ergogenic benefit of caffeine.
In almost all sports, every aspect of a race or play should be considered to determine
improvements. This includes explosive force outputs from the start and turn segments of the
race. Another study by Bloms, Fitzgerald, Short, and Whitehead (2016) showed caffeine
improved overall jump height and execution in collegiate athletes. This study had athletes hold a
three second isometric hold before jumping, which can be related to the isometric hold of the
swim start. It should be noted there is little research proving vertical jump can be directly
correlated with swimming. However, it can be assumed that an improved vertical jump relates to
a more efficient muscle activation of muscle groups used in a 50-yard freestyle block start.
In a study by Fernández and colleagues (2021), the use of caffeine was found to improve
the efforts of unilateral and bilateral jumps found in elite Jiu-Jitsu athletes. The participants were
asked to hold a three-second isometric hold prior to completing the jump which is similar to the
starting position before every race. Improved jump efficiency and speed were recorded and
correlated to time improvement in racing events. While there is no evidence that Jiu-Jitsu
movements are used in all aspects of sports, the use of the unilateral jump can be seen in the start
and turn phase of swimming, as well as with to the track start. Improvements with jumping has
the potential to improve time in a racing environment. It can also be seen that improvement
jumping can help with aspects of basketball and football performance.
According to a study by Astorino and colleagues (2011), the ergogenic effects of caffeine
could positively affect the performance of intense resistance. Athletics requires muscle activation
from the whole body, and it was shown that reduction of fatigue in muscles through various
exercises could improve performance of the sport. These exercises included the barbell bench
press, leg press, latissimus rows, and shoulder press. It was found that the ingestion of a caffeine
capsule prior to performing these exercises increased the number of repetitions that were able to
be performed for exercises such as leg press and latissimus row pulldowns. This can transfer to
enhanced endurance and power in those muscle groups and will allow the athlete to be able to
perform at a maximal intensity for longer and lead to time improvement in their respective
events (Astorino et al., 2011).
Similarly, in another study by Glaister and colleagues (2012), caffeine was tested to
determine if there was an ergogenic effect on short-term maximal cycling and other factors of
performance such as awareness and feeling of fatigue. It was shown that the use of caffeine
decreased the feeling of fatigue and provided more power output in the participants. The
participants were asked to perform a 20-second cycle test at a maximal intensity and then report
feelings of fatigue after. This provides an understanding that in a short race, such as the 50-yard
freestyle, a sprint event, or a quick play in football caffeine can be used to increase duration of
maximal performance.
Some sports require athletes to react to an auditory case, such as a whistle or buzzer, in
order to begin every race or to begin the play. Any improvement to reaction time can have an
impactful role in improving and gaining the upper hand in certain situations. In a study done by
Santos and colleagues (2014), the effects of caffeine were tested to determine if it provided
improvement to reaction time and fatigue levels in taekwondo. In this study, the ergogenic
effects of caffeine were found to improve reaction time and limit the fatigue in participants
performing explosive movements in taekwondo. In racing events, an improved reaction time and
muscle stimulus can be incorporated into the early phases of the race and enhancing stride/stroke
frequency as well as prediction and anticipation. While the movements in the study do not
directly apply to every aspect of sports included in this study, reaction time and level of fatigue
can be represented as factors that could contribute to improvements of the athlete at play. The
purpose of this study was to determine the ergogenic effects of caffeine among various collegiate
athletes in different sports and how caffeine consumption can be correlated to class schedule and
practice schedule. It was hypothesized that the consumption of caffeine will vary based on
dependence of anerobic, aerobic, and cognitive factors. It also served as a guide to gain a better
understanding of how caffeine is seen in the eyes of a college student athlete population and if it
is being used in a correct setting of performance or overall training.
This research design was model after Lara and colleagues (2015), and Mielgo-Ayuso and
colleagues (2019). Participants in this study were asked to complete a survey on their own
individual use of caffeine supplementation. This survey asked for the specific sport of the athlete
and the schedule of the season for the sport at the time of the survey. This was to determine a
baseline of different usages within a sport specific context. Specific sports with combined men
and women members were grouped together. The training schedule was included in the survey in
order to determine how much the individual is participating in their respective sport. Credit hours
were also included to give insight on the individual’s academic load and gives an indication of
class and practice scheduling together. The survey also includes if caffeine is consumed on a
regular basis to determine if the individual uses caffeine every day or only for competition
purposes. The time of day of caffeine consumption is important to see what the individual uses
caffeine for. These purposes could vary from a cup of coffee or energy drink before an early
morning lift or practice to just having a cup of coffee in the middle of the day due to fatigue from
classes. This will help gain more insight on how caffeine is being consumed throughout the day.
The next question was to determine what specific caffeine supplement was consumed and how
many milligrams of caffeine were consumed on a daily basis. This gives insight into the type of
caffeine consumed, which can be compared to standards set by the Food and Drug
Administration. The amount of caffeine can be compared to standard guidelines of health and
safety to see if college individuals are following the recommended intake of caffeine and gaining
the most ergogenic benefit without experiencing withdrawals and negative side effects.
Nutritional values were provided for the most common forms of caffeine usage and consumption
methods, such as coffee and most commonly used energy drinks. This supplied the study with
adequate information on what was the most available form of caffeine consumption for the
student population. The participants were also asked if they felt that caffeine helped to improve
performance of their overall athletics. This question helps distinguish psychological aspects of
caffeine such as motivation and overall feeling when using the product. Finally, the negative side
effects of caffeine are listed in an effort to determine if any of the participants in the study are
suffering from the overuse of caffeine. These symptoms include; insomnia, difficulty
concentrating, fatigue, increased anxiety, headache, decline in performance of their respective
sport, indigestion, rapid heartbeat, excessive urination, and trouble breathing. The design of this
survey was to assess and understand how caffeine is being used among the participant population
and distinguish a potential correlation between sports.
This study was designed to target the student athlete population of Gardner-Webb
University. The average age of participants is between 18-23 years. The survey was sent to the
Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and then distributed to all sports at Gardner-
Webb. These sports include soccer, baseball, softball, swimming, wrestling, golf, basketball,
lacrosse, football, tennis, and volleyball. On average the student athlete population of Gardner-
Webb is 594 athletes, this makes up roughly 20% of the entire student population. The
participants were asked to complete this survey in the current season of their sport which varies.
All participants gave consent to have their data shown in the study, as well as to complete the
survey with complete honesty. Participants in this study represented various positions and roles
for their respective sports, which also varied among data analysis. Each sport and position
contain different amounts of anerobic and aerobic exercise as well as duration and speed of play.
These factors were taken into consideration for comparing caffeine usage amongst the student
athlete population.
Research Design
This study is a quantitative study design in order to determine how the usage and
consumption of caffeine varied amongst a student athlete population at Gardner-Webb
University. The data collected during this study was both exploratory and descriptive as it
applied to human performance, physiological, and cognitive factors derived from consuming
caffeine. This exploratory result was derived from expanding upon research done by Pickering
and Grgic (2019), through examining the ergogenic effects of caffeine in relation to benefits
found in sports performance. The descriptive results gathered from this study were the overall
feeling of caffeine use on the individual as well as any negative side effects experienced.
The procedure of this study was submitting the survey to SAAC in order to have a
connection to all sports associated with Gardner-Webb University. SAAC representatives from
each sport were responsible for distributing the survey to their respective teams and having them
complete it in a timely manner. Once the results were collected, the data was transferred for
comparison to determine the most common answers among the student athletes. The most
received answers were determined and compared to see how the consumption of caffeine differs
among sports and their respective demands. Subjective questions were included to gain a better
understanding of how caffeine impacts an athlete’s performance and competition ability. This
Multi-Athlete Caffeine Analysis was then recorded, and results were shown side-by-side to
determine caffeine consumption. The popular answers were correlated to determine if any
outside factors had an influence on the role of caffeine consumption amongst the individual.
Ethical Consideration (Human Protection)
All participants that were involved in this study were aware and informed of all
procedures and could withdraw from participating in this study at any time. The records and
identity of the participants were to remain confidential once the participants signed a
confidentiality agreement. However, there was no regulation or guideline set that athletes could
not share their own results with each other.
Potential bias in this study includes a certain bias towards completing the survey with
complete integrity. In order to help dismiss this potential bias, the identifiers for the participating
group were asked to complete the survey with no outside influence and purely answer the
questions as they only applied to them. There is some personal bias as the researcher has
personal opinions of caffeine and its usage for in season competition. In addition, another bias is
participant bias. Even though all athletes were encouraged to fill out the survey, not every single
athlete filled out the form. This can create gaps and even outliers for some sports that filled out
the survey completely. There is also bias with how much a certain individual consumes caffeine
when compared to their teammates. An individual who consumes more caffeine could have an
impact when comparing caffeine usage across the respective sport. It is also bias if one
individual has more knowledge and education regarding the usage of caffeine and other
It was assumed that the participants involved in this study would have different schedules
as well as different practice demands in terms of their respective sport. Also, it was assumed in
this study that all Division 1 college athletics involved in this study complete a similar practice
schedule and intensities throughout the season. It was also assumed in this study that both male
and female involved would have a similar ergogenic response to caffeine consumption. It was
assumed that all athletes have some form of experience with consuming caffeine and are familiar
with its usage.
One limitation in this study was that the participants used were college athletes of
selective sports. They cannot represent a whole student athlete population. Another limitation
was the quality of caffeine consumption as most athletes are not familiar with the exercise
physiology of consuming caffeine and only do it purely for aid and energy related to practice or
competition. This was done to fill a small gap in research regarding the ergogenic effect of
caffeine and its influence on a student athlete population and how it is being consumed.
Additionally, the skill and ability may vary for each athlete as well as their intended usage of
caffeine consumption based on the demands and needs of their respective sport. To fix this, a
longer study would be needed to educate the participants in a similar manner regarding the
demands of their respective sport. Another limitation could be the habitual use of caffeine seen in
the everyday student athlete at a university. More athletes could be using caffeine as a means to
start the day and not for athletic or ergogenic benefit. They could also be overusing the
supplement which may increase tolerance as well as have a negative impact on their
performances during practices. A final limitation was the sample size used in this study. The
sample of participants was large and the limitation was due to participants’ self-selection.
A total of 176 athletes consented to fill out the questionnaire regarding caffeine
consumption at Gardner-Webb. The questionnaire separated the responses by sport, current
season, credit hour enrollment, consumption of caffeine, time of day of consumption, method of
consumption, average milligrams of caffeine consumed, a subjective field of how caffeine
affected performance, and any side effects of a result of consuming caffeine.
Table 1: Sport Analysis
Table 1 describes the participation of sports who filled out the questionnaire. It should be
noted that combined gender sports (such as soccer, swimming, and tennis) were grouped together
as the purpose of this study did not account for gender differences within a sport. It should also
be noted that the survey did not account for different spellings of the sports and those will be
grouped in together as one sport. The survey found active participation from 7 sports of Gardner-
Webb University out of 12 teams. The participation from within each sport in the study was over
70% of the active roster for the athletes.
Table 2: Season of Sport Assessment
Table 3: Training Schedule Assessment
Table 2 and 3 relate to the training schedule and season of the participants at the time of
the questionnaire. 49% of athletes were actively in season or at competition during the course of
the survey while a majority of others were participating in preseason events. The training
schedule of 40% of participants were more than 16 hours a week. 31% of participants were under
or at 8 hours per week of training. There was a high correlation value between season of sport
and hours of training seen in the results.
Table 4: Caffeine Consumption Assessment
Table 4 assesses the daily consumption of caffeine among active participants. It was found that
81% of participants consumed caffeine on a daily basis. The 19% of other participants do not
consume caffeine daily.
Table 5: Time of Day of Caffeine Consumption Analysis
Table 5 shows the differences between participant’s time of consumption for caffeine. It
was shown that 45% of participants consumed caffeine in the morning. The morning was labeled
as anything before 12 PM. 45% of participants consumed caffeine in the afternoon, which was
labeled between 12 PM and 5 PM of a given day. Finally, 10% of participants labeled “Not
Available” as their time of consumption. No participant labeled consuming caffeine in the
evening or after 5 PM.
Table 6: Source of Caffeine Assessment
Table 6 describes the different sources of caffeine used by participants. It should be noted
that the participants were allowed to select multiple answers for this question. It was shown that
65% of participants consumed caffeine in the form of an energy drink. 56% of the responses saw
that coffee and tea were highly consumed sources of caffeine. This showed a strong correlation
to individuals who labeled that their highest time of consumption was in the morning. 21% of
responses showed preworkout being used. Caffeine pills were a consumption method used by 2%
of the participants. Participants also labeled none as a caffeine consumption method if they did
not actively consume caffeine.
Table 7: Average Milligrams of Caffeine Analysis
Table 7 graphs the average dosages of caffeine present among the active participants in
this study. Roughly 40% of participants was averagely drinking more than 200 milligrams of
caffeine in a day. 35% of the active participants consumed between 101-200 milligrams of
caffeine. The other 27% of participants consumed less than 100 milligrams of caffeine per day.
A correlation was found between amount of caffeine consumed and method of consumption.
Table 8: Caffeine Purpose Analysis
Table 8 describes how caffeine is used among the student athlete population. It factors
out if caffeine is used in season for training and competition purposes. It was shown that 71% of
the participants use caffeine in relation to their training or competition. Among the participants
23% choose not to use caffeine in their training or competition. The not available section was
used primarily for those who do not consume caffeine at all.
Table 9: Subjective Performance
Table 9 describes a subjective evaluation of how the participants view the ergogenic
effects of caffeine. 76% of the survey population emphasized that they felt that caffeine
improved their performances within their sport. 13% of participant felt as though caffeine had no
improvement value to their respective sport. The 10% of “not available” was chosen only for
those who did not consume caffeine and had no subjective opinion on the ergogenic benefit of
Table 10: Caffeine Side Effects
Table 10 lists common symptoms that can occur after an individual consumes caffeine.
The participants were allowed to select all symptoms that applied after caffeine consumption. It
was shown that 72% of participants had difficulty concentrating after consuming caffeine. 62%
of participants also reported insomnia. There is a correlation for time of consumption and with
specific side effects of caffeine. Extreme fatigue and increased anxiety were shared among 50%
of the participants. 38% of the responses noted rapid heartbeat as a common symptom after
consuming caffeine. The lower spectrum of the student athlete population saw symptoms such as
indigestion, troubled breathing, and excessive urination.
The results of this study indicate that caffeine is a popular agent that is used amongst a
college student athlete population. It was also shown that participation was spread out across the
sports teams at Gardner-Webb University. Among 12 teams, 7 chose to participate in this study.
The survey was distributed to the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) to further
distribute the survey to all the teams. A limitation to this study was that there was no way to
force participation and have every athlete at Gardner-Webb University included. The sample size
of this study became 176 responses to represent the athlete population of Gardner-Webb. Further
data should be added to gain a better understanding of Division 1 athletes as a whole community.
Another limitation of this study is participant bias. Some participants could have answered the
questions incorrectly or untruthfully about caffeine consumption.
Table 2 and 3 relate to the current season and training hours of the participants at the time
they completed the survey. On average the active participation of the athletes was training 16 or
more hours a week. The offseason NCAA rule requires athletes to complete no more than 8
hours of training. There was a correlation found between active season of the athlete and caffeine
consumption. It was found that the longer the practice schedule, the greater the increase in
caffeine consumption rate daily among the athletes. Sports such as swimming, football,
volleyball, and soccer emphasized inseason training and having a higher caffeine consumption.
The sports analyzed involved high aerobic activity lasting long periods with the inclusion of
anaerobic qualities such as short sprints or plays that require high energy outbursts. According to
Keane et al., (2020) having a schedule with more early practices as well has having two sessions
of training in a day promotes the need to consume caffeine and carbohydrates throughout the
day. As seen with the following sports, multiple have an early morning session as well as an
afternoon session. The remaining sports was found to be in the preseason of their training. This
included participating in training that was less than 16 hours. It was found that as the intensity
and length of training increased, there was a increased demand and increased consumption of
According to Graham (2002), caffeine is seen in regular diets in the form of morning
coffee or tea, as well as pre workout potential in the afternoon. In a college environment,
consuming caffeine on a daily basis is normal for the everyday student. However, continuing
consumption may have an impact on increased tolerance levels as well as promote a need for the
individual (Tran, 2015). This can be seen in Tables 4 and 5 varying on time of caffeine
consumption. Most notably, athletes were seen to consume caffeine daily, mostly in the morning,
labeled as before 12 PM. According to Tran (2015) a popular form of consumption for students
has also been found in energy drinks. Energy drinks have been defined as a beverage with
stimulant compounds that include caffeine. Energy drinks are consumed in the afternoon and
used before competition and training as they contain more caffeine than a cup of coffee. On
average it is seen that energy drinks contain 200 milligrams of caffeine anhydrous providing
more stimulant for the athlete (Chtourou et al. 2019). Table 6 broadens the view of how athletes
consume caffeine. It was shown that coffee and energy drinks were the most available options
for athletes and the most used by the athlete population. According to Tunnicliffe (2008) coffee
was used as a dietary supplement for Canadian athletes to help start the day and improve
morning training regardless of sport. For this study it can be assumed that most athletes drink
coffee as it is a readily available resource in several locations on Gardner-Webb campus. Coffee
may not have the readily available stimulants compared to preworkouts and energy drinks, but in
some cases, athletes with lower tolerances could in fact achieve ergogenic aid from a standard
cup of coffee, which averages 85 milligrams of caffeine. In understanding energy drinks and
preworkout, other metabolic stimulants are incorporated in the substance to improve ergogenic
aid performances. These substances include beta-alanine and L-citrulline (McCormack &
Hoffman., 2012). The two substances work together with caffeine to improve response time,
focus, energy endurance, as well as overall strength activation and output. The lowest form of
caffeine consumption was the use of caffeine pills. This is because the other forms of
consumption are readily available as drinks or flavored powder, which is more appealing than
standard pills. In this study it, was shown that energy drinks and coffee were the most appealing
in a student population at Gardner-Webb University.
Another important factor of analyzing caffeine consumption is the amount of overall
caffeine the individual intakes daily to prove effective ergogenic results in regard to their sport.
According to Pickering & Grgic (2019), the most efficient dosage of caffeine was found to be 3
milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight. The average of weight among a college
athlete varies based on the demands and roles of their respective sport. According to McArdle et
al. (2015) the average weight and size for collegiate sports such as football, wrestling, and
basketball, male athletes showed an average of weighing 75 kilograms. For endurance-based
athletes the average weight was 60 kilograms. Using Pickering & Grgic (2019) as a guideline for
caffeine supplementation, it would make the most efficient caffeine dosage between 180-225
milligrams of caffeine. In table 8 the college athlete population of Gardner-Webb University is
seen to consume more than 200 milligrams of caffeine daily with some athletes consuming
between 101-200 milligrams. This can be assumed that most athletes are consuming an excess of
caffeine daily and are experiencing negative side effects of caffeine usage, this is seen in Table
10 of the results. Athletes who consume caffeine daily will build a tolerance in adenosine
receptors and often experience a crash after consuming too much caffeine in order to perform for
training. This surplus will have an impact in competition as it will require more caffeine to be
used in order to reach ergogenic results. It was found in this study that more education is needed
to help athletes reach and manage ergogenic results from the use of caffeine supplementation. It
should also be noted that the overuse of caffeine can increase a demand or tolerance of caffeine
in the individual leading to a decline in performance.
It was found that athletes of Gardner-Webb University used caffeine as a means of
improving performance and felt that it was assistive in the demands of the weight room as well
as on the field of their respective sport. According to Jodra et al. (2020) caffeine was used among
elite athletes to achieve more strength and explosive power when performing a one repletion max
and for time improvement varying across sports. In this study the time improvement can only be
seen used by swimming. The other sports included in this study include, football, soccer,
volleyball, softball, lacrosse, and tennis. These sports are more endurance based as there is a time
limit of play. According to Astorino et al. (2011), caffeine supplementation was used in
accordance with resistive weight training to improve strength and power among sports. It was
found in this study that caffeine was used in a similar manner for the athletes.
The overuse of caffeine can have a decline on performance for college athletes and the
overreliance of the supplement has been shown to affect the ability to respond to outside stimuli
that is a very important aspect of all sports included in this study. As seen in Table 10, a list of
negative side-effects was presented to the athletes regardless if they consumed caffeine on a
regular basis to gain a better understanding of the physiological applications of caffeine. The
negative side effects included difficulty concentrating at a task at hand, anxiety, insomnia,
fatigue, headache, indigestion, excessive urination, troubled breathing, and rapid heartbeat. The
side effects of caffeine usage were examined and studied prior to the study and it was found that
regardless of caffeine, students experienced these daily. According to Pickering & Grgic (2019),
caffeine overstimulation can have a decline in performance value if used too often and if too
much caffeine is used in one sitting. When analyzing the results most students were seen to use
caffeine and experience all the side effects. While the study could not determine if caffeine was
the driving factor for the side effects, they were acknowledged among the athlete population.
This brings a better understanding that more education is needed before using caffeine as an
additional supplement for sports performance. Caffeine is seen in coffee and energy drinks and
acts as a diuretic. As more caffeine is consumed it is seen that the individual will experience
indigestion as well as frequent urination which excretes the caffeine from the body. Even though
caffeine is seen to improve responsiveness and reaction time (Santos et al., 2014), it was seen
that overstimulation makes it difficult to focus on the task at hand for the individual and
therefore, a decline in performance was seen. As seen in this study, proper education is needed to
enhance the usage of caffeine and limit the various negative effects of overstimulation for the
There were several limitations present in this study. The first limitation was the
participation of athletes in the survey. The sample size of 176 is a large participation factor but it
cannot conclude the caffeine consumption for a complete Division 1 program. It can be used
however, for educational purposes to analyze how athletes view caffeine and its supplementation
across various sports. Also, it should be noted that not all sports of Gardner-Webb University
chose to participate in this study as only 7 of 12 teams completed the survey. Another limitation
of this study is that there was no regulation of participants when completing this study.
Participants were asked to be honest but there could be some bias in regard to how much caffeine
an individual can consume. This limitation also presents an implication with athletes who already
consume caffeine and have an increased tolerance prior to participating in the study. Finally,
there is a limitation on the effect of caffeine and correlation to class schedule and academic
function. It was seen that an increase in credit hours could have an impact regarding caffeine
consumption, especially in addition to a sports schedule. The survey did not account for the
combination of caffeine supplementation with academic purposes and purely focused on athletic
aid and point of view. To improve the study from its limitations, a more in depth and longer
survey will be needed to gain better participation and educate athletes about the use and
consumption of caffeine. The purpose of this study was to analyze how different sports and
athletes use the supplement of caffeine as an ergogenic aid. It was also used to understand how
outside stimuli may contribute to the need for caffeine consumption.
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